The Past II

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I'm just sit alone at living room watching tv but I can't focus to the show whatever the name. My eyes keep shifting to my cellphone on coffee table in front of me. After breakfast, Phil told me that he want to go to groceries and will drop by at his bar. I lose count how many times he told me to rest and take time. But sometimes I feel I don't want to waste my time, sometimes I'm scared of the truth. I shakes my head and immediately I reach my cellphone.
Subject of the email, Secret of Past. Rachel wrote something for me.

Y/N dear, there are must be reasons why your mother hide it from you. Please don't think badly of her, I understand that I barely know your mother. But when we're met at first time, I know that she's a trustworthy person. A years ago, your mother asked me to keep something about you but she didn't tell me further details. We're both know her, so I didn't ask her and blindly agreed. I told her that one day you will know yourself and she aware of it, either she will tell you by herself or, if she gone before that, I just need to forward this to you. I'm sorry for not help you much, dearest but I do hope you will find your answer with this. I love you just like Alice and Ben, Y/N. Please don't go away too long from us.
Your Sweet Mother, Rachel

I smile read her signature, she's truly a sweet person even though she's aggressive in court. I remember I always run to her house because everytime I fight with my mother and play together with her twin child. Back my focus to the email, there are three attachments in the email, I click at pdf file and it's actually my birth certificate which I believed that gone in the fire, if that true. But then I saw the address, it's located in Duskwood. Wait, that's means I'm locally from here? Okay, that's... Then, I click another attachment, a picture of me as a baby with my father in front of house. I never saw this house before, probably the house which my parents claimed destroyed? I click another attachment, a voice note. I hit play.

Hey Y/N, if you hear this means I already gone and you found out the truth about Duskwood. I found out that I have lung cancer but it's too late and growing aggressive. However, everyday I decided to fight it for you because I know I will leave you alone if I lost.

It's my mother's voice, tears starts well up in my eyes. I miss her so much. I heard her sniffles and it makes my heart in pain.

It was never our intentions to kept it secret from you and we have reasons for that. Let me tell you how it's starts, when you're eleven years old, after Pines Glade festivals, you came home with pale face. I do asked you if there's something wrong but you just shakes your head and holed up yourself in your room. Next day, you didn't out for eat, your door locked and didn't answer when I called you. Your father using the extra key, unlock your room and we found you, unconscious lay on the floor with your father's sleeping pill. The doctor said that you are lucky because we brought you earlier, if longer than that, you will died due to overdose. After you discharged, all the way back home, you are hiding and not looking out which you loves to see the forests everytime we passes it. You don't want go to school, closed all the curtains in your room and cry all nights. Until your father lose his patience and ask you .....

Her sobbing became worst. What's exactly happened to me?

Then, you are cry and shouts said that Jennifer's die in the forest. Your father shocked as he's on the charge for finding her but I stopped him when he tried to ask you. Later, there is news that police found Jennifer's body buried in the forest after a few days she disappeared. I afraid of you darling, I can be fearless with other but when it's came to you, I just cant. And you're not longer a happy & cheerful like you used to, I'm worried about losing you again. So, I asked my friend, a psychiatrist about your condition and he recommended me to bring you to him. He told me that there is a treatment that helps you, but it's still clinically tested and it can remove recent tragedies by using REM sleep method. The side effect that you could be probably either seizure or memory loss. I don't know what the heck he's said but if that means can bring the old you, my happy daughter, I'm willing to take a risk. Lucky for us, the only side effect that you're experienced is memory loss. After that, we're decided to moved out to new place for your mental health and safety. It is hard for policeman like your father but he's willing to sacrifice everything for you. Unfortunately, he unable to saw that his girl grow up became a bright and strong woman. We're sorry for lying & keeping this secret. I'm afraid that I will lost you if you remember, the medicine are for avoid you to remember your past. I'm sorry Y/N, I am terrible & selfish mother in the world because I loved you too much. Both of us loved you, Y/N. Goodbye darling and please take care of yourself

