Make it Past or Make it Right

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"Meal time!" Richy came into the room with cheerful voice make me annoyed. He drags a chair in front of me and face me.
"Today, I just cook for you something simple. Hope you don't mind" He says, take a scoop of mushroom soup and feed me. I'm so hungry, so I have no choice to eat it. Richy look at me with wide eyes.
"What?" I said, Richy chuckles.
"Before this, you don't want to eat it. Today, you're so obedient, I like it"
"Shut up!" I annoyed with his words. After finished the soup, Richy give me water for me to hydrate myself.
"What happened Richy? Someone's know your secret, that's why we moved?" I'm curious with his answer, he turned to me after hear my words.
"Well.. you're the brilliant one Y/N. It's useless to lied to you, yes we moved because our cover is blown" I scoff, that's mean Hannah saved. I feel relieved but I can't just chill yet, I don't know what their plan on me. Richy told me the other day that they have to kill me but if their cover is blown up means that their plan to kill me not longer working, right? I need to know more.
"What happened to that person? Is it police?"
"Well..." I feel nervous with his tone.
"Don't tell me it's one of our friends, Richy! I will kill you!" I shouts.
"I will not hurt the others Y/N, I'm not that stupid!" He mad at me, pissed off with my tone.
"I don't believe any words from your mouth!" Richy sighs.
"No, not them. It's Alan, I don't have a choice so I make him bleed to give us time to flee" Richy replied. I clenchs my jaws.
"What's that supposed to mean? Make him bleed? Do you killed him Richy?!"
"Seriously Y/N? I'm not dumb enough to kill police, let alone to kill chief police. I just make him unconscious, that's all. Don't worry okay" Suddenly, Paul came into the room with someone and threw on the ground. I hear the groan and it's a man, I wonder who as his head cover with black cloth and his hands, legs tied up.
"What the heck you brought him here?" Richy asked Paul.
"It's easy for you to watch them in same room, your mom stay with your aunt and I need to go to her as your aunt called just now" Paul looked at me, I smirks at him.
"..and please Richy, don't do anything stupid, especially with her. I will check your mom and came back, then we will proceed our next step" Richy nod his head
'Next step huh? So they still stick same plan' I says to my heart. I need to do something.
"Both of you are so stupid, your cover already blown up but still stick to stupid plan. Alan will find both of you, trust me that he will" I said.
"We have our escape plan" Richy smile at me. I look at them with widen eyes. They will leave Duskwood! Both of them get out from the room.
"I can't let it happened" I said, my eyes turned to a man on the ground. Probably, we can plan to escape together.
Alan POV
"Are you sure? How did you located her?" I ask him.
"With her friend, she have another cellphone and according to him, she usually have a cellphone ..... hide somewhere in her...body" Jake answer my question, his cheeks flushed red. I narrow my eyes to him, he clears his throat.
"Why didn't you told this earlier? Are you also conspiracy with Roger's?" I asked him.
"What?! No! I just knew that...."
"I just told him about Y/N used my cellphone once before. It's my fault" Phil cut Jake before he's finish. I sighs.
"I will call my team for briefing about tonight" I immediately call Derek to gather as much as officer that available for tonight. I light up my cigarette and look at the sky.

"If I'm gone, can you look over Susan and Y/N?" Dave said to me, exhale smokes. I look at him, wonder.
"What happened? What the result of your checkup last week?" I remember that he's take a day off for medical check up. He's frown.
"Not good, Alan" His eyes look over at the fountain in marketplace, watching the people in festival.
"You should stop smoking then" He's chuckles.
"Yes, I should. Susan nagging me about it, bad for Y/N and everything"
"She know?" He shakes his head.
"She will force me to retired earlier, rest and all the bullshit. Y/N told us that she want to be police if she's grown up but Susan don't like it and told her that she should became a doctor or teacher. Y/N told Susan that she will became police to catch bad guys like me and she stick with it" I laughs because I know how stubborn Y/N is.
"Dad! Alan!" Both of us look up and saw that Y/N waves, run to us. Instantly, we put out our cigarette as Susan always warned us to not smoking in front of Y/N or else, she will kill us. Y/N hug Dave and he kissed her cheek, I'm also does same to her. I already thought she like my daughter.
"What you doing here? Where is your friends? Hannah, Richy and Amy?" Dave asked her.
"They're sat on our spot to watch firework, so I bought something for us to eat. I'm searching for my new friend, she probably lost" She replied and look around.
"Oh, you want us find her? I can help" Dave said, she shakes her head.
"No, it's okay. You're probably busy to guard and catch bad guys, dad. I'm strong, so don't worry, I can find her by myself. I should go. Bye dad, bye Alan!" She said before leaving.
"Please take care of her, look over her for me" Dave said to me as Y/N gone in crowd.

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