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My hands trembling after the call. The memories of Richy's & Jessy's attacked rewinds in my mind.
"No, I cannot let that happen again to others. I must go to Duskwood and searchs for Hannah and Richy" I croaks. After booked flight ticket and packed, I glance to my cellphone.
'Should I inform the others? Tell Jake that I'm going to Duskwood?
Then, I remember about my promise to Jake and his suspection with others. I know it's a dumb idea but what choice do I have? I take a deep breath
"I'm sorry Jake, I have to broke our promises" I says
I switched off the cellphone
The story began after I've found a cellphone in my late mother's workdesk drawer. I moved to my mother's house after a week she passed away. She's died due to cancer and her last wish is I promised her that I will stop stealing. Ahem, actually, it's not stealing, I'm just good in analytics and make a good 'paid' in casino. Well, do not ask me how many times I've kicked out, not worth to mentioned. Back to topic, my late mother is a lawyer and got own firm, I asked my mother's bestfriend a.k.a business partner about other cellphone but she don't know as my mother only got one cellphone for personal & business.

Then, one day, I switched on that cellphone to check what's inside but nothing. No messages, no contact, nothing. So I just left it on. After a hour, I received a message from a man  named Thomas, he claimed that his girlfriend, Hannah Donfort sent him a message. And that message only mentioned about this cellphone's number. The creepy part is she's already missing for three days together with her cellphone! Of course, I've asked why he didn't told the police about it, he can't because that message already deleted. At same time, he's introduced me with his circle of friends, they're Richy, Cleo, Dan, Jessy and Hannah's little sister, Lilly. After my heated conversation with Thomas and others, a hacker named Jake contacted me after and want me to help him searching for Hannah.

I hesitated at first, well I don't know them, why I should involved? After think throughly, I agreed to help them because of my curiousity and I'm bored, so why not? What's worse can happen? And I'm wrong. Too much things happened. I've got threatened calls from the kidnapper, told me to stay away from other people business. While searching for clues, I know about the man without a face, one of Duskwood legends and we thought it's just one of tale. We are suprised by a news, a dead female body has been found in Duskwood's forest. As the kidnapper's threatened calls does nothing for me, they're decided threats the other and it makes Lilly reacts in bad way. Dan's accident and raven sign on Richy's Garage make things more complicated to me and Jake, to continued finding for clues about Hannah. Lilly want to hold vote to remove me the circle but the others want me to stay and she's make a stupid move by posting a public video, accused me and Jake are guilty for Hannah's disappearance and related with a dead body that found recently. Jake managed to take down the video. He told me tha he's a wanted hacker, and because of Lilly's video, he need to lay low and I need to continues the investigation by my own. The threats became worst, Jessy has been attacked and it happened in front of me, I means by video call. Jake forwarded me a phone log from Hannah's cellphone, on the day she disapearance. Hannah have contacted a few people, that's the moments that I knew about Alan and Phil as they're in her call list. The clues that we're have points to an unsolved case ten years ago, hit-and-run case of Jennifer Hanson. Her body found in a forest, near water mill. At first, Duskwood police assumed it's a homicide case but it's not. Lilly contacted me, needed my help as Jake sent her something, exchange to turned down the public video. Long story short, we're found out that Jake is half-brother of Hannah and Lilly.

Feeling guilty, Lilly posted other video to help Jake. Then, the person who chases Jake tried to hack my cellphone but thanks to Nymos, Jake's bot stopped it but eventually, they managed to get through. Jake himself managed to stopped them at a very last minutes. Duskwood's police exposed the identity of the female dead body that found in forest, it's Amy Bell Lewis. None of them know about her except Cleo, as she was her art's classmate. Then, Jessy shocked us with the news of Phil's arrest and accused one of us gave him to police. Alan Bloomgate, police chief tried to contact me about Hannah and Amy's case. A raven's sign mark at the front door of Jessy's house and she freaked out, express want to go away from Duskwood and she want others to join her. Richy found a cabin, 45 minutes from Duskwood but then, while chatting with me he heard a women's voice in forest. He thought it was Hannah but it's not, Richy has been attacked and bleeding out. Police didn't found Richy or his body, and the other forced me to reveals what we're found and ask Jake to join the groupchat. Jessy told me that she meet with Iris, Jennifer Hanson's mother and Lilly found letter in Hannah's mailbox. There is in-mate visitation letter and Ted Madruga are the one that Hannah meet. Jessy found Michael Hanson's information while searching the owner of AMC Gremlin, she and Thomas decided to visit his place. The house abandoned and they found something but then they're encounter with the man without a face. They're managed to get out alive but the man without a face make threatened call to me. To kill all of us.
Jake POV
It's already two days I unable to contact with MC, where has she been? I already tried sent a plenty of messages but she didn't reply me back. I have bad feeling, she's never done this before, she's never turned off her cellphone. It's impossible to track her if her cellphone remains off.
'Where are you, MC?' Is it my pursuers got her? No way, if yes, I will get the notification from Nymos. Maybe I can ask Lilly about it.

Private Chat (Jake, Lilly)
Jake: Hello Lilly
Lilly is online
Lilly: Hey
Jake: Did I disturb you?
Lilly: Nope, something's wrong?
Jake: Did you contact with MC recently?
Lilly: No, I also sent her message but she never reply. That's weird if you also can't contact her.
Jake: That's why, she never done this. I'm so worried right now.
Lilly: When the last time you spoke with her?
Jake: On the day that Jessica and Thomas visit Michael Hanson's house.
Lilly: Yes, same with me. Maybe we can ask others if they know something about her?
Jake: Can you ask them first?
Lilly: Sure.

Group Chat (Thomas, Cleo, Jessy, Dan, Lilly, MC, Jake)
Lilly: Hey guys, can all of you came online?
Cleo is online
Cleo: What is it, Lilly?
Dan is online
Jessy is online
Thomas is online
Lilly: Have any of you recently in contact with MC?
Dan: No
Dan: You don't tell me the crowman got her?
Jessy: Stop it Dan, not funny
Jessy: I noticed that she didn't say anything after Michael Hanson's house. I sent her something but she never reply. I'm worried
Thomas: Same with me
Cleo: Probably she's take time & think for next step?
Cleo: Well after police cannot found Michael Hanson, Hannah & Richy in that house, maybe she need figure it out?
Jake: Then, she need me for that.The problem is I also unable to contact her.
Dan: You are hackerman, hack her phone?
Jake: Her cellphone switch off
Thomas: Ok, that a problem
Jessy: Oh no MC, what happened to her?
Lilly: If she contact one of you, please update
Cleo: Sure, Lilly
Thomas: Yes, of course
Jessy: Will do
Dan: K
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