Chapter 4: Mudblood

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It's two weeks before the Christmas holidays and everything seems normal until one day. Snape and Lily are walking the grounds talking about classes and homework. When walking through the courtyard towards the library, the bumped into James and Professor Mcgonagall walking together after yet another prank from the Marauders. "Hello Lily, Severus" said Mcgonagall with a small smile whilst giving them a little nod, "Hello Professor" said Lily giving her a big smile then giving James a weak smile trying not to giggle, He started to smile "hey lils", "hey" she replied. "Um professor" said Severus sounding rather jealous, "I had a question about the homework". "Oh yes well..." she explained the homework to Snape whilst James and lily just stood there. "Hey" whispered James to lily who he was standing next too, "hey" she whispered back, "Are you sure you don't want to go out with me" he whispered teasing her, "Oh, I'm quite sure" she said whispering back to him giving a little smile to him and him smiling back.

When they finished talking about the homework, Professor Mcgonagall walked James into dumbledor's office and Lily and Severus continued walking. "Since when did Potter call you 'lils' lily" said Severus breaking the Icy silence, "Oh not that long" said Lily in surprise, "But why did he" he argued. "Because he is a friend, kind of" said lily getting defensive. There was silence again, they continued to walk. They got back into the courtyard when Severus stopped walking. "You two are friends since when" he said, "I didn't say we were friends besides I can have other friends not just you" said lily defensive again. They started arguing.

"Hey it's not my fault you have no friends" said an angry lily, "Excuse me, you do not talk to me like that" said a cross snape "you filthy little mudblood". Lily stood back in surprise. James Potter must of finished with the punishment and heard what Severus was saying because he stormed over and started yelling at snape. "What the hell is wrong with you" shouted James drawing a crowd. "She started it" shouted Severus, "What are you a child snivilus" yelled James. "What is going on here" said Professor Mcgonagall trying to get through the crowd. "Why are you defending that mudblood" shouted Snape. At this James got fumed and grabbed Severus by the shirt and punched him right in the face. Lily gasped and back away more. "Mr potter" shouted Mcgonagall, "My office now!", "Its wasn't his fault Professor, it was mine, I'm the one to blame" said Lily quickly without thinking, James looked at her shocked for defending him but also annoyed at Severus. "I appreciate that miss Evans, but Mr potter did it not you, now if you don't have anything to do why don't you go to your common room or the library" said Mcgonagall, "Yes Professor Mcgonagall" lily walked towards the library avoiding eye contact with anyone especially James.

A few hours past and curfew was in half an hour, Lily finished her all her homework and started to walk to the griffindor common room and started to tear up. She got to the empty common room and burst out into tears and started walking up the stairs towards the girls dormitries. "Hey lils" said James quietly "you okay?", Lily jumped and turned around, "What.. Oh yeah I'm fine" she said lying and wiping away her tears. "No you aren't" said James "come here." "I said I'm fine" she said getting angry, James looked at her with an eyebrow up, head tilted, she looked at him then walked over to him and sat down in the chair next to him in front of the fire. "Look, I want to say sorry" said lily. "About what" said James looking up from the fire, "about Severus, it's  just how he is" lily said with a small weak giggle. "Why are you apologising for that, he was being a dick" said James angry. "That he was" said lily agreeing. "Thank you James or should I say prongs" lily said with a smile, he laughed that made her laugh, "your a great friend you know" she said. "I'm always here for them and even for you, friend" James said proud with himself, lily laughed.

They joked around for a bit and made each other laugh. Then they went to bed for the night. In the morning they all went to breakfast and lily went with them. On the way to the great hall, they bumped into Severus who tried to apologise to lily, "hey Evans, I'm sorry about yesterday". "Sure you are" she said tired and annoyed. "Listen" he said grabbing her arm. "Hey, back off" said James protective pushing him off of her, and they all walked off. "What was that about" said Marlene. "Didn't you hear about yesterday" peter whispered to her. "You know everyone can hear you peter" said Remus and they all sat down at the table together, lily sat in the middle for everyone was annoyed at Severus and Slytherin and wanted to sit next to her.

A few days past and lily spent a lot of time alone and in the library to distract herself. She got asked out three times in last few days of term, one by Tom O'Malley a ravenclaw and two hufflepuffs, Barney Calumson and David greyson. James had not asked her out since the inncedient. Lily could not wait till she got home from everything and everyone. Finally everyone went home for Christmas.

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