6. Enemy Territory

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Katara POV:

I'm disguising Appa as a cloud. Why because we're "sneaking" into the Fire Nation. Now that they think Aang is dead it's really the safest place for us. Speaking of Aang, he woke up 3 days ago and panicked thinking he was captured. I agree that is was stupid to leave to wake up alone on our Fire Nation Ship and honestly Sokka! "The whole world thinks your dead!" is not the way to go. So, after we stopped Aang from off I not-so-subtly hinted that we should go to the Fire Nation but made it seem like Sokka had the idea. Well..... now I can contact Zuko.

"Katara bring us down!"

Sokka's hissing wisper is rather carrying isn't t? I tune out whatever Aang and Toph are bickering about and focus on Waterbending. The moment the cloud clears I see Sokka roll on the ground. The look on face hints that he's about to say something pure gold.

"Great job with te cloud camo but next time, let's be the kind of cloud that knows how to keep it's mouth shut."

There it is. Pure gold.

"But there's no one here Sokka. Just some birds. They aren't going to tell anyone they saw us."

I raise an eyebrow as Sokka peers over a rock ignoring most of what Aang said.

"We're in enemy territory. Those are enemy birds."

I stifle a snort. It may be enemy territory but it's prince is our greatest Ally and they don't know it.

Zuko POV:

The Fire Nation. My kingdom. My home. But I feel like I don't belong and I suppose I don't after what I've done. Well, am doing. We just got here and Azula told me to get ready for the welcoming ceremony and such. I'm glad to have an excuse to leave Mai for a while We used to have something before I was banished but now I don't really have time for girls anymore and I don't have that spark for her anymore. I feel kinda bad for lying to her but it has to be done.

After the welcoming I make my way to where the messenger Hawks are kept. I need to see ifKatara is in the Fire Nation yet and tell her where I'm positioned before I send the assasin after them. I wince. That sounded brutal. I quickly tie the short note I penned to the Hawk. Commener Hawks, like this one, don't have compartments attched for notes.

made it into enemy territory. You here yet? Will send assasin soon if you are.

It's a lot for informal that I'm used to.

"There you are."

I jump, thinking it's Azula, but fortunatly it's just Mai.


Mai looks at me.

"You done moping about your worthless Uncle yet?"

I grit my teeth. Uncle is not worthless!


Mai's face remains impassiv as always.

"What are you doing up here? It smells."

"I was enjoying being home."

Home. That world feels strange to me. Somewhere in the time I was a fugitiv I stopped refering to the Fire Nation as home.

"Come on, let's go to your room."

Mai's comment breaks me from my thoughts.

"Actually, I wanted to go to the gardens and sit at the Turtleduck pond."

Mai regards me for a second.

"Suit yourself."

She leaves.

Down by the Turtleduck pond I'm lost in thoughts and plans of helping team avatar when a shadow falls over me.

"Why so glum Zuzu? Has Mai gotten to you already?"

Great. Just what I needed. Azula.

"What's the matter?"

I decide to tell her a very modified version of my thoughts.

"Will Father really welcome me? I haven't seen him yet."

"Oh Zuzu. Why are you so worried? The Avatar is dead. You have nothing to fear. Unless, of course, you think the Avatar survived."

I tense and regret it instantly. Of course Azula picked up on it. As she watches me my mind wanders to the memory of Katara's Spirit Water. I know Aang survived. He had to.

"No. There is no way he could have survived."

Azula just raises an eyebrow.

"Then you have nothing to fear."

She's up to something. I'm on enemy territory.

A/n: Sorry it's been such a long time and that it's quite short. Anyway, I don't own Avtar TLA. Please vote and comment. It means so much to me! Bye:)

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