Chapter 1

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•»You don't need to act all strong and try to carry the burden of your trauma alone. I need you to understand that the more you try to ignore your pain, the more scars it will leave behind•«

Ryan Mason(Veiled in Darkness)


"Come on, is that the best you've got!" Ryan taunted his Alpha and best friend as she threw yet another punch in his direction, one which he had effortlessly managed to dodge.

"Patience. You'll soon have blood to wipe off your face soon," She could feel fear radiate off the members gathered in the training ground as she spun around to face Ryan, her fist folded and left leg bent forward in a fighting stance.

Sapphire always started every training session by sparring her Beta and second-in-command. For she knew that if there was anyone capable of actually giving her a hard time in training, then it was him. Over the past years, her pack had learned that their Alpha wasn't one to make false statements and that if she said she was going to spill someone's blood, then she would go through with her promise even it was the blood of her best friend. Messing with her was never a wise decision.

"You do realize that you'll have to hit me to make me bleed, Alpha." Ryan flashed all his canines in an act of playfulness, aggression, and a little hint of disrespect. He was trying to bait her and from the way, her knuckles reddened with how hard her fist was clenched, he knew he was doing a good job.

The people gathered around were whispering in a muffled tone as they watched their Alpha's body jolt with vigor. They could see the battle for dominance between her and her wolf show in her eyes with the constant changing of color from their usual stormy grey to hazel. Sapphire sucked in a harsh breath as she struggled to reign in her beast, she knew it wasn't a very good idea to let her take over in a mere spar with her Beta, but yet she wouldn't let him get away with taunting her.

Members of the packs murmured in hushed voices as they watched her dash off in his direction. Bets and debate were passed across them as they argued on who was going to come out of the current battle unscratched. They weren't doubting their Alpha's strength, but they also knew their Beta wasn't one to back down from a fight that easily. It's what made him one of the strongest in the land, but still, they couldn't stop their wandering mind from thinking about the outcome.

Ryan maintained his calm posture as he watched his Alpha charge at him, but as soon she was near enough to get a hit at him, he dodged last second and threw a harsh fist to her side, causing her to stumble backward. Ryan had her just where he wanted her so when she was least expecting it, he punched her midriff, inflicting pain so hard it caused blood to pool in her mouth.

Sapphire's breath became raged and intense as she strained to regain her balance. "Impressive." she coughed out as she clutched her abdomen still reeling from the effect of his assault on her. Ryan watched her stoic stature, looking for any sign of pain from what he inflicted on her, but her eyes didn't flicker in a way that indicated her suffering, rather she maintained her emotionless exterior.

Ryan huffed as he faced her "I guess you are the one who has to clean up blood from her face. Thought the Dark Alpha was supposed to be unbeatable? I guess not." He was antagonizing her and he very well knew that she wasn't one to take lightly to disrespect and she was about to show him why she got her reputation as the Dark Alpha.

Her pack gasped loudly as their Beta finished his last words. Their body shook in horror as they watched her viciously spit out blood from her mouth. They knew very well how much their Alpha hated people demeaning her power and at the moment, they couldn't help but fear for their Beta's safety.

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