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The time already at twelve in the morning but my eyes still wide awake, so I decided to watch some movie and hoping falling sleep. Finally, Phil opened up his bar after have a long rest. I'm pampering myself with face mask, then go to kitchen to get snack for movie.
Once I opened the pantry, my jaws dropped, "Wow, his pantry better than mine" I says while grabs a couple of chip and a soda can. I make myself comfortable on grey three seater sofa, switched off the light and choose Enola Holmes movie. While I'm focused on movie, suddenly I hear some footstep at the front door and sound of rattling keys. I don't think it's Phil, it's still too early for bar to closed. Immediately, I turn off the TV, grab a cute white vase on coffee table and hide behind door. As I prepared to attack when the door slightly open, but then I saw Phil once he flicked the light on. Phil turned around and jumps when he saw me with his cute vase in my hand, above my head.
"What... what are you doing?" Phil shuddered. I sighs and put the vase back on the coffee table.
"Wait! Are you try to smash that vase to my head?" Phil asked and shut the door behind him. I carefully remove my face mask from my face.
I turned to him, "I thought someone trying to break in your house but I didn't expect it's you. Isn't it too early the bar closed right now?" I raise an eyebrow.
"Because I have you waiting in my house?" Phil winks at me and smirks on his face. I rolls my eyes.
He cackles, "Well, there are not many customer nowadays. So, I decided to closed early" Phil look around his living room and turned back to me.
"Why you don't sleep yet?" He asked
I rubs my hand on my back neck, "I can't sleep so I want to watch movie"
"Great, let's watch together. But I need to clean myself first, I'm sweating" Phil says and go to his room before I can reply. I take a seat on sofa, munching chips. When the last time I watched movie with man? 3 years ago? 4 years? I can't remember. Then, I can feel my face red and I glance my outfit tonight. Lucky, I'm wearing T-shirt and long pants.
"So, what's movie we want to watch?" I jumps a bit, suprised. I didn't realized he's sit next to me. Keep calm, MC, keep calm.
"Wait, you take soda? I'm gonna get us the beer " he wake up and go to kitchen. I shut my eyes, take a deep breaths to keep myself calm and Phil back to living room with two bottle at beer.
"So, what movie we watch? Horror? Action? Romantic?" he says with wink.
"Action" I answered and drink a bottle of beer. We're decided to watch Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle. I don't know why I feel nervous, it's not romantic movie. Knock it off MC, I look at his face withbthe corner of my eyes. He's not bad looking after all, he let go his hair, tattoo on his neck and arm. His look give a bad boy vibe and attractive.
"Are you mesmerized with my face, MC?" Suddenly his voice break my thought, I didn't realised that I'm actually stares at him. Immediately, I turned my head back to TV. He came closer to me and skinging his arm over the back of sofa.
"Did I managed to melts the ice-colded heart of you?" he whispered.
"Nope" I shakes my head without look at him.
"Really? A second ago you looked at my face without a blinks" he says. I scoffs and I turned my body towards him and now, we facing each other.
"Yes, I looked at your face but it doesn't mean anything, Mr Hawkins" I smirks. He's smiled and lock his eyes on me. We're look at each other a while. To think back, since we meet, we're never facing each other and it make me blushing.
"You are really pretty, even without make up. Any man will lucky to have you" he says. I rolls my eyes.
"Lucky? My ex said otherwise. Any woman also lucky to have you, can cook and know to do house chores. I'm sure you can found one"
He hums under his breath, "Well, people said, if you feel weird or different about someone, that's mean she is the one" 
"So, have you found one?"I asked. He didn't answer my question. He's just look at my face, our eyes meet and I feel embarrassed. I turned my head back to TV, avoid his eyes. Then, he pinched my chin and turned my head facing him.
"I think I already found her" he says. I raise an eyebrow at him.
"Did you told this picknup line to other woman too? It's so corny" I says with sarcastic tone. His face came closer to mine, his gaze lowered to my mouth and press his lips to mine. I was blurred and drowned to nothingness. At first, he kissed me gently and affectionately and then, he pulled me in, like claiming my mouth more. I feel my whole is body tangled and I stopped thinking. I felt helplessness, it's feel like opening up my soul, tasting feeling and seeing every colour of the rainbow in their own sensual way, almost like catching a smile in a bottle, it's softness & sweetness. I was breathless and dazed, unprepared for all of this but I want more. I climbed on his lap & put my arms around his neck. My fingers grip his hairs, it's soft & silky, pulling him closer. His arms around me and down to my hips. We are kissing like crazy, like our lives depend on it. His tongue slips inside my mouth, gentle but demanding. He shuddered and there was a sound from the back of his throat, half growI, half moan. He sent me freckles ablaze as his lips made a run for my neck, melting into my flesh, making me moan. The rush of sensations crawling across my body was maddening. Scary. Thrilling. Then, suddenly my consciousness came back to me. I pushed his body and rest my forehead against his.
"Sorry, but I feel this way too fast" I says, barely more than a whisper, try to catch up my breath. I can tell that he tried to control himself. My hands feel his heart beats faster. He's bites his lower lips.
"Yes, sorry. we're just barely know each other. I understand" he says softly. Then, I get up from his laps.
"I will go to sleep then. Good night Phil" I says with smile.
"Good night Y/N"
Immediately I go to my room, lay on bed and hide myself under blanket. I touched my bottom lips, that kissing moment with Phil Came to my mind. The sensation, sweetness. I feel blushing to think it back
"How I'm gonna face him after this" .
Phil POV
After I cleaned up the living room and turned off the TV, I go outside for smoke. Take a cigarette and light it up, as I exhale the smoke, my kissing moment with Y/N came to mind. I touched my lips with my right thumb. That kissing moment will always burned in my mind. I never felt like this before with other woman that I've kissed. I feel drowned, lost and it's insane, I can't explained. Her smell, her lips, her moan when my lips run her neck. Unfortunately, she stopped when things about to get more intimate. I smiled. I understand, we're don't know each other. I hope she didn't think badly about me. Yes, I know I'm not a good guy but when I love someone, I will do everything for them. Now, for the first time, I desperate to get know someone better.
Lilly POV
My parents asked me to stay with them on this weekend. I want to decline but my mother insists, so I don't have a choice. I packed my things in my backpack, go to their house and have breakfast there. While I'm in packing, someone rang my doorbell. Who's came to my house in the morning? I hesitated, what if that person is man without a face. I scared but also curious, then I grab bat that I kept for my safety. As I unlock my door, twists the doorknob and prepare to hit if man without a face show at the door. I open my door and look at person at the door.
"Hello Lilly" he say. He's wearing black hoodie and there is backpack on his right shoulder. He's put down his hood.
"Why ... I mean, how you come here??" I ask him
This is very unexpected.....

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