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All of them, looking at me, waiting for me to start a conversation. I don't know where to start, do I need to start with greetings? Or straight to the point?
"Hi MC, finally we're meet. How are you?" Cleo asked me, smile. I sighs relief.
"Hi Cleo, and everyone too. I'm good, thanks. How are you ..." I replied.
"Enough with greetings, we all just fine. Why are you here, MC? Why you didn't tell us that you're here?" Dan cut me off, he's being a dork like usual.
"Ok, Mr Best Driver. I'm glad to heard that. Let's go straight to the main objective" I says.
"Great, you're still have your sense of humor. I thought it died after you lied" Dan says. I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Stop it, Dan. Let her talk" Thomas replied after that.
"MC, please explain to us, why you didn't tell us that you're here" Cleo says to me. I look at all of them, their eyes is on me. I sighs.
"After Thomas and Jessy visit Michael Hanson's house, I received a threatened call from the man without a face that he will kill all of you and I will watching him doing that" I says. Their face is changed after heard my words.
"Well that's obvious, Michael Hanson is the man without a face. And he's the one who we saw in his house" Thomas says.
"He's the one who killed Richy too" Jessy says.
"No, you're wrong!" Suddenly, Phil raised his voice. All of us turned at him
"What's that supposed to mean?" Cleo asked him.
"I know Michael Hanson better than all of you, he will never the one who hurts people" Phil answered.
"How do you know that? People changed. His daughter is a victim of hit-and- run and the culprit never been caught back then. So yeah, he's got right to mad and avenge his daughter death. And we know the raven dude means what" Dan says. Phil didn't say anything about that.
"I came here to stop him, find Hannah and Richy but at same times, I'm scared for my life. So, I keep it a secret from all of you for our sake" I says, break the silence after Dan's words.
"Still, I don't understand, why you keep it a secret? If you told us, we can figure it out together" Thomas replied. I didn't reply because the reasons why is my doubts to them.
"Because she think that the culprit still among us" Jessy answered Thomas's question. Thanks! Not the perfect time again, I says in my heart.
"What?!" Cleo, Thomas and Dan says at same times. Okay, I'm damned!
"What the hell you think that way?! Who's among us have guts to do that ways to Richy and Hannah??" Dan says, it sound like he's shouting.
"Dan's right. Yes, at first we're thought one of us kidnapped Hannah. Like Jessy, she doesn't even helped much at first place" Cleo says
"What? I didn't. I already told that I don't want to make it worst!" Jessy pissed after heard Cleo's words.
"And Thomas, Hannah told me that you guys argued before she disappeared. Then, you showed up in her apartment but she told me that you returned her apartment's keys. Yet, you still lied on my face about it" Cleo ignore Jessy and turned to Thomas. I feel this will be out of control.
"Because I don't want all of you to suspect me! I will never do anything harmful to Hannah" Thomas replied.
"I trust him, he's a wimp" Dan says.
"Shut up, Dan!" Thomas says in angry.
"Okay, stop! All of you!" I shouts. All of them are silence. I'm taking a deep breath and exhale, just to keep calm.
"Yes, I'm still have doubts to all of you except Lilly." I says.
"Because she's Hannah's sister??" Dan says with his sarcastic voice.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Lilly ask Dan and narrow her eyes to him. Dan just shrugs.
"My point is after you and Jake revealed all of your finding, I don't even suspect on them anymore. Sorry guys, truly. But why you still have doubts on us, MC?" Cleo says. I look at all of their faces, I can't say anything now. I just need regain the forgotten memories back then, the most important, that women's voice. Who is she?
"MC?" Lilly words make me back to reality. she's sat beside me, her face look concern.
"Sorry. My mind drifting away sometimes. It's normal that I've doubts for all of you because I don't know all of you personally. So....yeah...." My words is hanging because I dont know what to says.
"I'm also suspect you, MC at the first place. Hannah sent me your cellphone number, I thought she's sending me her kidnapper's number. But after you help us to find her and told us about your finding,  I'm not longer suspect you. I trust you, MC" Thomas says. Now, I feel guilty doubts all of them.
"Well.... I like you, MC" Suddenly, Dan talked. I look at him, then I look at Jessy. She's look at him, suprised.
"Not like what you guys think. She's got a better sense of humors than all of you" Dan explained to us. I sighs, relieved. Then Lilly chuckles, following with ours.
"Now, we're already done with 'ice -breaking' thing. How about dinner together? I already ordered some foods for tonight. Not much but it's better than nothing" Phil says.
"Oh I forgot, I'm also make pyramid cake for us. Actually, I'm excited to meet MC today" I cackles heard Cleo's words.
"Yes, finally I can taste Cleo's legendary pyramid cake" I says. When all of them preparing to eat, Lilly pull me by my arm and drags me to the corner.
"You didn't tell them that you're actually from here?" Lilly asked me.
"No, not now. Not until I know everything and remember everything. So please, do not told anyone about that, Lilly" I replied. She didn't respond it right away, she's look anxious.
"I don't think that's a good idea. What do you think the consequences if they know you're keeping something from them again?" Lilly didn't like my plan.
"Just trust me, Lilly. I know what to do, okay?" I says. She's look at me for a while, then she nods.
