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I lay on the bed looking through the open window admiring the stars, dad is the living room making call I want to sleep before he comes in but no matter how I try to I couldn't. Images of that lady and the man keep appearing to me.

Are they really married? That's what I keep asking myself, she seems ok with him I don't remember seeing them together because we normally meet in the masjid.
Hmm how I wish everything is normal between I and dad too but do I hope so? Because since I come to the holy land what I have been asking the creator is I want dad to let go of me without drama, let him decide on his own to divorce me and let things be normal between us again that's what I have been praying for.

Dad come in which make me pretend as if am asleep.

The next day I wake up not feeling so good.

Bad night? Dad ask.

Uhm comes my reply.

What stop you from sleeping he said sitting next to me you have been tossing and turning almost all night long.

Sorry if I disturb your night I said not caring.

No no that's not what I mean baby I just want to confirm if you are ok and if we don't have to go see a Doctor.

No am fine.

He look at me for some time before saying let's go out then.


Still in the masjid I meet with that lady she great me with a smile like always which I quickly respond we stay quiet for a while before asking me if I stay in Abuja.

I reply with a no.

When we ended the prayer we all go to our separate way me to dad her I don't know.

But then a day to us going back home I meet her with that man in the lounge of our hotel the she surprise me by asking after dad.

I smile awkwardly before saying he went to get us something.

She now said no wonder then she turn to the man who was beside her smiling ' she is the one am telling you about I want to be friends with her but she isn't comfortable with me and whenever we finish praying she run to her husband almost immediately'

The man laughed before saying that's what you are supposed to do you too running to me always.

And she laughed saying' baby chill you know me and people, I love making friends but I promise I will start behaving like her too on our next trip and they all laugh leaving me like a statue.

I have to gather my thought in one place before greeting them both.

The man answer with care asking me about my well being and I answer politely.

They even invite me for dinner but I politely declined.

Then the lady smile saying she's baby's girl so she won't answer without his permission maybe you should talk to her husband first because I want to be friends with her you see.

No problem he answer immediately I will see to that then he ask me if dad will be long.

No I answer. I finally left them there that they will wait to talk to dad she said her name is Yasmin and her husband name is Alhaji Nuhu Mai Kudi and I told her my name and dad name we exchanged phone numbers and I went up to our suit.

Dad come in much later than anticipated.
You are back.

Yes he answer I met that lady outside with her husband she said she is a friend of yours, when did you and her become friends he ask.

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