A married couple?! A Mitch Rapp story! Part Fourteen

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Marie was starting to feel restless her emotions was all over the place at the moment. Due to the pregnancy. She was now further gone into her pregnancy. Now at 5 months. This worried Mitch regarding her mood swings.
Mitch decided to do some reading on this. As one minute she was ok the next she wasn't. Reading he realised this was normal and all he could do was be there for her.

"Mitch". Marie said.
"What's wrong?" He Said.
"Come and give me a cuddle". Marie said. She was laying on the sofa. She couldn't sit up her back hurt. So she choose to lay down. Mitch smiled and laid behind her. Wrapping his arms around her kissing the back of her head. Marie loved his cuddles. And moved into him. The baby started moving again.
Marie moved his hand. So he could feel there baby kicking.
This was the first time he had felt there baby kicking.
"Wow, that was hard is the baby ok?" Mitch said.
"Yeah baby is fine. I think he or she is playing something like football in my stomach". Marie said. As the baby kicked again.
"Ok little one settle down". Mitch said softly to her stomach. Making Marie look at him.
He talked softly. Marie knew the Baby could hear his voice.
Marie started to feel hungry. And slowly got up.
"Where you going?" Mitch said.
"I'm hungry. Going to kitchen to get some food". Marie said. As she started to get off the sofa.
"I will get it". Mitch said. Marie looked at him and smiled and nodded. Giving her a kiss he quickly went off into the kitchen.
Marie laid back placing her hand on her tummy.

Her mood swings had even Stan backing off from her as well. This made Irene laugh.
Marie had been having check ups and also a scan. But they couldn't see what the sex of the baby was. Because for some reason the baby decided not to move that day. But neither of them minded they will find out soon enough.

The person who was looking after Marie, had been spoken to by Stan and Irene regarding matters. And was also warned to stop making a play for Mitch has she was starting to flirt with him again. But Mitch wasn't flirting back nor liking what she was doing.
So they spoke to her to leave a married man alone.

The women didn't like it much. But she was told to look after Marie and the baby. And keep her hands off Mitch.
Even Mitch told her the same.
Mitch was only interested in one women and that was his wife.

He soon returned with some food for her.
"Thank you". Marie said. As he sat next to her. Marie soon eat the food. She was hungry and so was the baby.
"Both feel better now?" Mitch said.
"Yeah, let's hope the baby settles a bit". Marie said.
"Well I can always talk to the baby". Mitch said.
"Such a sweet heart". Marie said. Running her hands throw his hair. She moved and laid her head down on his lap. Her legs so she was comfy. Mitch played with her hair letting her relax. She loved it when he did that.

The two of them was still getting use to the idea of them having a baby. Mitch couldn't wait to hold his child in his arms.
Stan wasn't surprised that this made him more protective over them both. He had no idea what Mitch would be like as a father. But in a few months time he would find out.

Stan kept an eye on the situation of the people. So fair wasn't much. But they did find where they could be and was kept an eye on. Stan didn't want these people near Marie.
Mitch couldn't lose them as well. Stan was going to make sure that didn't happen.

Marie and Mitch laying together now in bed. Marie wrapped in his arms. Every so often the baby would give a kick. So Mitch would place his hand on her tummy. It seemed to help settle the baby.
Which was ok with Marie as she could get some sleep.


The two woke up suddenly the next morning it was late in the morning. Marie was ok having slept a lot better the night before. Which was thanks to Mitch. Has with his hand on her tummy the baby had settled a lot. Still moving around but not like the baby was.
Mitch was talking to her tummy she looked down at him and couldn't help but smile.
"Was the baby moving around?" Marie said.
"Yes. He can hear me right, or am I thinking more?" Mitch said.
"Mitch, the baby can hear your voice. Because when you talk to the baby, the baby settles. Means baby can hear your voice". Marie said. Smiling at him.
"We need to think of names?" Mitch said. Looking at her. This was true. Neither of them had given names a thought. But they needed to think of some for a boy and a girl. But they didn't know what the sex was at the moment.
"Yeah I know. So what girls and boys names do you like?" Marie said.
"Well. That's a questions. I haven't really given it a thought. Bad I know. What about you?" Mitch said.
"Well, Chloe, Lizzie, Katrina, Katherine, Lisa. For a girl. And for a boy Sam, Mitchell, Dylan, Thomas, Tyler. And a few others". Marie said.
"There nice. Do you think we will find out what we are having when you have your next scan?" Mitch said.
"Let's hope". Marie said.
Marie started feeling hungry.
"I need to eat". Marie said.
"Well what does my wife want to eat". Mitch said. Looking at her.
"Are you going to make me breakfast?" Marie said.
"Of course. What would you like?" Mitch said.
Mitch made her some food. She loved his cooking the man knew how to cook.
"Feel better?" Mitch said.
"I do yes. Will probably be hungry again soon". Marie said rubbing her tummy. Mitch smiled at her.

