8-Good kids

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TW:past abuse


It was a new day,the sun shined through the windows waking up the city.Everyone got up,some happy some tired,and stretched their wings after a night of being folded up.

Everyone was born with wings,everyones different than other.It sembolized the person's life so they were important.Plus when you folded them they becomed tattoes on your back so you won't hurt them on accident.Tony's was average length,going from gold to a fiery red giving it a burning like look,Steve's was like an eagles wings long and strong,Nat's was like a demons black and sharp on the edges,Clint's was hawk wings but purple,his hero name coming from them,Bruce's was fluffy and soft,a warm brown,Thor's was long and an electrical blue,Bucky's was strong one a dark blue the other a metalic gray,Sam's was like a pigeon's,Loki's was a mesmerizing gren matching his eyes and Peter...

Well you see no one actually saw Peter's wings not his friends,not the avengers,not the people at school.Everyone thought that he didn't like them or they were ugly,but who would hide their wings for all their lives?

No one actually commented on it,not wanting to upset the teenager but since Peter had moved in the tower after his aunt had died in a crash,the avengers began to notice it more.Everyone had seen each others when they were sparing weither they liked it or not,but Peter always weared t-shirts and never took them off saying something about being a spider and getting as much warm as he can.

Peter knew why he didn't show his wings,of course he knew.Everytime he got out of the shower or changed his clothes he saw the reason.His body was covered in scars,all types of it.He remembered every one of them,the pain,both physical and mental.He remembered what they had done to him.


Peter was six,he was playing with his toys and had lost track of time.He should of been more careful,he should of done his chores first so the house would be clean when his aunt and uncle came.But the toys caught his childish minds attention first.The doors opening sound brought him out of his imagination and when he saw the time he panicked.Running out of his room he saw them looking very angry to the dirty house.Once they saw him,he knew he wouldn't be able to move a muscle tomorrow.Ben took out his belt and folded it while May took out beers from the fridge,watching them.A slap made him move his head to his uncle.

"Hands on the wall,took out your shirt don't want to mess it up with your dirty blood."he snarled.Peter quickly obeyed,his wings were already attached to his back.He was forbidden from even seeing them,his uncle always said that only good kids deserve something so meaningful.Cause of that he never knew what they looked like.The whipping sound rang in his ears,it didn't matter how much he prepared himself for the pain he saw black spots everytime the belt slashed his back.His little body couldn't handle it much longer and he blacked out.


Shaking his head to get out of the painful memories,he noticed he was standing there for fifteen minutes.Quickly wearing his shirt he got down to the training room,where everyone was waiting for him.Once they saw him all of them started doing their normal routines.No one commented when they didn't saw his wings.

As much as he tried to convince himself that it was ok and that he was gonna live with those scars all his life,it still hurt to see other peoples wings.He was used to it seeing everyone with them but himself.But that doesn't meant he didn't envy them,he didn't get jeolous or he didn't hated himself from time to time.Because he was a child forced to grow up too young.


He was eleven and now knew what his wings looked like in return of a big punishment at age seven.They were the most amazing things he had ever seen.It hurt when he remembered he would never got to see them again but he tried not to think about that.

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