Worlds Away 8- Betrayal

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Nila opens her eyes, wincing at the throbbing headache

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Nila opens her eyes, wincing at the throbbing headache. Recollecting what happened before she lost her consciousness, she tries to get up, but her hands are bound behind her. Struggling, she pushes herself upright and looks at her surroundings. The whole room was dark with guards around every corner. Anjali was next to her, and was just waking up. In front of her was a grand throne with a Andhakarian woman casually sitting on, hidden by the shadows.

"Welcome to my kingdom," she says tauntingly.

"Hospitality sure is different here," Nila replies sarcastically.

"Of course. You two are the only ones in the history of Andhakar to receive this special treatment."

"I apologize if I don't appreciate your generosity."

The woman chuckles and gets up. The light hits her face, illuminating her features.

"The board member," Anjali gasps.

"Actually, here I am the queen. The sole ruler of Andhakar."

"More like a tyrant. Preventing people from returning home," Nila says.

"This is their home. I just eliminate those who don't agree."

"Why? Why this ruse? You made everyone here believe that there is no way to go back home. Why?" Anjali asks.

"What is there to go back to? An overpopulated world dying in its own filth? This is paradise. You can escape your miserable fates and personalities and be whatever you want."

"But to do that, we would need to get Merged with one of your unwilling local creatures. No one would agree to this back on Earth, which is why you are hiding there is a way to return" Nila states.

"My my, aren't you so bright Nila. Well you know how geniuses are treated on Earth. Taunted and condemned, only to be celebrated after death. I didn't want to wait that long. So I twisted the situation to my favor. Once this world is fully populated, I would reveal to the desolate Earth how superior this planet is. And if they still don't agree, well I have to destroy them since I would have no use for that little rock."

"I can't believe Bhoomesh betrayed us to a monster like you!" Anjali cries.

"Do you really think that dimwit Bhoomesh betrayed you? I knew who you were even before you stepped on this planet. I purposely sent soldiers that Nila could easily dodge for your execution, and saw through your well attempted disguise. I'm wounded, you don't recognize me."

"Why would I recognize you? I don't know you." Anjali asks, confused.

The board member remains silent as she studies Nila's face. As Nila's eyes widen in realization, the board member chuckles and says, "You may not recognize me, but Nila does."

"Nila?" Anjali asks.

Nila just stares into the smirking board member's eyes and says, "The one person who could determine my moves and see through your disguises. RK Aeronautical was not only named after its CEO, but also after his only sister and CTO of the company, Raakshi Kumar. Our genius third idioteer."


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The ending will come next week (I hope) so stay tuned to see if our girls will survive this paradise turned nightmare.

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And if you and your friends are also idioteers, please share them here!

In fact, let me start this off. During my first year of college, I got convinced by my friends to join Tinder (don't really recommend it btw). I ended up talking to this guy and we planned a date at this small Mexican restaurant. However, this was my first date ever so I was really nervous. I heard lots of stories where dates will end with girls getting raped or killed, so was super scared. Luckily, a couple of my friends agreed to be with me, of course without the guy knowing. So we went to the restaurant together, ahead in time. I sat near the front and my friends sat a couple tables in front of me. Of course, all the servers in the restaurant knew that I was on a date and my friends were sitting only a couple tables over. During the date, at one point, we were talking about friends and I told the guy how I had friends from 1st grade. During this, I actually pointed to the friend, and it took me a couple seconds to realize what I did. Quickly, I changed my action and made it seem like I was gesturing randomly. Obviously the date didn't work out since your author is very much a Single Ponnu.

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