9-And That's When They Knew They Fucked Up

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Civil war,an angry and dissapointed Peter,two men childs and slight spideypool.

Have a good reading.


Peter was never the argument type,he normally solved whatever the problem was by thinking from everyone's point of view and make the righest decision.But not a lot of people were like that.He didn't know why but everywhere he went people always fought with each other.His parents being the same.

His dad,Tony fucking Stark,was a stubborn man.Everyone knew it.It helped him when making business but sometimes was unnecessary,causing tension to go up for nothing.Yes,he was a genius but an idiot when it came to backing away from an argument,without even thinking about solutions he just makes it bigger.It irritated Peter and only made calming everyone down harder.That was one of the reasons they were here right now.

His pops,Steve Rogers,the golden boy of America.He was a soldier and it sometimes made him close-minded.He normally never starts a fight but if it has already started he would try to stop it.By trying to make everyone agree with his choice,like his was the perfect idea.But when not all of them sided with him,his stubborness and ego would surface and ignite the fight.Those moments were ugly ones.

But when his parents got in to a fight it would be just chaos.None backing away,thanks to their contumacy,bickering back and forth louder as the time passes till they are just screaming without listening the other,for hours.Peter would just hide his head under his pillow in these moments,trying to block out the shouts,not wanting his ears to explode from his enchanced hearing.At first he would try to reason with them but it only made them turn their anger to him,endind with them being guilty about the things they had said and Peter not talking to them for a week,then they would apologise but the damage would have already been done so he stopped interfering.But this fight,their last one,has gone too far.Not only about them but they got their friends into it too,making them choose between themselves.

Peter was a peaceful person,always looking at things from the bright side.The first thing he does when he wakes up is putting on a geniune smile for everyone to see and cheer up.And it worked,it really did,causing whoever saw the smile on his face to brighten up,taking their tiredness away filling them with positive thoughts and warm feelings.

So the things he was feeling was really different to him.The anger,sadnees,dissapointment and a lot of others filling his mind and body,making him grimace,he definitely didn't like them.Since their fight his emotions were building up inside him,making him short tempered and ready to explode.His dads taking this too far and preparing for war was not helping at all.He just wanted things to cool down and them to finally have a peaceful dinner.But sometimes not everything goes the way you want them to be-or in Peter's case,never.

He looked around him,the battlefield.Everything was everwhere,the more they fight the more damage they would done,but nobody seem to notice-too into the fight to care.Wanda and Vision was destroying buildings while trying to stop the other side,Tony and Rhodey's blasters making holes on the buildings-crashing them,T'Challa and Bucky were fighting if you count throwing each other into walls,Cap was destroying the terminale almost knocking it down,Nat and Clint were well they were conversating.

Peter huffed,this has to stop or they were going to hurt the civillians around the area.Looking for something to get everyones attention,he saw the pillars that was holding the once standing terminale.Grabbing one of them,he really loved super strength,and walking to the center of it all he didn't waste any time to lay it there,succesfully seperating the two sides and then gotting top of it.This made them all look to him.

Taking off his mask,he let them see the fire in his eyes.Everyone was taken aback,the cute little bean they all loved was gone replaced with a deadly stone faced soldier.He was glaring at them and it made even Natasha shiver.Peter could be very scary when needed to be.

"This ends now!You are acting like kids,what is wrong with you?Look around what do you see?Do you see the damage you have done,huh?!"They finally saw,rubbles everwhere.Surronding them.

"You are supposed to protect not destroy!You are heroes,understand?Heroes!Now you are going to sit and talk it out!And you are going to let go of that stubborness you all have!I'm tired of it!Did you hear ME?!"Slowly they understood what he meant,looking back they noticed how childish they acted and was ashamed.They were going to end themselves if it wasn't for Peter.But of course the stubborness couldn't fly away in a second.

"But underoos-"Tony began but was cut off by Peter's wolf glare.

"NO THAT'S WHERE YOU SHUT IT ALRIGHT?THE TEEN IS TALKING!All of you will work this out then clean this debris and then we are going to have a family dinner!GOT IT?!"To say they were scared would be an understatement.Not wanting to anger him more they quickly nodded their heads.Well expect Steve-God Dammit Steve-.

"Peter you are too young to underta-"

"What did you say?"This time his voice was deadly quiet,making all of them back away from him.How could a fifteen year old could be this frightening?On the other hand Steve was deadly pale.

"I-I t-take it b-back,please s-sorry."His voice turned to a whisper at the end.Clint would have recorded this if he wasn't trying to get killed by the cold glares the kid was given them.

"Good.Now everyone get to the quinjet we are going home."



"NO!YOU ARE NOT GOING THERE."Came from both of his dads.

"Then get your asses to the jet!"everyone hurried,some fast walking some actually running as fast as they could.Peter smirked at the sight,oh how he loved being in charge.

Once all of them were ready,they began to fly back home.When Peter walked back after opening autopilot he was faced with all of the avengers standing there like soldiers.

Bucky was shocked to say at least,and scared very scared,that a teen could command them but he wasn't complaining.After all he was gone through-Hydra,war,nazis,assains-this kid topped every one of them,and he wasn't going to anger him more.He wanted to live thank you.

"Steve and Tony step out."they complied immediatly,not saying anything about their kid calling them with their names.

"Okay so we are all here,what are you supposed to say?"they looked at their friends and lowered their heads.

"We are sorry that we dragged you into a war."came from Tony.

"And we are going to handle our problems by ourselves."Steve contuined.Peter nodded his head slowly seeming satisfied with their answers.

"Good,good now hug,kiss and made up."Peter said without broking his commander attitude.They didn't have to be told twice,after all those days without each other they had really missed their lover.Hugging tightly and sharing a lovefilled kiss they smiled and sat down side by side.This made everyone to relax and join them on the seats.Peter smiled at the peaceful environment.They had fight and disagreements but they all loved each other,a family.

"Wel since this worked up I'm going to call Wade-"


Yes,a peaceful environment.






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