Second Choice

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Shakthi stood near the entrance of her room, not knowing how to react. The itchy but fancy saree blouse and the heavy jewelry only increased her discomfort in this situation. By the way, why does a girl have to wear so many flowers on her head like she is a flower bouquet? There were no rules or instructions given to her, except to look pretty and act politely before the beloved prospective groom. The pins securing the jasmine garland onto her hair were pricking her scalp. There would be no shock if there was even blood dripping behind all the flowers. From top to bottom, she was pinned and decorated, as if her parents wanted to reassure the groom's family that she was indeed a girl.

"Stop with the shy girl act! You are making me nervous well," says the prospective groom standing in her room.

The groom, Santosh, visited this same room many times under less awkward circumstances. In fact, all these decorations were wasted since Santosh already knew everything about his best friend. Well, almost everything.

Shakthi just sighed and sat next to Santosh. This isn't the first time both have sat like this together in her room, but it was the first time silence accompanied them as well. Unable to stand the atmosphere, Santosh breaks the silence and says with a teasing voice "So, both of us as a married couple... I have never even thought something like this would happen. What about you?"

Shakthi just shook her head wordlessly. Seeing his chatterbox friend unusually quiet, the laughter in Santosh's eyes disappeared. Sighing, he continues seriously, "Before you make any decision, I need to confess something. I-"

Nothing letting him say anything further, Shakthi interrupts, "Do you remember when you were chosen for our school's football team?"

"What?" Santosh was bewildered at the interruption, but he quickly recovered. "Um... Yeah. I didn't think I would be selected by the coach. The other guy had lots of connections and more chances."

"When the results were going to be announced, I was planning to be there for you. But I had an exam at that same time, all the way across the school, away from the fields. But instead of celebrating with your teammates, you ran all the way to me. I still remember the shock I felt seeing you barge into the room all sweaty and covered in dirt, screaming my name. Without even caring about the strict teacher scolding you, you engulfed me into a tight hug and shouted into my ear, 'I DID IT SHAKTHI! I BECAME THE CAPTAIN!'" Shakthi reminisces fondly.

I was so happy that day. I had to share the news first to my best bud in the whole world, no matter how annoying she can be at times," Santosh jokes, giving Shakthi a slight punch to her arm.

"Shakthi just smiles at him before continuing, "That moment, I realized three things. First, I would have to retake the exam because of a certain idiot. Second, I would soon lose my hearing because of a certain idiot..."

"And third, the certain idiot you clearly insult every day is extremely talented?" Santosh exclaims with a broad smile.

Shakthi smiles softly in response and replies, "No. I had fallen for a certain idiot, my best friend."

"Wait what?" Santosh asks out of shock. It has been 10 years since that day, but he had no idea that his best friend was in love with him all this time. How many times he must have hurt her with his own ignorance?

"Since that day, I would try to learn everything I could about you. I knew that acting like a normal girl and trying to attract you like that was impossible. You would notice it right away. So I tried to know as much as I can about you and be someone you can depend on.

I paid attention to what you like to eat in each of your different moods; what made you laugh and what made you upset; what types of movies you like and what sports teams you supported; what you like to do for fun and what bores you; what you goals in life are. What you are passionate about and what you hated."

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