5.-Crossroads of Destiny- Well..., not really

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Aang POV:

One last gust of wind and one last push of earth later Iro and I break through the wall. The first thing I see is Katara running over and giving me a hug. Only over her shoulder do I see Zuko and I glare at him feeling my anger rise. If he hurt Katara....
Iroh tells us to go and I am all too happy to leave Zuko behind yet I can't help but notice Katara turn back to look at Zuko with something that looks like..... sadness?

Zuko POV:

I look away from Katara as she looks back. It's time to get into character. Just as I finish that thought the crystals come alive and rush to encase Uncle. I jump into a fighting stance and come face-to-face with Azula.Her eyes have this shine in them.

"I expected this kind of threachery from Uncle but you..... you're no traitor Zuko. Are you?"

Her voice goes into a kind of sing-song paired with a wide smile after hearing Uncle try to convince me to turn on her.

"You're free to choose what path to take. Be carefull or you'll make a big mistake."

She becomes mock caring.

"I've plotted every moment of this day but I need your help. Together we can conquer the Earth Kingdom and go home. Father will welcome you and you will have your honour back."

I swallow. This is it. The chance-no, opportunity Katara was talking about. I'm distantly aware of Azula leaving to pursue Aang and Uncle begging me to listen.
I know what I have to do.

"I'm sorry Uncle. Don't worry, it's all part of the plan."

I get rid of my jacket and head for the fight.

Katara POV:

Aang and I don't get far at all and the world blurrs into a desperate fight between us, the Dai Li and Azula. I'm winning against Azula, entangling her in water, when fire cuts through and frees her. Zuko is here. He looks conflicted. His gaze going from me to Azula and back again like he hasn't made up his mind yet. When he see's Aang though, he attacks.
Somehow Azula takes charge again leaving me to battle my new friend. Water and Fire coves our conversation.

"So far, so good."

Zuko just shoots mre fire before hissing:

"Make it seem like I turned on you!"

I nod and yell out:

"I thought you had changed!"

Zuko yells back.

"I have changed!"

Our 'fight' is interrupted as Aang goes into the Avatar State. I relax slightly but Zuko tenses up, his gaze fixed on something. Azula. She's moving her hands, collection something.
By the time the lightning leaves her hands it's too late to warn Aang. He falls. And I watch helplessly.
Everything that happens afterwards is a haze.

I'm holding Aang.


Iroh helps me escape with Aangs body.

Zuko looking terrified.

This was not part of the plan.

When I get to Appa the Earth King is with Sokka and Toph. Basco is with them as well. I remember what Zuko said about the Spirit Water:

'Who knows, Azula might hurt Aang bad enough that you'll need it for him'

I decide to give it a try but if Spirit Water can bring back a dead person or not is not something that was covered in the healing classes at the North Pole.

The Water eners Aang's wound.

His arrows glow for a moment.

His heart starts beating again.

Zuko POV:

I hope where ever Katara is she's having an easier time than I am. The Fire Nation invaded Ba Sing Se yesterday and Azula took over the city before announcing that we would be returning home with Mai and Ty Lee tomorrow.

"I betrayed Uncle."

It hurts the most.

"No, he betrayed you."

Damn Azula!

"Are you and Mai going to hook up again?"

Oh right. There was that.

"I......guess...... I don't really like her anymore."

Azula narrows her eyes at me.

"It's expected from you."

If I back down she'll get suspicious.

"Then I will."

Azula nods, satsfied and lounges back on the Throne.

"Look what we achieved Zuzu. We've done what no one has ever done before or will ever do again."

My eyes widen in relisation of what the Fire Nation now belives. It couldn't be more perfect to keep Aang safe.

"We've killed that Avatar. Permanently."

A/n: I do not own Atla. Duh! Please Vote and Comment if you want more. After this, I will most likely ignore most of the Storyline in Avatar so let me know if thats alright with you guys. Thanks for reading. Byeeee!:)

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