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My head hurt so much, probably I drink too much last night. I open my eyes, I feel familiar with this room but not my room that I'm staying with Jake. It's the room in Phil's house. Did he carry me up here? Immediately I take a look at my clothes, still same last night. Phew... I sighs relieved. Then, I heard knocks.
"Y/N, are you awake?" I heard Phil calls. I tried my best to wake up, I'm strumbles during my way to the door. How many glass did I drink last night?
"Hi, morning Phil" I says once I opened the door. Phil smiled at me.
"Well...it's actually already noon" Phil says
"What?! Shit, my head is hurt so much" I place my hand on my forehead. Phil help me and lead me back to bed. I leans against the headboard.
"You just stay here. I will bring the food and hangover drink in your room" Instantly, he's get out from the room. Then he came in with a food tray and put on the bed.
"Here, drink this first" Phil give me a cup of ginger lemon tea. I take a sip, yeah my senses came back now.
"Thank you, Phil" I thanked him. He's scoops the porridge that he brought with a spoon and try to feed me. I arched my eyebrow and look at his face.
"Come on, take a bite" he says, I took the spoon from his hand and ate it. He's just smile, I continue eating the porridge by feeding myself.
"Did something happened yesterday, Y/N? I never saw you like this, did you upset of something? Or to someone?" I stopped eating when I heard Phil's words. Upset to someone is the best answer.
"It's about Jake" I replied, break the silence.
"What's about him? Did he says something bad to you?" he asked me again. I shrugs.
"Suddenly, he went cold. His answer short, he didn't ask me anything and don't even look at my face when we're taIking. He's .... different, I don't know why. I asked him but he's brush me off" I sighs.
"Maybe he's lose interest on you? That's not unusual for man like him" Phil says.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I puzzled, look at his face.
"Tell me Y/N, do you know anything about him? Did he tell you about himself, his family, what's his last name, what colour he's like and anything else, apart from Hannah and Richy disappearance?" Phil asked me. I shakes my head, all I know that he's half brother of Hannah and Lilly Donfort. That's means his full name is Jake Donfort? No, Phil's right. I don't know anything about him. But that's because we're don't have time to talk together. Then, I remember Lilly told me about how Jake act before lost contact with Hannah. And he act like that too, to me. I feel anxious, what's if....
"Probably, after all this over, he will disappear without a trace. He's a hacker, so that's possible" Phil's words add more anxious to me. Yes, undoubtedly he can do that too.
"Y/N, I care for you and I think you should let that man go. I don't want you get hurt someday because of him. You're deserve better than that" Phil says.
"This porridge is delicious" I says softly, avert the subject. I turned to Phil and smile.
"I'm always here for you, Y/N" Phil grabs my hand, his face look concerns.
"Thank you, Phil....for...everything" Our eyes meet. Phil is a good guys, any woman will lucky to have him.
"Oh I forgot, Jake told me that you want to meet me. Why?" I asked Phil.
"Oh yes, it's about Alan Bloomgate" Phil replied.
"Alan? What's about him?"
"He's know you're here....."
"Well, that's not new. I already told you that he know I'm here right?"
"No Y/N, that's not what I'm gonna say. He's know you're here and he's know your face, he's saw you enters my bar on the night that Jessy being followed"
"Oh my, that's not good. I bumped with him while I'm looking for Jessy on that night, I thought I lost him"
"There's more Y/N" I turned to Phil, waiting for him to talk.
"This is the last chance for you to take his offer or else, he'll take action towards me and the others for obstruction of justice. And, he will state the same to agency about Jake too. Trust me Y/N, I know him and I'm sure that he's not bluffing" He's threatened me, I sighs.
What should I do? What should I do?
I think I don't have a choices but I need to discuss with others about this.
"Thank you, Phil. I will discuss about this to others first. I will update you when it's final" I says, then reachs my cellphone.
"By the way, can I join in your groupchat too? Well, without realization, I also being part of this cases, don't you think?" I look at Phil with wide eyes. Not everyone in that group like him. I don't mind but I'm not sure for others.
"Ummm...I don't think that's a good idea, Phil" I replied
"Oh come on, I saw you're the one who done the work. That's means you're the leader right?" Phil smirk at me, I sighs.
"I need to ask them first, okay?" Phil nods.

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