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   It was a sunny day,birds were singing,trees were full of fruits,a comforting breeze was licking people's face gently,everyone was outside on a picnic or a walk.Everything was relaxed.But not Tony.Because the rogues were coming back today.Before you ask no he doesn't have a problem with them-well maybe expect Steve-but he was trying to get the team back together so he wasn't going to say anything.But this doesn't mean his son wasn't going to either.

   Peter was at school right now but he should come home in two hours-rogues were coming half an hour before him so he could ease the tension before he came home.Well maybe he should have told Peter to not kill the rogues so that he can relax a bit but of course he didn't do that instead he was pacing in the living room imagining all the outcomes and biting at his nails.He had adopted Peter nearly a year ago after May died in a car accident.It was hard of course Peter had gone into a depressed state and he had to remind him that he mattered.And after a few break downs Pete was slowly getting back to his old self not that there wasn't bad days but they got through them together,his friends were so helpful too they had helped him with keeping up with the school,got him out of his room to get freash air and clear his mind,reminded him how to enjoy himself again.They were always there when he needed them so when he had gotten better he made sure to thank them at every chance he get.

   Besides Tony,Peter was having a pretty good day,he had saved a little girl from a car on his way to school,had gotten A plus on his tests,Flash was absent today and now he was sitting at lunch with his friends enjoying his sandwich.But of course he couldn't stop himself from worring because there was a thing as Parker Luck as well so he was on high alert waiting for something bad to happen but nothing.His friends had seen his worried expression all day and finally decided to ask about it.

   "Dude you have chill a little not everything has to be bad."his guy in the chair said.Mj nodded her head in agreement without looking up from her book.

   "I know that Ned but I can't help it."he inhaled a deep breath."But I will try to relax don't worry dude."his friends knew that he wasn't going to anytime soon but they lived him to it.

   On his way home Peter couldn't help but feel worse besides his feelings his spider sense was alerting him that something was going to happen not like any danger but like a fight maybe.So his anxiety was going highware.Even Happy had asked him what was wrong with a corcerned voice but he dismissed the question.

   "Is there something thats happening in the tower?"our spider asked.He could see Happy stiffining at the question.

   "No kid why do you ask?"he said in what he hoped was a casual voice but to his dismay his voice got an octave higher giving him away.

   Of course our little spider has heard him and knew something was up so instead of answering he started to think all the bad things that could have happened.

   So when they had gotten to the tower he jumped up from his seat and bolted to the elevator.Telling Friday to take him to the penthouse.

   "I must tell you that there is some guests you have and advise you to relax and not freak out."Friday said on their way to the penthouse.

   "What do you mean Fri dad didn't tell me anything about that,who are they?"

   "I cannot tell you that because boss told me not to but I can tell you that you are not going to like it."and with that his thoughts started to swing in his mind.Curious to know who they are he didn't notice the elevator stopping.

   Once he did he bolted to the living room where his father normally would be and he found him.With the rogues.On the left of the room was the rogues and on the right was team ironman standing in front of another,all of their eyes turned to him when he franticly ran into the room.

   When the rogues came,Tony was sitting with his team standing to greet them.They had civillian clothes and weren't making any moves to start a fight.Tony guessed this was going to be easy.

   "We are sorry Tony and thank you for chanching the accords so that we all agree."Steve said extending a hand.Accepting his hand Tony said;

   "I'm just glad that we are all together again now come on sit so we can catch up."with that they were going to sit but the universe had another plans.Peter bolted into the room causing everyone to take out their weapons and aim at him.

   Peter was shocked but not because of the weapons aim at him ready to fire because of the rogues.He could see team cap was confused and team ironman had relaxed upon seeing him expect Tony,he was freaking out.Telling everyone to drop their weapons and coming near Peter who looked more murderous than Natasha right now.He introduced him.

   "Guys relax this is Peter he is my son.I adopted him."he added seeing the shock of othe other team.Looking at Peter and nearly pissing his pants from the look on his face he got back to his standing position in front of his team.

   Peter was looking at the other team up and down he could see them shiver and back away from him even Bucky was scared when he was used to cold glares from Hydra but this kid was something else.Natasha was shocked at the kid in front of them when his eyes met hers she shivered but could feel the anger in his eyes they weren't directed to her.When his eyes met Steve's she knew who the anger was for.On the other hand Steve was trying to look intimidating but was failing miserably the kid started walking towards him and that's when he knew he fucked up.

   "Why are you here?"kid asked with a low voice.

   "We came here to apolo-"before he could finish the kid had wrapped his hand around his throat and throwed him across the wall knocking the air out of his lungs.

   "Apologize?You came here to APOLOGIZE?!!"everyone was shocked because the teen in front of them had threw a super soldier like he didn't weight anything.But the kid contiuned.

   "ARE YOU FUCKİNG SERIOUS?AFTER NEARLY KILLING MY DAD YOU CAME HERE LIKE IT WAS NOTHING.DAD HAD TO STAY IN HOSPITAL FOR A WHOLE WEEK AND AFTER THAT HAD TO GO TO A THREAPIST BECAUSE HE WAS HAVING PANIC ATTACKS.NOW YOU CAME HERE LIKE THOSE NEVER HAPPENED?"Peter had started to choke the soldier while screaming"FUCK YOU ROGERS!IF IT WAS UP TO ME YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN WANTED ALL AROUND THE WORLD BUT NO!BECAUSE OF THE WHOLE THREATHS AROUND THE WORLD YOU HAD TO CAME HERE!"he punched the soldier and let him go living him to catch his breath as he looked at the other rogues they all looked shocked.Turning to his dad he smiled like he didn't nearly killed a super soldier.

   "I'm gonna make dinner you can catch up while I'm doing that."he smiled at all of them and walked to the kitchen.Everything was silent except Steve's quick breaths.Team Cap was glaring at Steve because they had no idea about that.Tony cleared his throat and said;

   "Well who wants to watch a movie?"


So this is the first one,I have lots of other ideas don't worry

Tell me what you think about it and requests are open 




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