Chapter 1: Madelyn

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"I do hope you find your stay here acceptable. My father has updated the rooms you will be staying in and I hope they are to your liking," Stefan said as he led Katherine and myself up the stairs of the Salvatore mansion. "You are too kind, Mister Salvatore," I said. His cheeks flushed with color. "You may call me Stefan if you wish Miss Grant," he said. "Then you may call me Madelyn," I said.

"Here are your rooms," he said, opening two doors. "I will downstairs, do call if you need anything," he said, before disappearing around the corner. "He's quite charming," I told Katherine. "Yes, yes, he is," Katherine said, a small smile on her face. "You fancy him," I said, placing a hand on her arm. "No I do not, now come along," she said, pushing me into my new room. "Hattie, be a dear and help her unpack," Katherine said. "She is my maid, Katherine, you need not push her around," I said, taking Hattie's arm.

We entered my room, taking it in. The walls were painted a crisp white, the quilt on the bed a hand sewn floral and the wood floor draped in a thick carpet. "This will do nicely, Miss Grant," Hattie said. "It will," I said, as she placed my trunks down on the floor. "Would you like me to draw a bath?" she asked. I nodded. "That would be much appreciated Hattie," I said. She gave me a smile before walking down the stairs.

I heard muffled voices before Katherine appeared in my room. "Your room is quite beautiful," she said, her hand glossing over the books on the desk. "Yes, I will have to thank Mr. Salvatore for accommodating us during our stay here," I said. "And how are you faring? You must miss your family," she said, concern lacing her features. "I am doing well. My heart grieves for them, but I have moved on." I said, softly.

"I'll let you settle in," she said, just as Hattie came back with another maid. They were carrying jugs of water to heat over the fireplace. "Thank you," I told them. "You are welcome, Miss," Hattie said, starting the fire. She placed the water jugs on the shelf above the fire before bringing a tub. Once the water was heated, she poured it in, putting up a screen so I could undress.

About an hour later, I had bathed, put on a clean dress, and was heading down to dinner. "Good evening," a new voice said. "Good evening, you must be the other Salvatore brother. I'm Madelyn Grant," I said. "Damon Salvatore, at your service," he said, bowing and pressing a kiss to my hand. "I see you have met my brother," Stefan said. "Indeed," I said. "Well, you best keep your eyes on him," Stefan advised. I gave a laugh, Katherine rescuing me from further embarrassment We sat down at the table. "I'm afraid our Father will not be joining us tonight," Damon said. "I'm sure we will manage without him," Katherine teased. I placed a hand on her arm, warning her of her teasing. It was not exactly appropriate for her to be teasing them when we were their houseguests. They could easily remove their favor from us and put us on the streets.

"Katherine," I said, seeing that she had not acknowledged my hand. "She means no harm," Damon said. Knowing Katherine, I was sure she meant some harm. She was ever cunning and flirtatious, matching my gentle-tempered demeanor. I had no interest in courtship or marriage, but it was something my mother wanted. I needed to grieve my family before anything else.

Dinner was pleasant, I learned that Damon was currently fighting for the Confederacy, a brave thing to do in the uncertain times ahead. "Would tea in the parlor suit?" Damon asked, appearing by my side. "That will do nicely," I said. He extended his arm for me as we walked to the parlor. "I think my brother is infatuated with your dear friend, Katherine," he said, as an unnamed maid poured us each a cup.

"I do believe that is the case, Katherine is infatuated with him as well," I said. "And what about you, you must have soldiers lining up for your hand," he said, a crooked smile on his face. "I must admit that at one point I did, but since my parents' deaths, I have forced them all away," I said. "I understand, I did not entertain the thought after my mother died," he said, a twinge of compassion in his gaze. I sipped the tea, the hot liquid scorching my throat but it was a way to avoid conversation.

Laughter rang out from the other room, soft talking following. At least Katherine and Stefan were getting along nicely. "I will retire to my rooms now, thank you for the tea, Damon," I said, standing up and smoothing my skirt. Damon stood as well, giving a slight bow. "I will see you in the morning," he said. I turned, walking up the stairs to my room. "Was dinner pleasant?" Hattie asked, undoing the back on my dress. "It was, Damon Salvatore is quite the charmer," I said. She passed me a nightgown, my body free from the confines of the corset.

"I have heard such things, the other maids whisper," Hattie told me. I gave a nod. "I will help you dress when you arise," she said, unpinning my hair. "Thank you Hattie, you may go," I said. She gave a nod, leaving me in the solitude of my room. I brushed through my hair, my reflection looking ghastly in the candle light.

I place the hairbrush down on the vanity, walking over to my bed and picking up my journal. It was so much as a diary as it was a way to keep the grief at bay.

Dear diary,

Today was a day of change. Katherine and I moved in with the Salvatores. Both brothers are charming, in their own way. Stefan is more boyish than Damon, but Damon is more hard headed. I admire his courage to fight for the Confederacy. He has returned home from war for a little while, on leave. He is lucky to be with his family.

My heart aches as I think of my family, I have moved on without them. Mother and my two sisters were killed in the carriage accident, Father and my two brothers killed at war. I am the sole survivor of my family name, so I must wed to preserve our family line. The suitors have become more persistent lately, more aggressive even. Katherine and I try to ward them off as best we can, but they always return two fold.

Damon asked about my suitors, and I returned his question with a question of my own. I heard that Lily Salvatore died when he was 16, almost 10 years ago. How is it that he does not have a sweetheart. He is surely handsome enough for one, Stefan as well. I think Stefan and Katherine will be lovers, I have a feeling.

Enough rambling about love. The adjustment to the move has shocked me, how comfortable I am here. I hope it will quickly become my home, the Salvatore brothers have been incredible hosts. Katherine has been a good friend, each of us in turn helping the other with the grief that we endure on a daily basis. I do hope we remain friends until death will take one of us away.


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