Zoe's POV
"How the fuck do you make milk out of this powdery thing?" Michael asked holding up a tin of milk powder and a bottle.
"You just put two table spoons in then some hot water" I groaned.
"But that will taste disgusting" He said.
"It's for a fucking baby...There's instructions" I huffed.
"Can't you do it?" He whined.
"Michael I just want a shower...I've had no sleep...I just want a 10 minute break" I sighed.
"Can I come?" He perked up.
"Make the milk then go give it to her" I snapped and he just laughed.
Don't get me wrong. I love having a family. Lily is adorable and is the spitting image of Michael and he's so gentle with her. He's scared he'll hurt her and he needs constant reassurance he wont.
I could hear Lily crying and Michael shouting for me so my shower was cut short.
I put on a fresh new baggy t-shirt and pj shorts then walked to see he had finally settled her.
"I panicked i'm sorry" He passed her over to me.
"No need to panic...She throws hissy fits just like her dad" I joked.
"I don't throw hissy fits!" He whined again.
I let out a yawn from the fact I haven't slept in two days which has been the length of time she's been born. We've had basically everyone we know come round to see her meaning Michael had to hide all his things that he had laying around. I've already told them he needs to either keep them completely out of the way or get rid of them because we can't have dangerous things laying around the house. He has a habit of leaving half finished joints and Ashton has the habit of throwing his weapon he used that night on the floor when he walks in.
"Right i'm going to sleep" I yawned and laid Lily down in her crib.
"Me too" Michael said then pulled his shirt and jeans off.
Once we was in her crib and comfy I collapsed onto the bed and instantly fell asleep.
I looked around the room after waking up unexpectedly to see nothing mainly because the room was pitch black and i'm not surprised because I saw the time was 2am.I ran my hand across the bed so I could snuggle into Michael but he wasn't there. I looked up and Lily wasn't in her crib either.
I don't know why but I panicked and got straight out of bed to see a light down the far end of the hall.
I followed the light into the living room and saw Michael holding Lily looking out the window at the stars as he whispered softly to her.
"See, you daddy never had much while he was growing up...But you,you're going to have everything you want and more. I'll give you everything I never had. I'm going to make sure you have the most perfect life. Just know that you can be whatever you want. You can be a spaceman,fire man,singer or dancer...Just don't follow in my foot steps. I'm going to provide for all of us and make sure we have a perfect family life. Everything I do is going to be for you and your mummy. I also want you to know that no matter what people may say dress however you like. I was always told to wear posh ass stuff but you...You can wear what you like. You can dress in pretty pinks or go around in a football or dress just like me or even dress up as a pirate. I don't care what you do as long as you're happy doing whatever it is then i'm happy...You mean the world to me...I may of been a horrible person when I first found out you was on your way but now you've become my whole world. I'm going to be a perfect dad for you and i'll give you the life that I never had" He whispered to her while holding her in his arms "I love you so much" He whispered.
"That was a beautiful speech" I said and walked closer.
"Oh sorry..I...Well she was crying and you've been saying you were tired and-" I cut him off.
"Mike, you don't need to explain yourself" I whispered since Lily was finally asleep "But what you said was beautiful" I finished.
He pulled me closer to him and rubbed my shoulder while holding Lily in the other.
"My girls" He said then kissed both of our foreheads.

Restricted (Michael Clifford)
FanfictionZoe and Michael have been through a lot. But now they are going to face a whole lot more.... SEQUEL TO FORBIDDEN LOVE © 2015, Ash (bxndtxbers), All rights reserved