World's Apart- Finale

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Raaskhi's laughter echoed throughout the room

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Raaskhi's laughter echoed throughout the room. "That's right. I am the idioteer you all looked down on! The girl you pitied! But now I stand before you, stronger than Nila, more creative than Anjali, and better than everyone!" She cackles, celebrating her victory finally. All throughout her school life, she was confined to her wheelchair. Raakshi was not able to participate in many activities in school, causing her to be alone with the books. Nila and Anjali would spend time with her, but she knew that they were only pitying her. She didn't want that. She wanted to people to love her just like they loved her friends. All the girls adored Nila and guys flocked around Anjali. But no one cared about her. Not anymore.

"We never pitied you! We admired you more than anything!" Anjali bites out.

"Yeah right. Don't forget , I am the smart one. I knew how you all felt about me!"

"Forget it Anjali. She will never believe us," Nila says. "So let me guess, you did all this to win against us. If I'm right, you were the reason Anjali's engagement was cancelled, and you got together with Bhoomesh on purpose to hurt us. You gave us this opportunity, even though you knew we wouldn't go through with the Merging. Even during the execution, you planned it so we will escape so that you can see our deaths in person. You were cautious the whole time, making sure everything happened according your plan. Even now, you are making sure I don't get any funny ideas by having more guards around me than Anjali."

"Wow, you really did become smarter, didn't you?" Raakshi mocks Nila.

"We lost our beloved genius idioteer. I had to fill up that position. But now I see she is dead, and dumber."

"HOW DARE YOU?" Raakshi roars. 

Nila chuckles dryly before replying, "You forgot two things: my great aunt became a badass and Anjali became stronger. Don't let their appearances fool you."

At that moment, the door of the room slams open, revealing a hollering Thulasi paati with a machine gun raining bullets all over the room. Anjali and Nila make use of this distraction and escape remove the bounds from each other before joining the fight against the guards. Within minutes, Raakshi is bound and defeated.

"HOW?" Raakshi screams as she tries to get herself free.

"We got better as well," Nila tells her.

"By the way Raakshi, we never saw you inferior. In fact, we looked up to you. But if you really wanted to hurt us, then you could have just said you hated us. A loss of a friend is greater is than breaking up with some guy." Anjali says.

Raakshi was immediately arrested and was placed in isolation after this incident. Her brother Raakesh apologized for everything cause by his company and his sister. For compensation, he split up all his assets to the families whose loved ones were killed by Raakshi. The governments on Earth apologized to the native Andakar creatures living in that planet for the Merging procedure, and together they were able to come to a compromise. The already Merged could remain in the planet, but the Merging procedure will be banned and all communications will be cut between the two planets. Earth has to destroy all records about Andakar and can't ever come back. 

Nila and Anjali were given awards for their fight against Raakshi, and all their debts were cleared by the governments. Earth also decided to start focusing on improving their planet instead of destroying other planets. Though things were turning around, Nila and Anjali still mourned the loss of their third idioteer. 

Ok I had this story come in my dream, but the issue was I woke up before seeing the ending, and had absolutely no idea how to end it

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Ok I had this story come in my dream, but the issue was I woke up before seeing the ending, and had absolutely no idea how to end it. But I have another story conceptualized for the Single Ponnunga series so obviously I had to end this first. It's not good, but at least I don't have to worry about ending this anymore. 

BTW, adulting is hard. I have no time for fun stuff anymore 😒

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