4. You want me to what?!

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Katara POV:

"I'm sorry. I thought you just said you wanted to join our group."

I'm laughing. The idea is just to funny. Zuko nods and the laughter dies in my thought.

"You're kidding."

Zuko looks at me confused.

"I thought I explained. Weren't we getting along and sharing sob stories a moment ago?"

I calm down.

"Yeah, I'm just a bit overwhelmed."

Zuko gives an understanding nod.

"I get that. But back to my question, can I join you guys?"

I consider his question. On one hand he can teach Aang firebending but on the other hand he would make an even better spy. Zuko looks more and more worried as I take my time answering and starts figeting.

"Would you be our spy in the Fire Nation?"

Zuko jumps.

"Your spy?"

I nod.

"This is simple really. You go back to the Fire Nation and you can send information."

Zuko looks at me nervous and I patiently wait for him to calm down.

"Well......, I can't really go back to the Fire Nation now can I? I'm banished. Only allowed to return if I capture the Ava-Aang."

It's wierd hearing him use Aangs name but thats not importent right now. The question is: How can we get Zuko back to the Fire Nation. (Never thought I'd wonder that.)

"You... could betray us."

Zuko turns on me shocked.

"You want me to WHAT!?"

"No really, when Aang comes to get us out he'll probably have Iroh with him. Azula will come to stop us and when she see's you might leave with us she'll try to get you on her side. You wait a minute, join her and then, you've got your ticket to the Fire Nation!"

Zuko thinks for a moment.

"But then the others won't know about our deal."

I've already thought this through.

"We won't tell them. If it's just me and you it will be harder to discover anyway."

Zuko nods. See! It makes sense.

Zuko POV:

'Waterbenders are crazy' It's official. What she's suggesting makes sense but I can't help but feel.....used. I decide to ask:

"Am I just a pawn, a means to an end, to you?"

She looks at me like I'm crazy and I imidietly feel guilty about thinking such a thing.

"No, of course not. I was kind of hoping we could be friends now."


I'm glad I'm her friend because she is scary as an enemy. I go through her plan again in my head and decide to adress one inor detail.

"Communication. How are we going to do that?"

Katara faceplams.

"Right. Forgot all about that."

I think for a moment.

"I can't send hawkes too often because that would be suspicious and they could be intercepted."

"Is there mabye a servant in the palace whom you can trust?"

I shake my head before remembering.

"Not a servent but someone else. He's a trained assasin so no one who sees him will question him and he doesn't talk."

I see Katara hesitating and am relived when she finally nods her head once. As I start thinking about how to contact the assasin I'm pulled from my thoughts by Katara asking:

"But what if I want to talk to you directly?"

I sigh.

"I.....kinda have a way to sneak out of the palace so I would be able to meet you if you're in the Fire Nation."

I can tell that she's curious so I don't elaborate in an attempt to tease her. Finally she can't stand it anymore.

"How? What?"

I act exasperated.

"You really want to know?"

She glares at me. But it's a mock glare. I smile. Having a friend id nice. I see why Uncle wanted me to find one. Now, to break the suspense. I'm really nervous about this because I've never told anyone.


"Come again?"

Katara looks amused. Great, at least one of us finds this entertaining.

"I am the Blue Spirit."

I say it clearly that time.

"Zuko may be confined to the palace but the Blue Spirit is free to visit his secret ally in the night."

Katara is smiling now.

"That is sooooo cool!"

She runs and wraps her arm around me. I splutter:

"What are you doing?"

"It's called a hug Zuko"

"I know that!"

She laughs at my indignent tone.

"Good. Then hug back."

I slowly put my arms around her small frame. How can someone so strong be built so fragile? When we let go she's looking st my scar.

"You know, I could heal that for you."

I smile at her though it feels like a grimace.

"It's a scar. It can't be healed."

She pulls out a vile and holds it up.

"This is water from the Spirit Oasis. It has special uses so I've been saving it-"

I interrupt her gently.

"Then keep saving it. If you heal my scar Azula will never trust me and who knows, Azula might hurt Aang bad enough that you'll need it for him."

Katara looks at the walls.

"They'll be here soon,"

She sounds sad. I try to comfort her.

"Remember: make it convincing. Act like you want me to join and then act betrayed. Keep Aang safe, look out for my assasin and don't get too scared when I show up during the night."

Katara nods and places one hand on my scar while I close ma eyes. We're both perfectly still for a second.

Thats when the wall explodes.

A/n: You've heard it once. You'll hear it a thousend times. I do not own Avatar or the song at the beginnig. Please comment. I love comments. And vote. Bye!:)

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