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Private Chat (Jessy, MC)
MC: Hi Jessy 😉
Jessy: Hey 😉 How are you?
MC: I'm fine, Jessy. I'm sorry but I'm in rush. Do you already found the owner of AMC Gremlin car?
Jessy: 😖
Jessy: Not yet. There are so many vehicles at Roger's back then. Some of them is unreadable. Also, Paul asked me to come work. So, I got limited time to check it.
MC: Paul? Richy's father?
Jessy: He's want to help if there's any pending work before Richy's disappearance. And, ask me to look at his wife.
MC: What happened to her?
Jessy: She's have Alzheimer. Sometimes she will wander and lost in forest, so Paul need to take a good care about her. That's why he asked Richy to take over the garage.
MC: I hope Richy will be found soon. Anyway, can you update me once you found the file about AMC Gremlin
Jessy: I hope so, MC. Don't worried, I will. Good to know you are back in action.
MC: 💪
All is offline

Lucky for us, Phil's acquaintance got a vacant house as his previous tenant sudden move out from Duskwood last week. We're already stayed at the house about two days, the house didn't far from Phil. The house completed with appliances and furnitures, we have take it even it a bit of pricey. Can't complain anyway. Now, I focused about what Jessy and Thomas found in Michael Hanson's house. I asked Lilly about any letter from Ted Madruga, she says that she haven't received reply from him yet. I suggest to just visit him at prison but Jake against it. Jake is still in his room, holed up with his computer, he's try to found any details about Michael Hanson, he's confident that Michael Hansons is the man without a face. But I have my doubt. If he's want to avenge for his daughter, he should find the driver not Hannah & Amy. And, why he killed Amy? Amy is a valuable asset if he's want to find information about the driver. Richy? As per my memory, Richy didn't even there during Jennifer's accident. What's the conversation of Hannah and Amy on the day Hannah's disappearance? But I think it's not Amy, it's the culprit. When I try to figure all out, I heard doorbell ringing. I open the door
"Phil? What are you doing here?" I asked him and saw he carried something.
"I'm bring food for your lunch" Phil says and walk in house. I turned at Jake's door, and there he is, standing lookbat Phil.
"Just for her?" Jake asked. He's wearing black t-shirt and sweatpants. Both his hands in pocket.
"Don't worry, I buy for 2 people. I just afraid Y/N didn't get enough food in this house" Phil says and put the takeaway food on coffee table.
"If you want anything, just call me, okay Y/N?" Phil says to me and ignore Jake, I just nods my head.
"Thank you Phil but you didn't have to do this. I can make my own meals" I says, I don't want to burden him anymore. PhiI smiled at me and when he's about to open his mouth.
"Yes, you don't have do this anymore. I'm paying this house anyway, so I can pay for our meals" Jake says. But Phil sighs and ignore him, again.
"If anything, you can text or call me Y/N. I need to go and prepare to open the bar. Bye" Phil says and walk out. I'm alone with Jake. Jake take a sit on couch & look at foods that Phil brought.
"Do you found anything about Michael Hanson?" I asked. He's shakes his head and he's look down.
"Can you hack the CCTV in Duskwood? Probably it capture something like the driver or the vehicle number, perhaps" Jake didn't say anything.
"Are you okay, Jake?" I asked him, something must be happened. He didn't reply me, then he's take the food and walk straight to his room. Did I say something wrong? Do I did something wrong? I can't figure him out but I still adore him, I thought that we are probably have fling with each other. When I saw him at first time, I just want to hug him but I'm afraid it will make him uncomfortable. I'm happy that finally I can see the person who I fallen with but I'm scared at same time. Maybe he changed his mind about me. When come to love, I'm truly blank about it, I don't know what to say or what to do. How long I'm single? Three years? Four years? But one thing for sure, it's rare for me that I fallen with someone who I don't know.
Jake POV
I put the food on the table, his appearance make my blood boil. I thought that I can get Y/N away from him, Y/N also agreed to get out from his house but unfortunately, this house is nearby with his. The most hurt me that how Y/N feel comfortable with him, but with me, Y/N feel awkward. That day when Y/N pulled her hands from mine when Phil came out from his room, it's hurts me. During that times when we are cleaned this house, I looked at her and Phil talks, laughs make me uneasy and mad. But when she with me, she just asked me the common questions and didn't say anything after that. I can't focused to my tasks at all, my mind drifted to her. I'm laying to bed, looking at the ceiling.
"What I should do?" I says to myself. No, I can't be like this, I need to find Hannah as soon as possible. About us, we can figure out that later. I get up and continue to find any information about Michael Hanson during his disappearance. Until I found something interesting.
"Y/N!" I walk out from my room and search for Y/N. She's eating at dining table, look at me with wide eyes and munching the food. She's look funny and cute, but I hold my laugh and sit in front of her.
"What is it, Jake? Is it the food not nice?" She asked me. I shakes my head.
"I'm tried to find what happened to Michael Hanson during his disappearance like his records if he's out from country, his Credit card or anything. But I couldn't found anything. Until I hacked government site and I found something interesting"
"What is it?"
"He's visited someone in prison and that person is our acquaintance"
"Ted Madruga?" She say. I nods.
"I know it, that's something about him. We're really need to visit him, we can't wait for his reply" She says. I agreed with her now to visit Ted Madruga.
"I need to tell Lilly about this" I says. When I about the go to my room..
"Jake?" she called me. I look at her.
"Let's eat with me, here. It's too boring to eat alone" I'm smile and nods. After get food from my room, eating together with her, alone make me happy. Even we didn't talk much, just be alone with her, it's enough make my heart delighted.
As per our discussion, me and Lilly decided to visit Ted Madruga in prison regarding about Hannah and Michael Hanson. After we've filled the form, we need to wait for Ted agreement either he want to meet us or not.
"I'm actually nervous to meet him, MC" Lilly say. I look at her.
"I'm afraid to know the truth. What if Hannah is involved for Jennifer Hanson's death? That's why Michael Hanson meet him and know Hannah is related. I don't know if I can bear the truth, MC" I totally understand that. First, she know about Jake is half-brother, possibly her father is cheated her mother.
"Now I feel like I don't know anything about my family" Lilly continues talk.
"Well, I can related with that, when my parents decided to 'block my memory'. My first thought like how could they do that? My memory is connected about someone's life. probably I know the culprit. If they didn't do that, all of this won't happened" I pause.
"But sometimes, I feel that the reasons they do that because they loved us, What if you know about your father cheating, will you treat him the same? I bet it will not. Same for my case, if my parents didn't do that, probably I'm dead by now" I continue, I don't know if it can ease Lilly. Lilly didn't say anything. We're still waiting either Ted Madruga want to meet us or not, I feel uneasy. Then, the officer came to us.
"Both of you want to meet prison number, 1352-AP4-355? Ted Madruga?" The officer ask both of us. We're nods.
"Come follow me, he agreed to meet you" The officer says and walk out. We're look at each other and follow the officer.

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