Michaels pov
"Michael it really hurts though" She complained at the pains she kept getting.
"Fuck sake Zoe! All you do is complain! There hasn't been one day where you haven't fucking complained!" I yelled then walked out the house.
All she's been doing is complaining and i'm honestly getting so annoyed.
She's moved in with me, obviously because we're having a baby together. But ever since she's moved in she hasn't stopped complaining.
It's constant. We barely have conversations anymore because she's just complaining about her pains.
I walked all the way to Luke's since he only lives round the corner. I honestly need a break from all her complaining and baby talk.
"Hey bro" Luke said as I walked in.
"Alright" I groaned.
"Jeez. What's up with you?" He asked.
"Zoe. She won't stop fucking complaining...It's getting so annoying" I complained.
"Who's the complainer now?" He laughed.
"I'm being serious Luke!" I complained. Wow she's rubbing off on me.
I heard my phone ring and it was her. I just muted it and put it back in my pocket.
"Aren't you going to answer it?" Luke asked.
"No...She's probably just going to complain some more" I rolled my eyes and sat down.
I turned on the telly and flicked through all the channels when I heard Luke's phone ring.
"It's Zoe" He said.
"Don't answer it...She's just being clingy" I said. I should stop talking about her in this manor but jesus she can get me going.
"What if its important?" He said in a worried tone.
"Just reject it!" I yelled.
"No..." He said then answered it.
I just sat back in my seat and watched whatever show was on.
"Fucking hell! Okay i'll run round now!" I heard him rush.
I didn't even say anything. I just sat there.
"Hey Michael, I hate to interrupt your TV time but your girlfriend is in labour" Luke said and I stood straight up "Oh now you care huh?" Luke laughed.
"Let's just fucking go" I said then ran out the door.
I ran all the way back to mine since it wasn't that far then basically broke the door down trying to get in.
"Zoe?!" I yelled then heard her scream.
I ran all the way through and she was laying on the floor crying and sweating.
"Fuck what should I do?" I said and knelt down next to her "How long have you been like this?" I rushed.
"How many fucking times you ignored my calls!" She yelled and cried in pain.
I dialed 999 on my phone and got put straight through to the ambulance. I gave them all the information but they said it may take awhile due to traffic.
"They said we have to do it" I said to Luke.
"Okay sir...I need you to keep your girlfriend as calm as possible and have a look to see if there is any sign of the baby" She said and I went to pull down Zoe's leggings but she pushed me away.
"Piss off" She said then clenched onto her stomach.
I finally managed to get a proper look and I didn't really know what I was looking for to be honest.
"She's going to need to push then tell me when you see something" The women said.
It was about 10 minutes later when I finally saw something.
"I see the head!" I said down the phone.
"Okay sir...You're going to need fresh warm towels and sterilized scissors" She said and I told Luke to get them "Once the baby is nearly out. Tell her to give another big push then cut the cord in the middle" She said.
"I can't do it...It hurts" Zoe cried.
"You're doing amazing...Just one more big push and you're done!" I said.
"Soon as the baby is out wrap it up in the warm towel and give it straight to mum" She said and Zoe gave another push then a piercing cry filled the room. I cut the cord in the correct place then and smiled.
"It's a girl" I said then gave her straight to Zoe once she was wrapped in a towel.
"Are you done? Is mum and baby safe?" The women said.
"Everything's perfect" I said. I was completely lost for words.
"The ambulance will take a look soon as they get there" The women said "Well done and congratulations" She finished then hung up.
I crawled over to where she was laying and holding our baby.
"Have you thought of names?" Luke asked.
"I didn't expect to drop a month early so not really" Zoe said completely out of breath.
"How about Lily?" I suggested.
"Lily" She smiled "Our little Lily" She said.
She was so small and beautiful. She looks a lot like me but...Girl form.
"I'm so sorry about earlier...I didn't mean to snap and become an ass about it" I said.
"Well...Your here now so that's all that matters" She smiled.
"I'll always be here for two girls" I kissed both there foreheads.
I'm going to try and change. But it will be hard.
I mean we need money and I need to get it somehow right?
this is what happened at my aunties home birth (the instructions) so lol
anyway thanks to the people who commented ideas on the last chapter they will be taken into thought.
comment more ok.

Restricted (Michael Clifford)
Hayran KurguZoe and Michael have been through a lot. But now they are going to face a whole lot more.... SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN LOVE © 2015, Ash (bxndtxbers), All rights reserved