The voice note stop. I'm froze for a while after it's stop. Then, tears coursing down on my cheeks and everytimes I tried to hold my sobbing, it became worst. I don't know how to feel, it's all mixed up. Anger, sad, disappointment & devastated.... Suddenly, my head hurt so much. I shut my eyes, there is an image, there is a fountain in front of me and I looking at it. Then, someone's calls my name and I turned around to look who's calling but the doorbell's ringing interrupts. Instantly, I open my eyes. Woah, what's happened? Is that a fragment of my memory? The doorbell keep ringing.
"Did Phil forgot bring his house key?" I says in my heart. And it's keep ringing and make me annoyed.
"Can you just wait?! Why you didn't bring the keys?" I says out loud and open the door. When I opened the door... Shit!
"Oh my god" That's only words came out from my mouth when I saw someone's familiar in front of door.
Phil bought me a painkiller for my headache. Thanks for the medicine, my head didn't hurt anymore.
"I give both of you space to talk, I will be outside for smoke" Phil says and walk out.
I nods and glance at face of the person in front of me. She's look at me with stern face and I sighs.
"I have reasons why I'm doing this, Lilly"
Lilly raise her eyebrows, "Well, I don't know. What's your reasons, MC?" I don't how should I begin, I just have a glimpse of my memory about a hour ago. I take a deep breath.
"Are you trying to make story or excuse now, MC?" she never give me a break. I rolled my eyes.
"After Jessy & Thomas little visit at Michael Hanson's house, I received a threatened call from the culprit and he told me that he will kill all of you and I will watch him to do that" Lilly didn't say any words after that. I sighs.
"After what happened to Jessy & Richy, you think I can just sit and watch it, Lilly? No. The reasons that I didn't tell others I came here because I think the culprit is probably one of us, Jake believe it too." I continued
She narrow her eyes, "No way, you're kidding right?" I shrug.
"Possibility, I hope that we're wrong. But still, I can't risk myself to tell anyone that I'm here. Unfortunately, of all people, you're found out. How long do you know I'm here?"
"Yesterday evening, I saw Phil and a woman walked out from bar, usually I didn't care. But one thing I assured you that even you've changed your hairstyles, I'm still recognized your face. I just don't want the history reports, so that's why I'm here to confirm by myself either I'm right or not right" She says.
I taps my finger on my chin, "I should consider do plastic surgery. But please promise me Lilly, don't tell others I'm here especially Jake. Or else, I will put myself & others in danger too. Also, I broke my promise with Jake by coming here"
We're fall into silence again. After a while, Lilly nods.
"But still, why are you here? I don't think that only reason, right?" she asked. I sighs, is she psychic?
"No, I want to know why Hannah sent my old number to Thomas. I want to know what's my connection with her" I answered, she raise an eyebrow.
"What's that supposed to means?"
I sighs, "Apparently, I just found out today that I'm from here.."
Her eyes widen, suprised, "What?! And?"
I shrug, "That's all I know for now, I lost my memory because some of 'brain procedure'. I also consumed medicine that I thought it's a cure but it's not" I says. She sighs.
"So, please give me time, Lilly. And, don't tell others" I hope she will not tell anyone.
"Fine, Okay but under one condition" She says
"What is it?"
"Turn on your cellphone and told everyone that you are okay. Everyone lose their faith right now, MC" Her words make me headache, I need to think it throughly.
"That's only my condition, MC. Everyone worried about you especially Jake. Police unable to find Hannah, Richy & the suspect. We're lost and you need to encourage them like you used to. Please MC" She continued.
I nods, "Ok then, I will. Promise me that you won't tell others"
"I promise" She look around.
"But why you stay at Phil's house? You can stay at motel" she asked. I narrow my eyes at her.
"Don't you see, Lilly? If I stay at motel, it's will clearly I just inform to public that 'Hey, I'm here, come and get me, especially you. The man without a face' " She nod her hrad and grins, no wonder I solved all the puzzles by myself.
"Well, I will get going. See you later in group chat" she says and walked out. What should I do?

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