Chapter 9

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Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as they drive onwards. Sapphire could feel uncomfortable venom from the silence between them gnaw at her insides, its sharp fingers were slowly consuming her, and if she didn't take care then it might devour her.

The male beside her was focused on the road, but he could also feel the tense air wrap around him. His fingers on the steering wheel were twitching from anxiousness and it was a tussle maintaining his focus on the road with his female seated beside him.

He wanted to start a conversation, but he didn't know how to begin nor what to say. His words had failed him for the first time in so many years.

Sapphire's eyes were focused on anything but him, she was distracting herself by paying attention to the raindrops racing down the car windows in tiny rivulets. The rain calmed her raging nerves, it made her feel safe and diverted her attention from the happenings that had taken place a few hours ago.

"Why did you run from me?" His voice is low, almost like it was laced with pain. Sapphire's eyes peek up and she tilts her head towards him.

"Because," Her face is stoic, her voice emotionless as she sucked in a breath before continuing.

"I don't want you." Sapphire finished and immediately gulped down the spit she didn't realize she was holding. She could feel a lump in her throat as she saw the grip the male had on the steering tighten from what she assumed was anger.

The car's speed accelerated and Sapphire's heart doubled a thousand times. "Are you crazy?!" She screamed out, her heart was thumping loud, she could feel the blood vessels bursting in as he stepped on the brakes, edging the car forward.

Sapphire could hear the tires make monotonous hisses over the rain-washed road. The male's hand fiddled with the radio and soon her ears were filled with the latest popular tunes. She wanted to escape, if she could, she would jump out of the car, but the action was too risky. She wouldn't jeopardize her safety just to be away from her mate.

Her hands are grasping hardly at the armrest of the car, she could hear the rain thumping loudly on the car's bonnet. She was distracting herself with the trees waving frantically in the wind.

The car ride was getting longer, she could almost swear that they have been on the road for hours. Almost immediately, the car came to a screeching halt and Sapphire's gaze lifted to see that he had pulled up in front of a house.

The driver's door opened and the male got out. Sapphire let out a breath she had been holding as she stepped out of the car. The yard they pulled up in is wet and muddy, she noticed numerous cars were lined up in it.

Sapphire refuses to move, she could see the male pull out his phone from his back pocket and began murmuring something too quiet for her ears. He hangs up soon enough and trailed towards her, Sapphire's breath hung in her throat as his huge figure stood before her.

Her wolf is humming in pleasure at the proximity between the two of them. She likes their mate and wanted to be tangled up in his arms, but Sapphire wanted the opposite.

Sapphire could hear a deep sigh emanate from as his eyes roamed her. He takes her hand, not giving her any chance to oppose, and began leading her in the direction of the house.

Halting in front of the building, he swipes a card and the doors opened. He led her inside and Sapphire could feel her jaw almost drop in shock. Who is he? That was the silent question that passed through her mind as her eyes examined the interior of the house.

She couldn't sense an Alpha or Beta aura from him so she had no idea what his status was in the werewolf world. Alpha's and Beta's were always known to be wealthy, but since he wasn't any of them, her curiosity was piqued.

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