"Hey, why both of you doing at the corner? Do you hide something?" Dan says to us. I take a gulps when I heard Dan's words.
"Well, I plan to take away the liquors so you didn't end up in hospital again. The doctors and nurses probably tired see your face again" Immediately, I says something to cover it.
"Haha, very funny. Don't worry, Tommyboy is my driver tonight" Dan says. I sighs relieved, he's didn't suspect anything.
"What are you waiting there? Let's eat" Cleo called us.
After we've finished our food, I talked about my recent finding included Ted Madruga and Alan Miller.
"So, Ted Madruga is Jennifer Hanson's uncle and his car, AMC Gremlin sold to someone named Alan Miller" Thomas summarized my finding. I nods.
"Alan Miller is Jennifer Hanson's killer or what?" Dan asked.
"No idea. I just need his contact number, so I've asked Jake to found any new frauds around Duskwood area. Do you guys have any ideas what the recent scam around here?" I asked all of them.
"No, no idea" Thomas replied.
"Yes, I normally didn't care about it" Lilly says.
"Who's stupid enough to fall with 'rich fast and easy'?? Just find fucking job" Dan answer.
"I gave you job but you didn't show up" Phil says to Dan.
"Dude, I already told you that I'm forgot! and I already apologized" Dan says.
"Phil, why you visit Dan in hospital?" Lilly ask Phil. Dan look at her, his face is unamused.
"Is that wrong? I can't visit people in hospital now? Is there any new rules that I don't know? Fine then, I truly need some assistance for my bar. I came to visit Dan in hospital to ask about his condition and offer him again for job in my bar but when I'm reached his room, he wasn't there. So, I asked nurses there but none of them can answer it" Phil replied. All of us look at Dan, I remember what Dan told us about Phil visited him and asked his condition. The best part is he's hiding from Phil. Then, I look at Jessy, she didn't talk much.
"Jessy, do you want to share something?" Jessy look at me.
"Is there something wrong to Jessy? You look off today" Cleo asked.
"Umm....well, on the day that I found out about MC, I'm on my way back when suddenly I felt someone followed me and I'm on the video call with MC when it happened" Jessy starts talk
"What?! Again?! That bastard! Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Dan says angry.
"No, I'm good. I managed ran to Aurora. Actually, I don't want to come today because I'm still scared what happened that night, plus I already got marked" Jessy says, I saw her face look nervous.
"I will make sure that nothing will happen to you, Jessy. I will not stand back and watch this time like what happened to Richy, same goes for all of you. It's me that he want, I just need to find him before too late" Actually, I need to remember everything back then to catch him. I need something to trigger my memories, maybe I should go to forest? There are pictures that I found in Hannah's cloud storage, two picture show some landmark in forest. One look like a cave and others like a bridge. Probably, it's mean something. Duskwood's forest, bad idea but I don't have a choice.
"Wow, look at the time. It's already midnight, you know that my mother grounded me because of the accident. I can go out today because Tommyboy convinced her that we will back before midnight. Let's go home then" Dan says, out of nowhere.
"Yes, I'm agreed with Mr Cinderella here. Let's rest and we talk in groupchat tomorrow" I says. All of them chuckles after heard my words
"Thank you, my fairy godmother. See you guys tomorrow" Dan replied. All of them starts packing their things and say goodbye to each other. Just me and Phil still at the bar to clean up, after finished cleaned up, we're on our way to go home.
"Are you okay?" Phil ask me, while still driving. I shrugs.
"Yeah, I think. I feel I want to go to forest" I replied
"What?! Are you crazy?? Do you know it's dangerous??! I disagree with your plan this time" Phil says.
"I need to trigger my memory, Phil. I don't have choices" I says. Phil didn't say anything, then his hand on my hand.
"Please don't do anything reckless" he says. I look at his face, he's look serious. His eyes still focus on the road, and his hand still on mine. Once we're reached at my rental house, Phil insist to accompany me until at the door. I feel it ridiculous but not to him.
"I hope you think again about going to forest, Y/N. It's dangerous, I just.... don't want you to get hurt. Will you consider it?" Phil says. I just sighs.
"Please?" Phil asked me again because I didn't say anything. I don't know how to explain to him that going to forest is the only option. We already arrived at in front of my rental house's door.
"Phil, I need to....." When I want to answer Phil's question, I take a look at the front door. My eyes wide open, I'm shocked what I found at the door. Raven sign!
"What the hell is that? Is that blood?" Phil says after he saw the thing at the door. Then, my cellphone ringing.

Group Chat (Thomas, Cleo, Jessy, Dan, Lilly, MC, Jake)
Thomas: Guys, you need to see this
Thomas: (send picture)
Thomas sent us the picture of raven sign with red colour like blood at his front door
Cleo is online
Cleo: Oh my god, mine too
Cleo: (send picture)
Same, there is exactly same raven sign at her door too
Lilly: Guys, what's going on? I get it too
Lilly: (send picture)
Shit! Lilly got it too. This is bad!
Dan is online
Dan:This bastard marked my door too
Dan: (send picture)
Lilly: What should we do? I'm too scared to live here alone. I don't want to sleep here tonight.
Cleo: I've got goosebumps about this

I don't know how he know where I stayed. Did he followed Jessy that day? Peple who know where I'm staying is Lilly, Jessy and Phil. Is it one of them? Shit! I don't know who I'm gonna trust anymore!!

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