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I open my eyes, the sunlight outside shines in through the blinds. I'm stretching my body and saw a hand wrapped around my waist. I turned around, it's Jake whom soundly sleep beside me. Both of us naked and we're shared same blanket, my face immediately turns red as I remember how both of us ended up like this last night and it's wild. I don't know how I can be so brave to make a move on him, probably I'm a little bit drunk last night but I never regretted it. I looked at his face, his face look calm when he's asleep and my gazes turned to his body, I never expected that his body is toned. I assumed that he's always on run and that computer of him is heavy.
'I should get up and make something before he's wake up' I said to my heart, and move his hand from my waist slowly, I don't want to wake him up. I couldn't found my dress, so I wear his black hoodie on his chair. The hoodie quite large from my body, the length of hoodie on my thighs and the sleeves is long. I looked at the mirror, there are few of hickeys on my neck, collarbone and chest. Suddenly, I heard a beep sound and it's from Jake's computer.
"Did he not shut down his computer last night?" I said to myself, slowly sat on the chair and move the mouse.
At the screen, a pop up window mentioned 'Downloading are completed' and there is option either 'Open' or 'Close'. Now, I'm curious, turned to him if he's still sleep and he's still asleep.
'Should I wake him up? Probably, it's important to him or maybe it's Hannah's cellphone? All the contents of her cellphone already finished?' I said in my heart. I moved the cursor to the 'Open' option and clicks it. My eyes wide open when I saw the content...
'This is Richy's information'  I saw Richy's picture inside the profile.
Then, I remember that I asked Jake to find information of Richy but I thought I said to forget about it, yet he's still do it. I sighed and I take a look of Richy's profile.
"Everything is a basic info... oh he's got a certificate of Data Science with Python....what's that mean? Maybe Jake knew about it" I said. I continued scroll down the profile and saw his father's photo, Paul Roger.
"His face look familiar, well of course, he's Richy's father. For sure, I have met him when I'm child. He's also go for rehab due to alcoholic" I keep scroll until I saw her photo. I'm just staring at her photo for a while, then my head hurt, out of nowhere. As I read her profile, my heart beats faster and my headache became worst.
'I need to take a painkiller' I said in my heart and walk slowly to the dining table to get the painkiller in my sling bag. Due to I'm strumbles when walking to the dining table, I have to lean on the wall for a moment.
'Did my memory trigger of something? This pain is the same pain like I felt in Lilly's house but this pain is far more worst than before'
When I moaned in pain, I held my aching head and at this point I hoped the pain would go away.
'Please make it stop!!' I screamed in my heart
Jake POV
I yawns and opens my eyes, as I stretching my body I tried to reach for Y/N but it appeared she's not here. Immediately, I wake up and called her name. I don't saw her dress on the floor and my clothes are on the chair. I put on my pants and search for her in the house, check in other room, bathroom, kitchen and living area but she isn't here anymore.
'Where did she go? Did I do something wrong again last night? But she's said that she's satisfied last night. What did heck I'm thinking that way?' I said in my heart, I reach my cellphone on coffee table. As I'm waited for Y/N to pick up the call, I noticed that there is small notes on dining table. Immediately, I take the notes and rip it out off from the dining table. The notes said:

"If you don't hear anything from me until midnight, call for help!

From Y/N"

What does this means? She's didn't even pick up my call, I called again and it goes to voicemail
After I parked Phil's bike at the motel, I'm walking in the forest as I remembered the shortcut from motel to junkyard. Jake called me many times but I need to check it first before told him everything.
'Finally I'm here'
About 100 metres, I saw a hut in front of me and it still look same.

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