Marie was already feeling tired and it was still morning. She knew as the baby got bigger she would be feeling even more tired. But right now she needed to lay down. Laying on the sofa she put on the tv.

Mitch came in and saw her laying down.
"Feeling tired?" Mitch said.
"I am yes. Even though I slept all night. I still feel tired". Marie said. Looking at her husband standing there. Messy hair, facial hair his shirt opened showing off his chest. Marie could help but look at him. He looked rather sexy, but then again he always looked sexy to her.
"What?" Mitch said. Seeing the way his wife was looking at him.
"Just looking at you. Rather sexy like that". Marie said. Mitch walked to her and laid down with her. Eye level so there noises was touching.
"And you look rather sexy to me as well". Mitch said. Kissing her. Marie moaned into his mouth. Running her hands throw his messy hair.
His hands gently on her back.
"I love you". Mitch said.
"And I love you too". Marie said. Kissing again.
Mitch pulled her to him. Letting her lay her head on his chest.
She was tired still. Rubbing her back. She soon fall a sleep.
Mitch placed his hand on her tummy. As she slept.
He knew the baby was moving, as Marie's tummy was showing it was. He kissed her tummy gently. As he let her sleep in his arms.

She slept for a few hours. Mitch had got up and was making some lunch. Marie woke up to the smell of food cooking. Making her hungry.
She got up walking into the kitchen.
"Hello sweetie, sleep ok?" Mitch said.
"Yeah. I think. This smells so nice. Making me really hungry". Marie said.
"Of course. How you feeling?" Mitch said.
"I'm ok. Oh don't forget scan tomorrow". Marie said.
"I haven't forgotten. Let's hope we can find out what your having". Mitch said. Placing his hand on her tummy.
"Now go and sit back down. And I will bring the food into you". Mitch said.
"You are an amazing man you know that Mitch Rapp". Marie said. Kissing him on the lips.
"Well your an amazing women". Mitch said.
Marie walked out and sat back down. Watching the tv.

She had a look at her phone. Marie knew Irene and Stan would be there tomorrow. But not in the room. They would be waiting outside.
Irene was hoping they would find out what Marie was having. Stan just wanted to make sure every thing was ok.

Mitch was nervous. Yes he had seen his baby on screen before. But Marie was getting closer and closer to when they will be due to deliver. He was hoping every thing would go ok.  He just wanted to hold his child in his arms.


So far they had news on the people who they was looking for. Luckily the people who was under cover was keeping an eye on them. Making sure that they did not come anywhere near Marie. Stan wanted to keep them away from her for good.
Which meant one thing! Someone would have to kill them.


Marie and Mitch spent the day watching tv. And thinking about baby names. They said some again.  Mitch liked them but like Marie he wanted to wait until they knew what they was having. But also till there baby was born then decide on a name for there baby.
Marie had got a lot of things in. So they was ready.

The people who worked there still wondered if there marriage was real. Not many knew about Marie being pregnant. Even though they talked nothing was confirmed at the moment. Plus it wasn't Irene's or Stan's job to say about the baby. It was up to Marie and Mitch. Of course once the baby was born they would need to say something then. But at the moment. They didn't. So it wasn't stressing them out. People not knowing.
Mitch just wanted to look after his wife and child. When the was arrives then they would say something.

The baby was kicking Marie. Moving around. Making her a bit uncomfortable.
"Wow easy kid!" Marie said. As the baby kicked her hard.
"He making themselves  known?" Mitch said.
"Yeah baby is. At least the baby moving and is ok". Marie said.
"Yep. But it's uncomfortable for you". Mitch said.
"Yeah well can't be helped. Let's hope baby as moved so we find out". Marie said.
"Yep. Don't forget to drink plenty". Mitch said.
"That's the bit I don't like. When they press on my bladder". Marie said.
"I know". Mitch said.
Marie rest her head on his shoulder.
"We have everything for the baby right?" Mitch said.
"Pretty much. So far clothing wise. Plan things. So once we know. We can get either boys or girls colours". Marie said.
"I can't wait". Mitch said.
"I know. Me neither". Marie said. As she played with his hair.

Marie was still a bit worried about the people. But because of her pregnancy she put it to the back of her mind. And focused on her pregnancy, making sure no stress could harm there baby.

Marie could sense that Mitch was also worried. They spoke about things regarding this. Mitch was also going to leave it in the hands of Irene and Stan and focus on their baby. Plus there marriage as well. Which meant sorting out a real wedding. But they needed to get married for real quietly.

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