Confusing Memory

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After I cleaned up at Lilly's, all four of us sat a living room, silent. I don't know where to start the story. I turned at Jake, Lilly and Phil's face, they're waiting for me to say something. I take a deep breath.
"First of all, Jake, Lilly. .. My real name is Y/N. MC is my nickname. But I prefer to be called MC than Y/N" What's a good conversation starter. Jake and Lilly look at me with their confused face.
"So, which name we need to call you now?" Lilly asked.
"MC, only my parents and relatives call me Y/N"
"Then, why he called you Y/N?" Jake points a finger at Phil. Phil turned at Jake, annoyed.
"It's up to me to call what name, smartass" Phil says. I sighs.
"Back to topic, I decided to came here because I need to find what's reason Hannah sent my old number to Thomas"
"Old number?" Lilly raise an eyebrow. I nods and show them an image page in my biodata book that I've found in my mother's house.
"That's why I decided to came Duskwood. I turned off the cellphone, because I don't want Jake know that I'm here. But I never imagined that you will risk yourself by came here, Jake" I says, look at Jake's face.
"Of course I'll find you. I already told you, I can't even think if there is something bad happened to you. You promised me that you will not come here" Jake says.
"I don't have choice, Jake. I know, I'm risking myself by coming here. But I need to find the connection between me and Hannah"
"So, you already found the connection?" Lilly asked me. I play the voice notes of my late mother that I've received from Rachel and wait for them to listen. Later, the voice notes stop, I'm showed them my birth certificate and my father's photo with our old house behind him.
"So, you're from here?" Phil ask and I just nods.
"I get this from my mother's friend after my visit at Dr Ulric Barret. She kept this as per my mother instruction" I says.
"Hannah's psychologist?" Jake asked.
"Yes, I thought maybe Hannah will told him something more about Jennifer. But I found out something else, Hannah know my real name and Dr Barret told me about my medicine" I answered and put the pill bottle on coffee table in front of me. Lilly take the bottle and look at prescription.
"Imipramine?" Lilly asked.
"Used for despression and can cause memory loss. After I heard the doctor said, I stopped consumed it. In order to regain my memories. Then, I decided to go to the house in this photo. I've already have the address in my birth certificate. So, me and Phil managed found the house"
"Let me add for that, the house is locked, I asked neighbours around about the house. The house already empty and no one lives in the house about 10 years. However, Y/N managed to find the house key and I'm not sure how" Phil says.
"I have glimpse about it. So, that's why I get the house key but unfortunately there is nothing inside of the house except the furniture. I found dead end" I sighs.
"But then, I saw the Hannah's photo when she's a child, her face look familiar to me. The times I've passed out, I saw memories about what happened on the night Jennifer Hanson's missing but in the end, the memory is a bit blurred to me"
I paused and look at Hannah's photo on the wall.
"Amy Bell Lewis, Hannah Donfort and Richy is my friend back then. We're met Jennifer Hanson during Pines Glades festival and planned to watch the fireworks together. Do you remember recording interrogation between Alan Bloomgate and Michael Hanson? He's said that Jennifer goes to watch fireworks with her friends, same what she did a year before. But she lied to her father, because she's don't want to stay at Bar Aurora with her father" All of them didn't say anything. Jake just nods.
"At same day, Richy do the creepy house dares. That's why I feel familiar when I heard the story about the legend man without a face" I continue
"Wait... I do remember, when Hannah a child, she always have friends play together with her. But I don't remember their name" Lilly says.
"One of them probably me, and I don't suprised you forgot like you're forgot about Amy" I say. Lilly didn't say anything and just nods.
"After Richy done the dares, I accompany Richy back home and Jennifer is together with Hannah & Amy. Then, I came back but couldn't find them. I searched them at forest until....." I paused.
"Y/N?" Jake called me, I look at him.
"I saw Jennifer has been hit by car, in front of my eyes" I answer and sighs.
"Do you know who's the driver? What's his look like?" Jake ask again
"No, I don't know who. What I can remember that after I saw Jennifer laying on the road, not moving, I immediately run to her but then I tripped and lose my balance. I fall, quite bad, hit my head on something and lose consciousness" I heard all of them sighs, maybe disappointed with my answer.
"You need to remember hard Y/N. That's the only way we can found Hannah and Richy" Jake says, his voice sound stern.
"Dude, we're not talking about computer memory which you can extract the storage simply like that. This is human's memory, you can't forced it" Phil says to Jake. Jake look at him, annoyed.
"I don't want to hear any words from your mouth, playboy. From someone who treat his half-sister badly" Jake replied. Phil stand up from his seat and step forward to Jake.
"What the hell you mean by that? Do you think you know anything about my life? Huh!" Phil angry. Jake do the same and now, they're look at each other, angry. If look can kill.
"Stop it!" I shout and stand up. Both of them look at me.
"I want to rest than hear both of you argue. I'm done for today! Phil, let's go home. And Jake, go find a place to stay, will you? We will discuss anything later" I says and walks out from Lilly's house. Phil followed behind.
Jake POV
After heard Y/N told about her memory, there is alot of question in my mind. I want to ask Y/N more details, but thanks for that womanizer, it end up bad. It's never been my intention to forced Y/N but it's matter of time for Hannah and Richy. We're don't know what else the kidnapper capable of. But for other part, I do understand Y/N's feel. She's probably confused with the memory that she's seen. After Y/N and Phil walked out, I feel something that I've never experienced before, the feeling of me hated and angry seeing Phil around her, that she called Phil instead of me. Yes, I admit Phil is getting my nerves. When Y/N passed out and he picked her up, I felt uncomfortable feeling. The way Y/N smile at him, talk with him, I feel burn inside me. Is this people call for jealousy?
Phil POV
After reached home, She didn't even talk to me, look at me, just go straight to her room. Did I make her mad? What's her relationship with that Jake-ass? I remember that Jessy told me about there is someone who like her, is that him? I don't know what his problem to me. But look like Lilly know him, he's not from Duskwood, yet he know about us. His last comment about my relationship with Jessy really make me mad, like he's know everything about me. If he's know the exact reason why, I bet he's will never say that.

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