The Past

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On the phone
Ring! Ring!
"Hey Y/N dear, how are you?" Rachel says in the phone.
"I'm good, Rachel. I'm call because I need to ask you something"
"What is it? Lucky for you, I'm available right now" I take a deep breath & organize my thought.
"Did my mother told you anything about Duskwood or do you keep any secret for her behalf?" I ask her. Rachel probably know something, they're spent time together much longer than me. Rachel didn't say anything.
I sigh, "Please, my friends is in danger now, Rachel. I need to know everything about my past. What else my parents hide from me? For what?" I tried not to sound breaking but I failed. My tears starts well up.
She sigh, "I will send you an email, your mother asked me to keep it. But I don't know what exactly happened, so I can't answer your questions. Probably, you will found your answer from that email"
"Thank you, I'm sorry if I disturb you" I says.
"No, it's nothing. I'm sorry too" Rachel says & hung up.
I walked out from toilet when suddenly I saw someone with Phil.
Phil POV
She's looked confused, well, she's don't know her past & not know who to ask, I understand that. Then, I heard the bar entrance door open, I turned my head to look who is it.
"Alan?" Damn, he is chief of Duskwood police. What the hell he's doing here? I'm afraid if he's know MC here, I take a peek at toilet's door, hoping that she didn't came out right now.
"What are you doing here? The bar is closed" I turned at him
"It's closed? Damn I really need a drink right now" His voice look tired.
I scoff at him, "If you're tired, drink coffee not getting drunk. Well, I want take a rest. A life in prison tiring me, as if you understand that" I try to make it sound sarcastic.
He tips his head back, "Come on Phil, it's a part of my job. Michael Hanson is main suspect of Hannah's dissapearance and Amy's death. You are the last person who contacted him" Alan explained.
"Ya whatever" I lift my glass to my lips. Alan slide in to stool beside me.
"After your sister & her friends found evidences inside Michael Hanson's house, I thought this case settled. But I'm wrong" Alan sighs. I can't focused, I keep glance at toilet's door. I hope Alan didn't noticed it.
"And this girl, MC. Her boyfriend is a hacker and I'm not longer able to contact with her. He's blocked all the messages and calls that I've made to her. The investigation meet dead end again" he says and take my glass to drink.
Boyfriend? "She's don't have a boyfriend" I says
"How you know that?" He turned to me and raise an eyebrow.
I shrug, "From Jessy?" Shit, I shouldn't reply that.
He nods his head, "Ah okay, make sense. Well, I think I will get going then. I don't want to disturb your little date"
Date? Shit, did he saw her? I turned to him with wide eyes. He smirks at me and point to something. I snaps my head to where he's points and I saw MC's handbag on the bar counter. I sigh relieved.
"Oh Phil?" I turned back to him, he's already stands at the door.
"Better settle down, you're not even young anymore. Goodbye" Alan says and walk out with waves. What's that supposed to mean?
"Who is that?" I jumps when I heard her voice.
"Alan Bloomgate, chief of Duskwood police" I answered
"Thanks god, I'm hiding" MC says & slide in on stool beside me. She take a sip of her drink.
"So, how's the call? Got your answer?" I ask. She sighing.
"I will received my answer by email" MC answered and her eyes stare at her cellphone. I just nods.
"Do you know, when I'm a child, I actually a chubby girl?" MC breaks the silence.
"What? you? No way" I chuckles.
"Here, look for yourself" She says and show picture in her cellphone. I take a look at it, a chubby girl with wide smile and hold a trophy.
My eyes widen, "That's you?" She nods her head.
"After my mother told me about side effect of the 'surgery', I thought my childhood is probably nothing to remembered, so I'm okay with it. But now, with all of this, I don't know anymore. I still can't understand reasons why my parents did this" She says. Her voice is breaking & her eyes tearing. She's drink her drink until finished. Then, her cellphone rang.
"The email...." she says, she just looking at her cellphone. I can feel she thinking either she's ready to know the truth or not. She's closed her eyes and unlock her cellphone.
"Read it tomorrow" My hand immediately cover the cellphone screen. She turned at me.
"You're just know something today, give yourself a rest. Please, read it tomorrow, no matter how curious you right now. You need to clear your mind before you read it, don't you agree?" I says. After hearing what I says, she turned her head and look at my hand that still cover her cellphone screen. Then, she turned back at me back and nods.
"You're right. Thank you Phil" she says with smile. Ah, I mesmerized with her smile, that dimples. My heart races, I never feel this way with any woman I've meet. I'm just guys who appreciate beautiful woman, also I get to date with most of them and sometimes it become a one night stand but serious relationship? Nope. But with this one, I feel different.
"Are you okay, Phil?" she ask break my thought.
" just look at my face for a while. Brain freeze?" she says and chuckles. Again, her smile.
"Phil, are you okay? You're weird, are you drunk? And can you take your hand off from my cellphone?" she says
"Oh, I'm sorry" I move my hand, I feel my cheeks changed colour.
I clear my throat, "Well, let's go home & rest" I says & take our glasses. She nods.
Lilly POV
I don't know how to speak with my parents anymore after I've discovered about Jake is my half-brother. With Hannah is still missing, I don't know with whom I need to speak. The only one know about Jake is MC and now, her whereabout is unknown.
I look at Bar Aurora, I know that PhiI already out of prison & Jessy already told us about his connection with Michael Hanson.
"The bar is closed, maybe he want to take a rest" I says in my heart. Then, I saw PhiI came out from the bar. Behind him, there is a woman follow.
"Womanizer. I thought prison life change him but still same old Phil" I says with annoyed. I saw that women's face, she's pretty with dirty blonde hair. I never saw her before.
"Hmm...She look familiar" I keep look at her face and think ... think....think... wait, even though the hair is different but she look like her.
"MC????" Yes, I think it's her, maybe. Both of them enter Phil's car & drove away.
"MC in Duskwood? Why she didn't tell us? Do I need to tell others that MC here? No, I need to confirm it first before tell others"

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