A few weeks in La! Part Two

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Marie woke to find herself fast asleep on the sofa with Dylan next to her. She guessed her friends had returned during the night as a cover was placed over them.

She also noticed her head was on Dylan chest and arms wrapped around each other.

Marie slowly moved trying not to wake him. But he soon woke.

"Morning, what time is it?" Dylan asked.

"It's 7:30am. I guess we slept all night". Marie said getting up from the sofa.

She stood up and looked at Dylan. He sat up and watched her go into her room. He sat on the sofa thinking.

Marie soon got changed and sorted she joined Dylan back on the sofa.

"I'm guessing my friends decided not to wake us". Marie said.

"I guess so". Dylan said.

"Are you hungry". They both said at the same time. Making both of them laugh.

"Yes and I thought it was my stomach". Marie said.

"Ok, I know somewhere that does good breakfasts". Dylan said.

Marie nodded and stood up checking her phone and getting her bag. They left the apartment and headed to where Dylan said.

She took out her phone and sent a message

I-message Group chat!


Going for breakfast with Dylan see you all later!

She put her phone away has Dylan opened the door to where they was going. They was soon seated. Somewhere out of the way.

"This place is really nice". Marie said.

"It's good here, the food here is amazing". Dylan said.

They both talked about things.

"Can I get your number!"  Dylan asked suddenly. As he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Of course, give me your phone". Marie said as Dylan unlocked and gave Marie his phone.  She gave her his and both put there numbers into each others phones.

Marie handed his phone back and Dylan did the same.

Marie noticed a few fans looking over and smiled at Dylan. They seemed to leave without coming up to him, Marie thought this was a bit odd as she thought fans was always coming up to him.

"Do they often not come up to you?" Marie said.

"Yes and no, has I'm sat with you there probably wondering who you are!" Dylan said.

"Oh is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Marie said.  Just then her phone beep.

I-message group chat!


Oh. Really!   Have fun! 😉


Its just breakfast together. Easy girl.


He likes you! And you like him!

Marie shook her head and put her phone away! 

"Everything ok?" Dylan asked.

"Yes just Shelly". Marie said making Dylan nod and smile.

"So what do you have to do, do you have any interviews etc". Marie said.

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