9. The Invasion

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Sokka POV:

I totally messed up! That was so emberrasing! And then Katara comes out with the inside info and a spy!
Don't get me wrong. I love Katara. She's an awesome sister and a really powerful bender but that was supposed to be my moment.

Unfortunatly I can never stay mad at her for long soooo...... Yeah.

We're on the roof of the subs right now. Only a few more minutes and we'll be in the Fire Nation. As we're called back down, I realize Aang is talking to Katara. I know he likes her and I know she doesn't like him so I walk up to them.

"Hey Aang, shouldn't you be heading out?"

Turning to Katara I say:

"Come on. They want to go."

Katara smiles and goes below but as I follow I catch Aang's angry look. Tough luck kid. You don't get my sister.

Aang POV:

That's the second time Sokka interrupted me! I was sooo close! I don't think it's an accident anymore. I swing myself on my new glider and take off towards the capital. Mabye if I win the war for her, Katara will like me.

Katara POV:

As we land, well surface, in the Fire Nation I look up from Appa's back. That's right. I made an air bubble during the last bit so the Fire Nation soldiers wouldn't see him and sound the alarms. Well, wouldn't sound the alarms ahead of time. The Fire Lord still knows we're coming. Not much will change that. We land on the beach and the subs launch the tanks as soldiers emerge behind them.

I don't remember much after that. It all get's a little blurry until the next thing I know Sokka has taken lead, Dad is hurt and Aang can't find the Fire Lord. As he leaves with Toph and Sokka to look underground I remember Zuko. I need to get to the meeting point soon.
I'll do that. Right after I make sure Dad's okay, 'll find Zuko.

----------------------------------(time skip! Give it a name!)----------------------------------------------------------

(I'm not actually sure what to write for the invasion itself)

(It's mostly what happened in cannon in terms of the fighting)

(Yay the Kataang kiss never happend! Anyone dissapointed?)

(If you are, this is a Zutara story. If you ship Kataang, please feel free to leave. this story will have no kataang whatsoever)

(Back to the story!)


We failed. The Firebenders have their bending again and Aang, Sokka and Toph couldn't find the Fire Lord. They found somebody else though. Azula.


I start running. I have to find Zuko so we can escape. I make it to the meeting point but no one's there.



No one answers.


I hear the others calling me. I have to go back. But I can't, not without Zuko.


It's Sokka.

"Dad says the soldiers will stay and that we should escape on Appa. Come on!"

"I can't!"

Sokka looks at me.

"He's not here yet."

"He could be dead."

I snap my head towards him.

"Don't say that!"

"It's true."


I don't want to belive it but the more I dwell on it, the more possible it seems. Zuko went to face his Father, not kill him. If he was still there when the Eclipse ended Ozi could have easily killed him


Sokka leads me back to the others and I numbly hug Dad goodbye and board Appa. No one is smiling. We don't know if we'll ever see the adults again. 
Right as Aang prepares to lift off something catches my eye.


I jump off Appa and run to whatever is sparkling amongst the rocks. I freeze when I see what it is. It's a sword. Around the hilt is a scrap of fabric. It's Zuko's sword. One of them anyway. The fabric must be from one of his robes. He probably hid it here because he didn't think he'd make it.
I carry it back to Appa while fighting tears.

"Is it,... his?"

Sokka asks. I nod.

"It is"

Nobody recognizes it much to my relief. Not even Aang. 
Appa takes off just as the first Firebenders show up. All of a sudden I'm exausted and I curl up in the saddle still holding Zuko's now wrapped sword. I'm scared he might be dead as much as I want to belive he's alive because even if he is, he's still in the Fire Nation where he just outed himself as a traitor.

A/n: Aaaaaand cut! Sorry I've been gone so long. (pls don't hurt me) As usual, I don't own atla. Vote and Comment! 

Opaz out!!!

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