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Winter was training,beating the hell out of a punching bag,using his full strength like he was ordered.His movements were almost robotic,used to doing the same schedule everyday.Get up,train,eat,train,clean his weapons,sleep,repeat.Sometimes he would go on missions and they would let him rest for the day,since he would be too hurt and tired to move a muscle after treating his own wounds so all he does is laying on the thin mattress.Sometimes they would wipe him instead of letting him eat or sleep,causing him to be extra agressive after a mind-washing,as a result the infirmary would be full for a few days.

As he moved from the shredded bag to the weights,the door opened and in came a few guards raising their guns at him.He automotically stepped towards the wall after him and got his hands behind his back.Thoughts started running around in his mind,he never got interrupted unless it was a mission,but he would have known if one was coming up.Was he getting wiped again?He didn't give them a reason to.Were they putting him in ice?It had been long since the last time.

The sound of struggling and screams echoed through the halls.It was a well-known sound for the people in there.But when another set of guards walked in dragging a brown haired teenager he was confused.The sounds were coming from the boy who was fighting back with all his might,unfortunately he didn't stand a chance against six armed soldiers.They threw him in,quickly shutting the metal doors behind them,leaving the two alone.

The boy jumped to his feet and ran towards the door all while shouting,cursing at the men in different languages,Winter was impressed by his knowledge.The teen began punching against the metal,bending some of it outwards.The soldier was shocked,even he had some difficulty when it came to bending metal and this boy in front of him was nearly making a hole in it.He decided to contuine his own training,not knowing what to do since they didn't gave him any orders.The boy jumped a little when he heard his footsteps,it seemed like he didn't notice the big man near the wall.A few minutes was spent in awkward silence,Winter lifting weights while the teen watched him.

"They locked you up too huh?"the sudden voice startled him.Turning his head to the boy who was now leaning on a wall he answered.

"I belong here."his voice had cracked from not using it for so long.The teen's eyebrows raised a little.

"Cool,cool."he answered,nodding his head and looking around.Another half an hour was spent wordless,everyone minding their own business.Suddenly the boy huffed and sat up from his place on the floor and walked towards the punching bag.He was bored and this looked like a better idea than sulking on the floor.He began to release all his pent up emotions on it.

"This-fucking-bastards-kidnapped-me."A punch between every word.He huffed and turned to the other man.

"I was minding my business you know?Walking around the streets,when I heard those little fuckers talking about something.And they decided to kidnap me just for it!The fuck?!I don't even care about what you talk,boi.Fucking shit."he returned to punching the bag mumbling to himself.The soldier seemed uninterested unless one part.

"What did you heard?"confused doe eyes met his icy blue ones.

"Why do ya ask?"

"What.Did.You.Heard."the boy seemed unfazed by the roughness in his voice but replied nonethless.

"Something about Captain America and Avengers."

"What exactly?"the teen sighed,annoyed.

"They said that the Winter Soldier was beginning to remember and the Avengers were coming to rescue him or something.Nothing important."he contuined his punches leaving Winter frozen in place.Were they really coming for him?He remembered a few things like a boy named Steve,who become Captain america later.Most things were still blurry and lost but it was something.

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