15-What Is Grief?

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Laying in bed,mind blank.

Starring at the ceiling.

The cold weather send shivers down her body but she didn't felt them.

It was like the life in her was sucked out.Leaving her empty.

Empty without him.

The alarm began to ring from the bedside table.

She just let it ring.The sound echoing off in the silent apartment.A sigh escaped her lips and she got up.Closing the clock on her way.She slowly,very slowly began to walk towards the kitchen.Everything was untouched,in the same place as he had left.

Opening the fridge,another sigh escaped her.It was nearly empty.He would have been dissapointed.

Grabbing the half empty milk she took out a plastic bowl.Pouring in the cereal that was on the counter.Taking a spoon and walking out to the balcony.A small table was in the middle two chairs next to it.A few flowers were surronding it.It was casual but homey.

Sitting on a chair,she started playing with her food,not eating it.She didn't wanted to yet.Not like it had a taste,not after him.

She put the bowl on the table next to her phone.She hadn't looked at it since the incident.Not going out,not answering her phone,not doing anything.

She decided to pick it up.Immediatly being thrown off by the amount of notifications.Texts,calls,emails.All from the team.Asking if she was alright,trying to soothe her.Some were frantic,some were understanding,some were sad.It felt...different.She was too occupied with her grief she didn't realise all of them sharing the same pain.

But then something caught her eye.A single voicemail.Sent just before the event.By...him.Tears pricked in her eyes,blurring her vision.A lump formed in her throat,making it hard to swallow.Should she open it?She wanted to,but didn't feel ready.

But on the other hand when will she ever be?

Taking a deep breath she pressed the button.Holding it up to her ear.

"Hey princess,how are you?I know we didn't see each other as much as we liked this week but I'm happy to see you again even if it was for a mission.And uhm I wanted to say I miss you so badly,you are on my mind all the time.And I love you so much,never forget that.By the way I made pasta for tonight,our fifth anniversary.Hope you didn't forget,not like you could anyway you always remember everything.Plus there is wine too and I have a suprise for later.You have to wait!God I sound like a lovesick puppy.Hey don't laugh at me Mr.Stark.No!No I'm not a puppy.Hey!Stop throwing things at me!Agh you are so childish.Anyways Love you princess,see you soon."

She was sobbing so hard the phone slipped through her fingers and landed on the table.Though she didn't notice.Her whole body was shaking as she slide down to the floor.The emotions she locked up coming back full force.Sadness,grief,love,longing.

She remembered how they met.It was after the rogues were pardoned and Fury decided it was the best that they all stayed together in the tower.She remembered how anxious she felt,her palms getting sweaty.As they walked out of the elevator into the common room they saw Tony Stark standing there just as nervous as them.Next to him was a teenage boy probably same age as her with curly hair.He had a bright smile on his face,he was cute.

"Uhm welcome back again I guess.It's good to have you back?"Tony's words made everything more awkward.Even he cringed at them.There was silent minute where no one knew what to say or do.Finally to boy rolled his brown eyes and began to spoke.

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