Chapter 14

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I know we all want to know what happens next with Sapphire, but I thought of showing you guys how our dear Keneally is doing after his mate left. I've been debating releasing this chapter for weeks, didn't know if it was needed but I've finally just decided to do it. This event took place a few days after Sapphire left, it's to show depth on Ken and I hope y'all enjoy it.


Keneally punched the bag, his anger towards everything that had occurred to him the past few days being the fuel to keep hitting harder. He couldn't understand, was he such a despicable person that even his mate couldn't bear to be with him?

Did his mere presence disgust her so much that she felt the need to run away rather than sit down to have an actual conversation with him? He needed to know or he felt he might go crazy with so many unanswered questions bubbling through his head.

His bear hands smashed harder and repeatedly till he felt skin tearing and the overwhelming smell of metallic blood wafting into the air, assaulting his senses but he didn't let this stop him. He needed this—he needed to feel pain, he deserved the pain for if he wasn't such a terrible person then maybe his mate wouldn't have considered leaving him.

Since his female had abandoned him, he hadn't been able to get enough rest, he couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, hell he even refused to speak to anybody and would only stay locked up in his room, trying to savor the remainders of whatever scent she had left. It was all he had left of her after all and he didn't want to lose it.

He was afraid that should he leave the room, then whatever memory he had of her might leave with him and he didn't want to risk that so he remained cooped inside the room. As well as him, his wolf had also scurried to the back of his mind, the loss of his mate being too much to handle. It was like a reminder of the pain they went through in the past.

Generally had a fire burning within him, a flame he knew only his female could quench. Oh, his sweet mate. How he wished to hear the sweet melodic tune of her voice again, even if it was in the form of her yelling or snarling at him. He would take it. As long as she was with him, he didn't care about anything else.

He could feel wetness stain under his eyelids as he huffed, the irony of the whole situation causing a dark chuckle to escape his lips, he; Keneally Reed, the great womanizer and every woman's dream, the man who women dreamt of having and one who couldn't stay committed to one woman was here—he was almost going crazy, even shed a tear for a woman who probably didn't care if he existed and one he had no clue about.

He guessed people were right; Life does have a way of kicking you in the butt and did he hurt him so much to acknowledge this fact.

"Fuck this." He gritted through his teeth as he threw one last punch at the bag, causing its head to get ripped off its edge.

Slumping on the floor, Keneally held his head in his palm, straining to hold back whatever tear had threatened to escape his eyes, he couldn't—he didn't want to cry. He was a male and males never cried. He had to remain strong. He kept chanting this to himself so he could ease the void he felt inside, but he knew how weak he truly was.

Pathetic. Stupid. Miserable. This was the effect of what his mate running from him had caused, she had managed to bring back so many dark memories, remembrances he had tried to forget the past years, and he couldn't fathom how identical both his past and present memories felt and how horrible both instances made him feel.

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