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Peter was walking towards the throne room,his mother had called saying she had important matters to inform him.Waving at everyone or smiling like he always does he stepped into the familiar room.

Walls were made of golden,flowers and valuable stones surronding them.At this hour of the day,the sun shining through the open glass doors and reflecting off walls,making everything look majestic.It always took his breath away.

Walking towars his mother,the Quenn of Vanaheim,he bowed before her.Rising when told to he looked at his mother expectingly.

"Why have you called for me mother,is something wrong?"The queen smiled sweetly at her son's worry.

"No need to worry my son,everything's alright or even better.The reason why I called you here is that after long meetings with the Asgardians to began an alliance we finally came to an agreement."she paused as if thinking how to say this on the other hand Peter was delightful to hear such news.Causing a warm glow to spread around him,his aura growing.

Peter was the god of peace,light and beauty and was very powerful,thanks to his domains.He had an angelic and kind face which always held a smile that brightens your insides causing whoever saw it to relax and feel at ease.His body glowed a low white light which was connected to his emotions,brighter when happy,lower when sad,angery when-well you don't want to see him angry but that almost never happened.Whenever you were close to him you would feel this glow filling your body with warm thoughts,bringing a peaceful atmosphere to wherever he went.Magic was one his favorite things and he had mastered it a long time ago,his magic was like the gleam around his body-a soft white mist covering his hands.You could not not like him with his charming looks and lovely personality.He was very clever too shocking everyone with his fast and smart replies.His people loved him and he loved them back,helping however he could and treating them like family.

"What does this agreement include?"his curiosity had popped up.

"Well son,everybody agreed on you and Loki,the god of mischief and chaos,to get married forming an alliance that will last for long years."The quenns words were soft and kind but they hit Peter like a brick.He didn't want to get married to someone he didn't know but he would do anything for his people,this war that has been going on between their kingdoms was affecting them badly so he made his decision.

"I will be honored to get married to him,our marriage would make a bond between our kingdoms."he said with his signature smile.

"Very well then I will inform Odin and Frigga of your agreement and we will discuss a proper date for the wedding.Thank you Peter,for everything."she added the last part knowing he was doing this for their people and was very proud of the man her son become.

"It's my duity as Prince to protect my people and I will do everything I can."with that he bowed,smiled at his mother one last time and walked out,going towards his chambers.

On his way back all he could think was Loki.He had heard of him of course,his tricks and lies but he wanted to know him personally,he should be more than just a trickester right?


Loki was in the library when Odin send him a message about an alliance they had made.Sighing and walking towards the throne room where Odin,his mother and brother was waiting for him.Once he walked in all heads turned to him bowing a little,not that he wanted to bow to Odin but,and flashing a quick smile to his mother he walked towards where his brother was standing.

"Why are we all here mother,normally when we make peace with other kingdoms not all of us would be together?"his tone was slightly annoyed but you could detect the curiosity easily.His mother just smiled as if wanting him to relax,it worked pretty well.

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