7-Winter's Toy

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TW:beatings,rape,kidnapping,nightmares and winter soldier

Peter's 17 and Bucky's 23 when they first met



Winter was sitting on the bed of his cell,sharpening his knifes when he heard the guards voices from the other side of the metal door.Quickly standing straight he waited for it to open and prepared himself for another possible mission.But the door opened and a boy was thrown in.

"The higher-ups decided to give you a gift for you being the perfect soldier.Do whatever you want with it.It's yours now."One of the guards said and flashed a sickening smile to the trembling boy on the ground.With that they were alone again.He looked at the boy with hard and calculating eyes,his body was thin but you could see the muscles underneath his shirt,he had blue shorts showing his long and soft legs,bare feet.On his wrists were some type of bracelets,he had saw them on other experiments.

"They are to bloke my powers."Came a little voice from him making Winter look up to his face.His big brown doe eyes were wide upon in terror,hair blown to every direction,mouth slight open.Without saying anything or breaking his hard expression he sat back up and contiuned what he was doing before.He could hear the boy shuffling and looking around.

"I'm Peter,what's your name?"No response.

"I feel like you are not much of a talker,right?"No answer.

"Okay than,let me tell you about myself then."The boy didn't wait a second and started telling his life story.How his parents had died then his uncle then his aunt and how he got bit by a spider causing him to gain abilities,how he liked building legos with his friend,how he liked buildings things.

Winter was getting irritated by the boy's rumbling,clenching his fists trying to calm down,how could someone even talk this much?

"Shut up."a rough voice cut whatever the boy was going to say causing him to look up.

"So you can talk,what's your name?"the boy asked coming towards the soldier.Winter keeped ignoring him.

"Oh come on just tell me what is it."

"Come on what.is.it?"

"If you are not going to tell me I'm gonna make up one."

"Tell me!"this was the last straw for the soldier,quickly standing up and gabbing the boy's neck he slammed him to the wall.

"Shut.Up"he growled pressing him harder.But there was a new burning fire in the boy's eyes telling him he wasn't gonna back down easily.

"Try me Beyonce."he snarled causing himself to be thrown across the room.Winter walked to him and grabbed his collar,bringing his fist down punching him and another and another.


Jumping up from his bed he tried to collect himself but the memories didn't leave him alone.After a second he noticed the hands on his shoulders,following them he saw Steve's worried face.Looking around he realised he was in his room at the tower,the team was standing by the door faces similar with Steve's.

"It's ok Buck just a nightmare."Came a soft voice from his best friend,one of his hands came up and wiped the tears off his face.He didn't even noticed he was crying.

"No-no it was a f-flashback omg what h-have I done?I-I almost k-killed him.Why didn't I just calm down?Omg I'm-I'm such a bad person,the things I did to him.No one deserves to go through that.I-I-"his throat was burning probably from screaming.

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