The Beginning of Nymos

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Jake POV
Knock! Knock!
Someone knocking at the front door, it's maybe Y/N. Instantly, I ran to the front door and I opens it with smile but my smile fades as I saw Phil is the one who at the door.
"Here, Y/N asks to hack the cloud's storage of this camera. The camera is from Amy Bell Lewis's bedroom" Phil says, hands over the dome camera to me. I takes it with heavy heart and look around if she's nearby.
"She's at my house, she asks me to sent that to you" Probably he's noticed that I look for her.
"How's her meeting with Alan Bloomgate?" I asks Phil when he's about to leave.
"Well, it's going smooth. Why you didn't ask her?" Phil replied.
"She didn't pick up my call and reply any of my messages" I answered, look down and sighs. He didn't say anything but what I saw from my eyes, he's smirk??
"Sorry to hear that. I will tell her that you asked. Goodbye" Phil says.
"Wait" I stopped him from leaving. He's turned to me, I asks him to come inside with my hand sign. After he's steps in, immediately I closed the door and grabs his collar.
"You lied, isn't it?" I asks him. His face look confused.
"I don't understand. Lied about what?" Phil asks, try to release his collar from my grips. I tighten my grips everytime he's tried to let go.
"You're said that Y/N slept with you, that's a lie right?" I asks him again. He's froze after heard my words, that's mean it's true, he's lied! Suddenly, he's chuckles.
"I didn't said that she's slept with me, dumbass" Phil replied.
"Did I say anything about her slept with me??? Did I??" Phil asks me again. After heard his words, I froze as I tried to remember his words that day.

"We're already kissed, it's quite hot kiss. And her body...."
"It's really gorgeous. She's so hot with her black camisole and underwear"
"Well, you should ask her if she bring any black camisole. Then, you will know that I'm not lying"

He's right, he didn't said that Y/N slept with him. Probably, he just saw Y/N wore that during her stay at his house. Slowly, I let go his collar. How stupid I am? Why I didn't realize that earlier???! Phil fix his shirt.
"You're the one who thought that. Do you want to know why you thought that way? Because you are always alone and you didn't trust anyone else except yourself. Including her, you didn't trust her too. And thanks to you, I've got my chance. What I can saw, she began to let you go, slowly" Phil says, it's annoying to me heard his voice but it's ugly truth. Most of time in my life, I'm always alone and I have trust issues with people. My mother always working and we're rarely talked. Friend? People think I'm weird and I'm introvert, until I met Ray. Ray is the one who introduced me about hacking world and together, both of us raised a cause for sake of the people. Due to cause, I didn't came to school and rarely back home. Because of that, I always fighting with my mother and I decided to get out of the house. I'm happy where I am right now, gains followers and day by day, I'm good with hacking until one day, Ray asked me to hack one of bank to stole some cash. His reason is to fund for our cause.

"But it's other people's money, Ray. We can't simply do that" I told Ray
"I didn't ask you to stole all the money from that bank. It's just a small fund for our cause, for the people that we're fighting. Help me here, ok Jake?" Ray says, pat my shoulder and he's about to walks away.
"No, I won't" Suddenly, I spoke up.
"What did you say?" Ray asks me to clarification.
"Find someone else. I will not help you this time, Ray" I answered and walks away. After the arguement with Ray, I walks to home. Once I enters the house, I saw my mother midst of cooking.
"Oh you do know way back to your home. Have fun yet?" My mother asks me once she saw me. I sighs.
"I'm not in the mood, mom" I replied and walks straight to my room. I lays my body on my bed, thinking about Ray's plan tonight. Will it success or not? I hope not, there are none of our people can do that except me. Then, my mother knocks my door but I ignored it.
"I put the food in front of your door, eat if you don't want to die starving" My mother says from the outside. After heard her footsteps away from my room, I open the door and saw a bowl of lasagna on the floor. I pick it up, eat it and slept. Tomorrow, I came out to go to our hideout, and I saw news headline on TV at the diner.
'Bank loses about USD 10 million in one night, possibility by hacker'
Then, I heard a old woman crying on the phone.
"Please regains back my money. The money I've collected is for my granddaughter, she will have heart surgery end of this month. Please, I beg you" She's crying out loud. The guilty creeps all over me, this is not what I expected from this cause. Immediately, I ran as fast as I can to our hideout.
"Ray!" I screams his name out loud.
"Jake! We made it, without you!! Are you here to apologize and congratulate me?" Ray came out with his snobbish voice. When he came closer to me, I throw a punch on his face.
"What's that for?!!" Ray says out loud, wiping blood from his mouth.
"This is not what our cause for. Stealing money from other people, what the difference between us and government??! I already told you to stop but you didn't listen!!"
"It's for our cause, Jake! I've told you that!!" Ray replied. Our followers starts to gathering around us.
"Our cause???? Don't lie to me, Ray. You think I didn't noticed that your new car last week?? Oh how about the shoes you're wearing now, is it a brand new??? That's why you're taking the money from our account. I ignored it at first, but now, it's way too far. Tell me Ray, what are the things you're bought for our cause??!" I asks him, out loud. His face look anxious after heard my words, probably he didn't expected that I knew all of that. He's look around us and didn't say anything. I sighs.
"I quit" I says to him. He's look at my face with wide eyes.
"What?!" Ray asks me
"This is not what I signed up for. So, I quit" There are some mumbling among our followers.
"You're joking right, Jake? Is it just because I bought certain things?? I will sell it if you want to ok? I'm sorry! You doesn't need to do this" Ray says and hold both of my shoulders. I look at his face and shove off his hand from my shoulder.
"I quit from this cause because what you did yesterday, you showed me that my opinion doesn't important to you. So, what's my roles here? You can lead this cause without me anyway" Ray look more anxious, he's keep walking forth and back.
"No,you know too much, Jake. How do I know that you will not expose us to the police??" Ray asks me.
"You're still my bestfriend, Ray. All of you still my friend and I considered all of you is my family. If I expose you all, it's means I also expose myself too. So, don't worries, I promised that I won't" I picks up my backpacks and walks out.
"There will be bad consequences if you walks away from here, Jake" Ray says out loud. I stopped, turned to him and throw key to him.
"So beat it" I replied, and continue walks out.

