Chapter 2

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Hey! Before you read this chapter, I just want to say that I have nothing against Taylor or Hannah, who come into the story for a couple of seconds.

Well, actually, I don't really like Taylor. And yes, she is based off of Swifty.

It is nothing personal. I mean, I don't like her. just feel like I should mention that. I mean, Taylor Swift is def talented, don't get me wrong. But i can only stand a couple of her songs. The others...not so much. And I don't really like her at all...yeah.

Anyways, onto the story!



~Bravery_ Birdcage :*


Louis's POV

I couldn't help but watch Mr. Sexonlegs, the lad of sheer perfection, nervously make his way towards me. Normally it would bother me if someone other than Zayn or Liam sat next to me because, well, everyone is so annoying. I know that sounds snobby, but I speak the truth. They either want something from me, or they try to become close friends with me because I'm popular, and captain of the football team. Or I'll get with some girl throwing herself at me.

Some people might think it would be nice to have girls all over them, but I for one, hate it. I like kind, sweet girls. Occasionally, I meet people who aren't using me, but it doesn't happen a lot. So that's why I usually stick to hanging out with Zayn and Liam. Besides, they were my best mates and I've known them since we were quite young.

Anyway, back to the perfect lad. I was actually kind of excited I was going to get to talk to him. I wanted him to sit next to me. His curls bounced with every step he took. His green eyes were piercing, yet also very soft and inviting. He had a long, lean body. I could tell by the look on his face and the way that he walked that he wasn't conceited or stuck up. At first he had his eyes fixed on the ground, but he then looked up. He held his head high, but not in a bad way. It was pretty much saying that he wasn't shy or timid, that he didn't mind being looked at, but I could tell he still didn't feel entirely comfortable.

The lad dropped his bag to the floor and sat down, moving the chair as far away from me as the table would let him? What the carrots? Does he have a problem with me?

"Introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you. They will be your new, and permanent, lab partners for the semester." Ms. Roland croaked. Oh god, do I hate her.

I looked over at the lad, offering him a huge smile. "Hi, I'm Louis Tomlinson." I introduced myself, and saw him stiffen for a second. What the...? I saw him force himself to relax and look at me with friendly, but guarded, eyes.

"I'm Harry Styles." He said in a deep, husky, sexy voice. God, was everything about this lad sexy?

"Nice to meet ya, Harry." I stuck out my hand, and he had to lean pretty much all the way off his seat to just shake my hand.

"You know, I don't bite. You don't have to sit so far away from me." I informed him, and saw him smile a tad. He then got up and moved his chair a lot closer, only leaving a couple of inches between our legs.

"That better?" he raised an eyebrow at me, and I nodded, chuckling slightly. My eyes traveled across his face, taking his features in at a closer distance. He was even more gorgeous closer up.

"I-Is there something on my face?" he asked nervously.

"No, I'm just looking you over." I told him honestly, continuing to stare. His looked down, obviously uncomfortable with me staring.

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