Chapter 11

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~A true friend might not always be around to save you from every storm, because there are times the universe creates trials you have to face alone. You know he is a true friend if you can count on him to be there even at times where no one else will~


The car ride home wasn't smooth, there was an uncanny, tense air around both friends. Sapphire knew Ryan had questions for her. Questions that she wouldn't feel comfortable answering. She didn't want to have to explain her choices, for she knew Ryan would be against them.

The uncomfortable silence between them was eating at Ryan's skin, and he could feel his fingers on the steering wheel start to quiver in agitation. Ryan knew that his friend wasn't in the best mood, but he also understood that whatever had put her in such a sour mood had to be important.

He wanted to find out who it was that had put her in such a situation and his significance in her life. Ryan felt the need to try and lessen her burdens because he was aware of all his Alpha had endured getting to where she was. He witnessed it all, he was there when she lost everything she held dear, but what honestly impressed him was that she didn't let the hardships stop her from fulfilling her duties to the pack.

Ryan was proud of the woman she had become and more so that she was his friend and Alpha, he just wished that she would let him into her wall of emotions so he could be a proper friend to her.

At this point, Ryan had lost count of how many times he had tried to remind her of his presence, he could remember days he would spend telling her that she didn't need to carry the burden of her trauma alone and that it didn't matter how hard she pushed him, he would still be there whenever she needed him.

Sapphire might come off as a powerful Alpha to the rest of the world, but Ryan knew better. He understood that behind her strong demeanor was a young woman who craved love, care, and attention.

Leaning towards the car's rare window, Sapphire crossed her arms over her chest as she tried to distract herself with the frantic waving of the trees in the wind. She had hoped that just maybe her being oblivious to what had happened earlier would prevent Ryan from questioning her.

Sapphire was well aware that Ryan wanted a mate for her, and she knew that he wouldn't be pleased to find out that she had abandoned her mate without giving him a chance to be in her life.

But how could she let him in a life filled with darkness and pain? A life where she had nothing to offer him other than hurt. A life where he would constantly be targeted because of her past decisions. She might not be the best person but Sapphire wouldn't have another person dying because of her.

Not quite long, Sapphire felt the car come to a stop, and she immediately started fondling with the seatbelt in hopes to escape the queries she knew were coming. The seatbelt soon came undone and Sapphire slipped out of the car, slamming the door shut and walking further away from where the car had been parked.

The pack grounds were empty, they were no wolves littering around to question Sapphire on the events that had happened the previous night and Sapphire was thankful about the fact. It was a norm for pack members to eagerly await the return of their Alpha after her attendance in the mating ceremony.

Sapphire was lost in thoughts, she didn't know what to make out of the decision she had made to leave her fated. Will I regret it? This was a silent question that swirled through her head.

A shiver ran down her spine as she recollected the passionate flames that danced through his mesmerizing orbs, she would never forget the tenderness his gaze had when they held hers, and how they had softened when his wolf had come out to stake his claim.

She knew her decision couldn't be reversed and honestly she didn't regret her choice to walk away from their relationship. Her mind was made up. She had decided at that moment that she wasn't going to fret nor worry about anything regarding him, for it was done and it couldn't be changed. The moment she decided to leave, she had walked away from anything regarding their relationship and its possible fates.

She would only let herself worry about her future from here onwards and not linger in the past.

Ryan watched his Alpha from a distance. He didn't need a seer to make him understand the importance the male who went after them held in her life because through the years, she had never let anyone affect her the way he did. He had his hunches, but he couldn't be entirely sure unless she told him.

Without further thought, Ryan walked towards her and put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her out of the trance she was in. "Is everything okay?" Ryan says as his emerald eyes watched her intently.

"Yes." Sapphire's voice is low as she immediately stepped away, wanting to avoid the conversation she knew Ryan was going to bring up.

Ryan understood that this was his friend's way of brushing his questions aside and honestly he didn't want to press her for an answer, true friendship was built on patience and trust so was going to be patient and hold on to faith that someday, she would trust him enough to inform him of the matters that bothered her.

Sapphire had taken a few steps in the direction of the packhouse when Ryan's voice halted her "I know something is wrong, Sapphire." A chill ran down her spine at his words, but she let him continue.

"I'm not going to pressure you into telling me what it is right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I'll always be around whenever you need a friend." He said, a thin smile spreading across his lips.

Sapphire didn't look back but rather continued till she reached her bedroom. The moment she was safely inside, she collapsed at the back of the door, covering her face with her palms.

"Why do you know me too well?" She murmured in her palms. Sapphire knew that if there was someone who knew about the emotional battles she went through every day then it was Ryan.

She craved his friendly care and if she had her way then she would he in his arms, allowing him to soothe and wipe the tears she so desperately wanted to shed, but she wasn't so cruel as to allow the only friend she had to bear the pains of her burden. It was her pain and she would face it alone, she couldn't live with herself if Ryan got hurt due to her. It would break her and she wouldn't have that.

So with a passive face, Sapphire stood up from her position behind the door and walked up to her bed, soon burying herself in its soft sheets, and not too long after, she drifted to sleep.

Days slowly passed and Sapphire returned to her normal life, she would occasionally feel a sting in her chest reminding her of her absent mate, and the forthcoming full moon, and the changes it would bring to her life.


Okay, so I don't know what this is and I'm aware it isn't as great, it's just a filler. To be honest, I didn't know what to write so I stuck with this, it's crap but please pardon my incompetence. I'm getting to the action in the coming chapters and to apologize I'm going to be releasing another chapter later today.

Until then.

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