10. Hello, Zuko here!

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Sokka POV:

Katara is crying again. It's the third night on our way to the wstern air temple and every night Katara cries in her sleep and everyone notices but no one says anything. We don't know what to say. Her best friend, whom none of us know, might be dead. She has a right to grieve. 

I watch as she clutches the bundle that contains the sword she found closer to herself. I wish I knew how to help her.

The next morning, Katara is her usual self if a bit more subdued. She makes breakfast, packs Appa's saddle and listens patiently to whatever Aang, the Duke, Haru, or Theo have to say.

Arrounf midday, Appa lands and Aang tells us that we're close enough to walk and that Appa is too tired to keep flying. I observe everyone during the next hour. The failed Invasion affected everyone differently and is visible in different ways. 

Toph handles defat with silence. Instead of her usual brash comments, she's silent as a rock and puts her feet up to sleep. The Duke, Haru and Theo try their best to be upbeat while still worrying about the soldiers left behind. Theo and Haru are expecially worried about their dads since they've both been at the Fire Nation's mercy before. Katara is mourning over someone we've never met and Aang is pretending nothing is wrong. That this is just a field trip. As for me, I'm worried about Dad but even more than that, I'm worried about Suki. Azula made me waste the eclipse by telling me she had Suki prisioner somewhere. I got provoked and wasted our chance to find the Fire Lord.

So my way of dealing with defeat is guilt and blame.

Katara POV:

"We're here!"

Toph's statement makes us all stop but there is nothing there.

"I think you need to get your feet checked."

No one laughs at Sokka's joke.

"No, we're here."

Aang says.

"The temple is below us."

After we land, Haru, Theo and the Duke rush off to explore. aang wants to follow them but I decide it's time to adress what everyone has been avoiding.

"We need a new plan."

Sokka says.

"I thougth the new plan was the old one. Master all four elements before the comet comes and defeat the Fire Lord."

Aang gives us his sulkiest lok.

"Where am I going to find a firebending teacher?"

I swallow. If Zee was here we wouldn't have this problem. Then again, if Zuko were here, we might not have lost the invasion.

"Well I guess we'll explore since we couldn't find a plan!"

Aang says and makes means to leave. This time Toph stops him.

"I'm afraid that will have to wait."

She points behind herself where Appa has just moved out of the way. There's someone standing there. Someone will familiar shaggy hair and gold eyes. Someone is simple Fire Nation robes. Zee gives us one of his awkward smiles before raising a hand to say:

"Hellp, Zuko here!"

Sokka POV:

How did Zuko even find us? I instinctivly jump into a fighting stance alongside Aang and Toph. I cast a quick glance at Katara and freeze. She hasn't even reached for her waterpouch. Instead, she stares at Zuko as if in a trance. looking back to Zuko, I see that he is also fixated on Katara. I feel a sinking in my gut.

Someone runs past me and tackles him. For a moment I think Katara's gone mad and is attampting hand-to-hand combat but when I realize what she's doing I almost believe the first option isn't as unlikely as it seemed two minutes ago. Katara has Zuko in a firce hag, crying into his shoulder and Zuko is hugging her back! For a while we watch them until katara's sobs turn into hiccups and Zuko holds her out at arms length. 

"Hey there Kat."

He smiles at her. An actual smile! Katara chokes out a laugh.


She wipes her eyes.

"I was so worried."

Zuko's eyes soften even more if thats possible and he pulls her close again. I quietly hear him say

"it's okay Kat. I'm fine."

Toph chooses this moment to clear her throat and Zuko looks up at us as though he just remembered his audiance but he doesn't let go of Katara. I'm sure we make a stunning sight. Toph is looking in the wrong direction, Aang's mouth could catch flies, and I'm still holding my boomerang in front of me. Zuko gives us a small smile.

"Maybe we should sit down."

he looks at Katara.

"If I can get Katara to let go of me."


So I haven't updated much and I'm really sorry. I'm not that involved with Atla anymore but I will try to update every now and then at least a short chapter.

Since I'm starting my last two years of highschool soon I might have to put my storys on hold for a while.

If anyone wants to help me write these stories that would be verry much appriciated!

Vote and Comment ideas!

Opaz out!!!

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