A married couple?! A Mitch rapp story. Part Three

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Marie sat there just watching Mitch firing the gun. Marie was taking no notice of anything else. She had her phone in her hand and was just looking throw things. She didn't even notice the other people walk in.
Until she felt some one sit next to her. She looked to her left to see Thomas sat next her. Marie moved a bit away from him. As the closeness made her feel a bit uncomfortable.
Mitch was still where he was firing his gun. Soon he was soon and took off his ear protecters.
Thomas was still sat where she was, the rest of them was near the guns. Mitch noticed them and looked over at Marie.
"Oh hi guys didn't hear you come in". Mitch said walking over too where Marie was. He took her hand and pulled her up to him, giving her a kiss. Marie wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him back.
The others watched the pairs affection to one another. Mitch slowly broke the kiss and cuddled her.
"So what brings you a lot here? Does Irene need us for something?" Mitch said.
"Oh no, no. Going to get some practice in. Just in case an assignment comes up". Luke said.
"Yeah true. Plus makes the day go faster". Mitch said.
"So what about you Marie, has Mitch showed you how to fire a gun?" Luke said.
"No. I don't like guns. I have no interest in using one". Marie said. Making them all look at her.
"Wow. You don't like guns and your married to as Assassin". Thomas said.
"It's Mitch's job to use a use gun not mine. As long has he's safe and careful, that's all I'm concerned about". Marie said. Looking down at her phone as it vibrated in her hands.
"You two are one odd couple!" Thomas said.
"What is that suppose to mean?" Marie Said.
"Well you don't like guns but again your married to Mitch". Luke said. Mitch was starting to get annoyed with the people.
"So. I married him not his job". Marie said. Looking again at her phone reply to a few messages. As Mitch wrapped his arms around her from behind. Again they watched the pair. Mitch saw the messages and put his chin on her shoulder.
"So. What's the sex like? Is Mitch doing it for you. It as been a while for him". Thomas said.
Marie couldn't believe what she was hearing this was making her really uncomfortable.
"Non of your business". Marie said. This pissed Mitch off. She turned around and looked at him.
"Will be back. I need to pee". Marie said kissing him quickly and heading out of the gun range area and to the loo's. She needed to get away from them before she said something that would probably blow the cover. As
she rounded the corner she ran into Irene.
"Wow Marie in a hurry?" Irene said.
"Yes and no. Luke, Thomas and the rest of them making comments about me and Mitch. Had to get out of their before I said something". Marie Said.
"What they saying?" Irene Said.
Marie told her how they kept Making her feel uncomfortable.

Back at the gun range Mitch stood there looking at the guys.
" Why you making her uncomfortable? Can you stop please she is my wife. Why is that so hard to believe?" Mitch said.
"Because we have never seen you even look at a women let along marry them. And here you are with a wife". Luke said.
"Well maybe the women here don't interest me the way Marie does. And maybe because I would rather be with a women who wants to be with me like the way she does". Mitch said.
"Really. So have you two you know yet?" Luke said.
"Seriously we are married". Mitch said.
"Yeah. I'm puzzled. Where did you meet her. She doesn't seem the type you would go for". Thomas said.
"What is that meant to mean?" Mitch said.
"Well she's just plan. She keeps she's self covered up. What she hiding?" Luke said.
"Ok guys enough". A voice said. They looked up to see Irene stood there was an un impressed look on her father.
"No more questioning either Mitch or Marie ok. Expect that they are married and let them get on with things ok. Now either do some training or Leave the gun range". Irene said.
They all looked at each other. Mitch put the guns he was using away and walked out and leaving the others there. Irene followed him as soon has they was further enough away. Mitch looked at her.
"Where is Marie?" Mitch said worried. As he remembered she left for the loo but hadn't come back.
"At your home. She's uncomfortable with them and their questioning". Irene said.
"I know,  I know. We are trying to make this look at real as possible. But some people are questioning all this. I know it's my job to keep her safe. But you also know affection is hard for me. But I want let her get hurt". Mitch said.
" I know Mitch, have you explained to Marie all this. We will try and stop all this questioning ok regarding this. It's even new for Marie as well. You two need to talk privately. But so far if I didn't know better I would say you two where like any married couple. Spending time together. Showing affection". Irene said.
"What about him?" Mitch said.
"I think he's still getting used to having her around. He hasn't been around her at all and now because of a situation she's here and he's had to assign someone to protect her. And he knows nothing about her. Which in a way that is good and bad". Irene said.
"Yeah I know. She's really nice and sweet though. Very sarcastic mind you". Mitch said. Irene laughed a bit.
"Then you two will be great together". Irene said. Making Mitch look at her.
"But seriously Mitch. It's just out in public. She can't be kept locked up. And for the other agents I will make it clear that you are a married man and to stop making Marie feel uncomfortable. Now why don't you go and see if she's ok". Irene said. Mitch nodded and took off back to their shared apartment.
A few of the agents looked at him as he passed him.
"Oh Mitch where is that gorgeous wife of yours". One agent shouted. Mitch stopped and walked towards him.
"Sorry what was that?" Mitch said.
"Mate calm down. Your one lucky man. Her though seriously, why would she marry you for. Her taste seriously". The man said.
"You maybe because loves me that's why she married me". Mitch said.
Mitch found himself getting angry at this.
"Yeah but seriously mate. You don't let anyone get close to you. I mean do you two do married things in that apartment. Because we never hear anything". He said laughing.
"That's really nothing to do with you. And she knows me a lot more than you do. So please stop sticking your nose into our marriage". Mitch said.
"Yeah yeah mate. But she is gorgeous". Another said.
"Ok guys that's enough. Mitch you get back to Marie. You two come with me". Irene said. They all looked at her as Mitch walked off getting back to Marie.
Thoughts running throw his mind. This women was gorgeous. And he gets to protect her by being married to her.

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