'It's not a date'

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*1 Year Later*

Zoe's POV

I took a large stretch before climbing out of my warm shared bed. I walked over and grabbed a shower so I was ready for work.

Doing my usual routine. I done all my make-up then left my hair straight and put on my black polo that had my work label on it. I only worked at a music store but it was enough to pay my ways.

"I've gotta go babe" I said then kissed Jai on the cheek.

"I'll come see you at work later" He said "Love you...Have a good day" He said and I walked out the door to head to my shop.

I was quite annoyed that the grade I graduated college with wasn't enough to get me into the job as an assistant producer at film or tv studios. I need three A*'s and I only got two and a A+ so I was quite annoyed but I can always work my way up I guess.

The store I work at is located in the middle of the town. It was small and each isle was filled with CD's,record's and vinyl's that were alphabetically organized.

"Morning" I said as I walked out the back to put my bag and coat in the tiny locker we're given.

"Good mood?" Harry who I work with asked.

"Not really but i'll get over it" I laughed then plugged on earphone in so I could still hear what everyone had to say.

"Harry we need you to get the delivery...I'll be around and Zoe can you take care of re-stocking and managing the tills?" Our manager said. 

"Sure" I nodded even though that's just double work. I'm normally just on till or helping people find the right CD for whatever mood they find themselves in.

I grabbed the heavy box that contained the CD's,records and other things and went to the shop floor. 

I was mumbling along the words to a song that had came on, completely blocking out everything that was happening around me and just stocked up the shelf that was labelled 'A'.

I turned around quickly and saw a boy which gave me a fright because, one I didn't think we were even open yet and two I wasn't excepting anyone to come in and stand right next to me. Basically on top of me.

"Jesus, you scared me" I held onto my chest and he just laughed.

The laugh.

I remember it from somewhere.

I looked up and the boy was looking down at me.

Michael Clifford.

I just tried to ignore him and focus on my work. Trying to not even stand near him but everything I just re-stocked and put in the right place he was picking up and moving.

"Twat" I muttered and he clearly heard me because he just looked at me and laughed.

He looked a little different now. He had got his eyebrow pierced,grown and dyed his hair white.

Typical him.

I was trying to move away from him but he was right on top of me constantly. I went to place a CD up on the top shelf but failed when all the CD's came down and landed around me. Including the ones in my hand.

I bent down and collected them then put them back in their original place.

"Zoe" My manager said and motioned me to help Michael with whatever.

I rolled my eyes then turned around and he was just reading the back of the CD's.

"Can I help you find anything?" I politely forced out.

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