After two weeks
Our house landline phone ringing, it's probably from my mother. I'm still sleepy but I have to pick up or not, she will nags at me.
"Hello ..." I pick up the phone.
"You have to get out from the house now, Jake!" my mother says and I'm puzzled after heard her words.
"What did I do now?" I says with sighs, I'm too sleepy to argue with her.
"No, there are someone came to my workplace and asking about you. I don't think they're police, Jake" my mother says, her voice like whisper. I'm surprised with the way she act as she never done that before.
"What are they're asking you?" I asks my mother
"About you, they're suspect that you're the hacker who robbed the bank two weeks ago. They're asking me, where are you now but I lied and told them that you ran away from home. You didn't do that, right Jake?" my mother's answer leave me speechless. Why they're thought that I'm the suspect? Didn't they found anything? Or? No, Ray won't do that.
"Jake???" I heard my mother's calling me on the phone.
"Sorry mom. No, of course it's not me! I won't do that, never!" I replied, I hear my mother's relieved sighs.
"However, you need to get out from there. I think they're don't trust me and on their way to checking our house" my mother says again.
"Alright, I will...." At the same times, I feel sad, leave my mother.
"Mom, I'm sorry that I'm stubborn. I should listen to your words. I'm sorry that it's end up this way, I will try to contact you if I could. Please take care of yourself" I says to my mother because I know that right now I'm a wanted person and need to be on the run.
"You too, please take care of yourself Jake. I will always pray for your safety" My mother hangs up. While I'm preparing to packing, our house landline phone ring again. Immediately, I pick it up because I thought it's probably from my mother.
"Did I already told you that there will be bad consequences if you out of the team??" It's Ray on the phone.
"So, it's you. You're faking the evidence and point it to me. How could you, Ray??? You're my bestfriend!!" I says, disappointed with him. I trust him, he's the only person who I trust in my life. We're organized a cause together to against government about human right and poverty in our society. But when the cause spreading, we're get new followers and donation, I noticed Ray changed a bit. I ignored it, as long as it didn't impact in our cause but his plan about the bank is way too far.
"You know about us too much, Jake. We're can't risks that, we're do this for our good. Who's know, maybe you will go to police and report all of us" Ray says
"I already told you, I won't! If I do that, I risking myself too. We? Who's the fuck are we???! Both of us is the founder of the cause!" His words make my blood boils.
"No, Jake. You're out of team, remember??? It's me and our generous donors. We're decided to sacrifice you only for our cause, consider it's as a honors for serving the cause" Ray said and chuckles.
"Honors, my ass! I will clear my name one day, and after that, I will hunting you"
"I'm waiting, Jake. Goodbye and may the luck be with you" Ray says, laughing before hang up the phone. I'm still holding the phone and grips it tighten as I'm tried to hold my anger.
Then, I heard a car stop at our house driveway, slowly I put down the phone and take a peeks. Two man wearing suits get out from their car and make way to the house, immediately I ran to my room slowly to pick up the backpack and hide in the kitchen. They're came closer to my house, peeks every window and look around the house.
"Let's go inside the house, probably she's called her son to hiding in the house" a man says to his colleague. My heart beating fast when I heard his words. Suddenly, there are rattling sound at front door knob, they're trying to unlock the door. I will be dead if they manage to go inside, what should I do? what should I do???!!
"Excuse me!" I hears a familiar voice from the outside, the rattling sound stopped.
"What the hell you're trying to do??? Robbing?? I will call the police right now!" I know this voice, it's my mother's bestfriend, Monica.
"No ma'am, we're from the government. We're searching for her son. We're believe he's still inside the house, hiding" one of the man answered her.
"Do you have a warrant for that??!! I don't care who's the fuck both of you, if you didn't have one, go find one. Do you means Jake?? He's ran away from house about a month ago, what did you think he's hiding here???! Get out from here before I goes nut and screaming here, this neighbourhood will beat your ass!" Monica shouting. Then about ten minutes, I heard a car drove away.
"Jake, come out after thirty minutes. I will make sure those guys not to be around" Monica says from outside of front door, probably my mother called her to check on me. I didn't reply anything, it better that way
'Thank you mom, I love you' I says in my heart.

To be continued to next part.....

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