1. The Crystal Caverns

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Katara POV:

I can't believe that Azula is in Ba Sing Se, I can't believe she pretended to be a Kyoshi Warrior, I can't believe we thought she was Suki, I can't believe Zuko is in Ba Sing Se either.


The guy who chased us all over the world is working in a tea shop in the capital of the Earth Kingdom.

It sounds too crazy to be true but I saw him and had I not I wouldn't have been running to find  Suki. In other words, if I hadn't felt troubled by Zuko's appearence I wouldn't have been caught by Azula.

Ugh, it's Zuko's fault. Again. It always is. Now I'm stuck in this cave and no one knows where I am. I try to distract myself by thinking about what Azula could be doing now. I know it's stupid but I have nothing better to do.

After telling her that I saw Zuko and after Ty Lee blocked my chi Azula said that it was time for a family reunion with Zuko and his uncle. I believe his name is Iroh? Yes, that's it, Iroh. The guy who was against Zhao slaying the moon spirit. If he was on our side he would be a helpfull ally but he always sticks with Zuko.

I think that think that tea shop was owned by him. Yes, "the Jasmin Dragon" sounds like something he would come up with. Seems like the old guy went into retirement which is fine but, why is Zuko with him? Something was different. Zuko seemed.....calm, relaxed, chill?

Happy. That's what he was. He was happy that his uncle was happy and he was glad he could help him. Weird, Zuko seemes to have a nice life and I sent Azula right for him. Now I feel sorry. Something I never thoughtI would feel for Zuko. I hope Azula doesn't harm him and that Iroh can keep his tea shop.

Cut it out Katara! He's the enemy and he did plenty of awful things to you! Still, if he was trying to start anew I hope I didn't ruin it for him.

I also hope someone comes looking for me soon because I wouldn't put it past Azula to leave me here forever. Besides, where's Momo?

Zuko POV:

I could hae sworn that Water Tribe girl was in here earlier. I was getting tea orders when I heard a voice say: "table for two please" before a small gasp and the sound of running feet. I'm sure it was her but since all I saw and heard was a flash of blue and those few words I can't be sure.


The last time I saw her she offered to heal uncle after Azula firebent at him and me, being as stubborn as possible and very upset told her and her friends to leae before firebending at them. I wish now that I had accepted her offer because uncle still has pains occasionly and even though he claims it to be a different wound I know he's lying.

After we finally arrived in Ba Sing Se uncle imidietly started building a new life. I used to resent that but after freeing the Avatar's bison and going through a "metamorphasis" I hae begun to appreciate our life here at the Jasmin Dragon. Uncle is happy, Azula isn't here to bother me, I'm not an outcast and I feel better than I have in a long time.

Until I thought I saw Katara.

If she recognized me uncle will lose his tea shop and we'll both be arrested if not killed.

At the same time seeing her makes me wonder if they ever got their bison back and what the Avatar is doing now. I don't feel inclined tofight or capture the Avatar anymore and I have seen what the war has done to the people.

I think back to my travels in the Earth Kingdom when I was without uncle. How towns were welcoming until my identity was revealed.

"I hate you!"

Lee's voice still rings in my head ans all I can think about is how I want to fix the wrongs that my nation has created.

Lee's brother, his father leaving to find him, the Earthbenders being captured, the water tribes losing Watherbenders and the almost elimination of the Air Nomads. All casulties of this war. I want to stop it but what can I do while in here in Ba Sing Se?

Uncle calls me: "We have been invited to serve tea to the Earth King" He is so happy that I can't bring myself to tell him about Katara and spoil his enthusiasim. I'll just stay alert in case of a trap and everything will be fine.

Azula POV:

Everything is in place. The water tribe scum will lead the Avatar right to me and soon I'll have Zuzu and uncle to add to my collection.

One of the Dai Li comes up to me and bows. "They have arrived, Princess, and have been shown into the living room." I dismiss him with orders to have them surrounded. Soon, victory will  be mine!

I walk into the living room and great Zuzu and uncle. "Fancy seeing you here, brother." The shock on his face is quickly replaced by, confusion? Never mind, I turn to face uncle who appears unfazed. That is my first warning sign.

"Do you now how I earned the title: °Dragon of the West?" My second warning sign but I still answer: "This isn't the time for a history lesson, uncle."

He stands up and everything about him screams his next move.

Just before I get roasted I move out of the way and yell my Dai Li agents to follow them as they run down a hallway. Upon rounding a corner I catch a glimpse of uncle jumping out of a window.

Typical. I hear him calling for Zuko to jump but he turns around to face me. Again, typical.

He challanges me to an Agni Kai and I politely refuse letting my agents capture Zuko. After sending him to be imprisioned with the Waterbender I go to sit on my throne. However, I first take care of Long Feng by putting him in his place.

That man thought he was worthy to be my opponent. Me! The one who took down the council of fie, imprisioned the Earth King and laid a trap the Avatar. Not to get started on sneaking into the city in the first place.

"You have beaten me at my own game, Princess."

Ugh, how I resent this man.

"Don't flatter yourself, you were never even a player."

Zuko POV:

I knew it! I knew it was a trap! The only thing I didn't expect was that Azula would be behind this. I was sure I saw Katara so I thought that the Earth King would want to trap us.

Something just isn't adding up. Ouch! The hand cuffs or the hands of earth are really tight!

I wonder where they're taking me but it's hard to think straight in all this confusion. The Dai Li agents drag me to a blocked cae entrance. One of them earthbends it open and the other pulls me to the hole.

"You've got company." I have a cell mate? That's the last thing I understand before being shoved down a short tunnel into a cavern illuminated by glowing crystals.

As I struggle upright I hear someone say: "Zuko?" I recognize the voice. I would recognize it anywhere. It's the same voice I heard in the tea shop.

I turn slightly to look at the tanned girl wearing blue clothes. As I look into her blue eyes I say her name. It's more of a statement than a question.


A/n: This may or may not be a good story. Thanks for reading. Please comment. bye!

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