A married couple?! A mitch rapp story! Part Two

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The following morning Marie woke up. She looked around the room. The bed next to her was empty. Marie laid there for a few minutes remembering the night before.
She couldn't believe she had agreed to this. But apparently it was important to keep her safe.
Marie could hear movement and got out of bed. She walked into a room to see Mitch punching a bag. She stood there watching him for a few minutes. He stopped and looked to see her standing there.
"Well afternoon sleep ok?" Mitch said.
"Afternoon it's not is it?" Marie said. Looking at the clock. She looked at Mitch again.
"Yeah I guess I was more tired than I thought". Marie said.
The pair stood there looking at each other. Before Marie left the room and went into the kitchen. She stood there for a few minutes.

"So are you going to come with me later?" Mitch said. Making me jump where she stood. She turned around and looked at him.
"I suppose. This is going to take some getting used to me and you. All this". Marie said. Walking to the fridge and getting a drink. She decided to get some thing to eat.
"Yes I know. But until it's safe we are stuck with each other". Mitch said.
"I know. And I know this isn't your fault. Your just doing what your told". Marie said.
Mitch walked and stood next to her. She looked at him.
"Look maybe we should put some rules in place so we know how fair the other one is willing to go in front of people to make this look more believe able!" Mitch said.
"Maybe your right. Ok. Holding hands is fine. Hugging yeah ok". Marie said.
"What about kissing?" Mitch said. She kind of forgot that bit.
"I suppose but not a full kiss. And only if need to". Marie said.
"Ok. Well we are newly weds to people so we need to show a-bit of affection". Mitch said.
"I know, I know. Just this is well as I said. I'm sure people are going to be more shocked that your married". Marie said.
"Yeah true". Mitch said.
"I kind of get the feeling you have a bit of a reputation on not allowing yourself to make it personal on things or you don't seem to follow rules well, am I right?" Marie said.
"What gives you that idea?" Mitch said.
"The mans sarky comment yesterday and your facial expressions". Marie said. Turning off the cooker as she put what she cooked on to a plate. She turned and looked at Mitch. Who stood there looking at her.
"What I'm hungry. A girls got to eat you know". Marie said.
Mitch smirked at her. She was sarky like him. The two of them was going to get on well.

Once she was done and sorted she got her things in her bag. Waiting for Mitch near the door.
"Ok I'm ready". Mitch said. As he opened the door. Marie was a bit nervous about this. She walked next to him as they walked to where he needed to be. Mitch saw a few people looking and gently took her hand, Marie was a bit shocked but held his hand back.
She could see a few people whispering to each other when the pair passed them. Mitch did take a bit of notice but he choose to ignore the looks for the time being.
The pair soon arrived where he needed to be. Marie sat down watching every one. Some of his work people came over to him.
"Wow Mitch buddy. You kept that a secret!" One said.
"Sorry what you mean?" Mitch said.
"Mate, we didn't even know you was seeing someone you surely kept that to your self!" Another man said.
"Well yeah it's my personal life. So I have the right to keep that to myself. Doesn't stop me doing my job". Mitch said.
They looked at Marie who was sat down not really taking any notice in them. She was looking throw her phone. Making sure all locations was turned off.

"So do we get to meet her?" One said.
Mitch signed.
"Marie, sweetie". Mitch said. She looked up at him.
"Yes". Marie said.
"Come here a minute". Mitch said. Marie got up and walked towards them. She stood next to him as he slowly put his arm around her waist.
"Guys this is my wife, Marie. Marie, these are Matt, Luke, Vince and Thomas". Mitch said pointing to them all.
"Hi". Marie said. Looking at them. She felt a bit uneasy around them. After all she never knew them and this was first time meeting them.
"Hi, nice to meet you. So how long you two been together for?" Vince said.
"What married or?" Marie said.
"Well before you decided to get married?" Thomas said.
"Erm about 4 months yeah. So we been married what a few weeks". Marie said. Looking at Mitch. Her eyes widen at him.
"Yes about that long". Mitch said.
"Why the rush. But pregnant are you?" Luke said. Making her feel a bit uncomfortable.
"No I'm not". Marie said.
"Look guys I'm married". Mitch said.
"Yeah ok. So are you watching Mitch work out on his moves". Mitch said.
"Yes. I will be sat over there". Marie said. Giving Mitch a quick kiss and walking off. They watched her walk away and then looked at Mitch.
"Something not right with you two". Thomas said.
"Well what would that be. Come on guys let's get this done. As I need to practice my shooting". Mitch said.
The guys looked at each other. Marie sat down and took a deep breath. This was hard making up things to these people. So she could stay alive.
Marie leant back against the wall. How long could she keep this up for it only been one day and already she knew they didn't believe what they was being told. She just hoped they wouldn't go around digging into information on her.
Marie's phone buzzed in her hand she looked down to see she had a message from her daughter.
Marie opened it up. She had yet too say anything to them on this matter. She had no idea how she was going to tell her. She read the message and sent one back. Looking up from her phone. She watch Mitch train. Her eyes on him like any wife would.

She could see the others watching her. But took no notice. Even though she felt uncomfortable she didn't let on she was.
Soon what Mitch was doing came to an end. And Mitch was back by her side.
"Hunny all done, let's go". Mitch said. Once again taking her hand and walking out of the room.
Once outside Marie stop. And Mitch looked at her.
"They make me uncomfortable". Mitch said.
"I thought they did. I'm sorry about that. But let people get used to this and I'm sure they will back off. And if they don't I will have a word with them". Mitch said stepping closer to her so he was in front of her looking at her. Marie nodded and looked at him. His eyes looking right back at her.
"Come on let's get away from here before they come out". Mitch said taking her hand and walking off.

They was being watched by two people.
"There making it look real". Irene said.
"Yes I know. I just hope Mitch doesn't mess this up. And well". The man said.
"If your telling me he can't take this personal then we'll. you need to listen to your own advice. He will do. If it means keeping her a live which you have asked him to do". Irene said.
"Yes I know but she's still- " he was cut off by Irene "yes I know what she is". Irene said.
"Her life before this do you know anything about it?" Irene said.
"No. Not much. Not much about her. Seems she kept her self off things. Not on things". He said.
"Ok. But if she has a family or a boyfriend could explain her behaviour. She's doing this I think not to only keep herself safe but others in her life as well". Irene said. Making the man turn and look at her.
"What you saying she could have?" The man said. Irene nodded.
"But well. Wouldn't she tell us". The man said.
"Why would she. She only meet us like 24 hours ago. And now she's with Mitch". Irene said.
"Do you know nothing about her at all?" Irene asked. The man shook his head. Irene looked back at Marie and Mitch. She could see how he held her hand.
"You know them acting as a married couple might mean". Irene said.
"No way. Mitch no". The man said shaking his head. Irene couldn't help but laugh a little. She walked off leaving him stood there watching the pair.

Marie and Mitch was now in the gun area. Marie looked around and then at Mitch.
"Ok put this on as it can get Loud in here". Mitch said. Putting some ear phones over her ears. Marie looked at him.
"I hate guns". Marie said. Making him look at her.
"Really?" Mitch said.
"Yes". Marie said. Mitch nodded and walked towards the area. Picking up one of the guns and aiming it. He fired, even Marie had her ears covered it made her jump.
She walked away from him and sat down. Just watching once again.
She wondered to herself if she would ever be able to be on her own. Would he always have to be with her?

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