Chapter 3

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Hey! So here's an update! Not so sure how I feel about this story...I mean, is it bad? It's hard to judge my own writing and I haven't gotten any votes are comments on it so can you please let me know? I don't know if I should continue it and it's kinda frustrating, I guess.

So, anyhoos, Enjoy!

~Bravery_Birdcage :*


Liam’s POV

Gym has been a blast so far. Louis introduced Zayn and me to Harry and Niall, and of course, I embarrassed myself right away. Niall and I had shaken hands, but I ended up blushing and staring into his eyes, only to realize that I hadn’t let go of his hand yet. And of course, Zayn and Louis decided to tease me endlessly about it. Bloody twats.

Anyways, Mr. Gordon had split up the gym class. One half of the class was in the gym, and my half went outside to play football. Amongst ourselves we ended up making two teams. Luckily, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis and I were on the same team. Unfortunately, Hannah, Taylor, Matt and his little posse were on the other team that we were up against. The lads and I weren’t too happy about it, but there was nothing we could do so we tried to let it go.

We began to play for a while, and my team was kicking ass. Turns out, Harry and Niall are really good at football. Louis, of course, was team captain, seeing as he’s the best on the actual football team we have at school. Zayn and I are right up there with him though. When Louis is absent, Zayn and I are co-captains.

The whole time we played, my eyes kept drifting over to Niall. I couldn’t help it though, and that’s what sucked. I can't control myself around Niall. The way his muscles moved when he ran, and how his eyes lit up when he scored…it made me smile. He was just so cheerful, and carefree, and that’s refreshing. He was such an adorable lad. I could tell Harry and Niall were enjoying themselves.

Louis looked more relaxed than usual as well. He has been eyeing Harry a lot, which, I'm noy going to lie, surprised me. He was doing the exact same thing I have been doing to Niall. I never thought that Louis could even be thought of as gay, but I’m considering it now. He claims to be straight, but the way he looks at Harry says otherwise. He always finds a way to look at him. Whether it’s a glance over his shoulder, or just flat out staring. Oh lord, I need to teach him to be more subtle when he stares at someone, because Harry was noticing. He caught Louis a couple of times and he would look away, his face a dark shade of red.

The game went on well for most of the class, but toward the end, things went horribly wrong.

Harry had the ball, and was kicking it down the field as he ran, running towards the goal. He was dodging people left and right and tricking them out. Matt began to charge at him, and Harry seemed to know that he wouldn’t be able to keep the ball away from him, so he looked for people who were open. Zayn and Louis were the only ones open, Louis being downfield, closer to the goal. So right before Matt reached him, Harry quickly kicked the ball to Louis, and Louis took off. My attention went back to Matt and Harry when I heard a scared yelp. I looked back just in time to see Matt go to kick, as if the ball was still there. He didn’t stop, so his cleats dug right into Harry’s shin. Matt’s cleats got somewhat stuck in Harry’s skin, so when he pulled his foot away, he literally ripped off some of Harry’s skin. Harry cried out in agony, and fell to the ground as blood began to pour from his leg.

“Shit!” I cursed, and ran up to him, pushing Matt out of the way. I dropped to my knees and examined the injury. It was unquestionably sickening. You could see the holes that were now gushing with blood, where Matt’s cleats had been. His skin was ripped, some of it hanging off. Niall soon joined me on the ground, his face pale, his usually gentle blue eyes now hard and angry.

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