part 1- it started with a stare

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Her irregular heartbeat thundered in her ears, she gulped as she shook ever so slightly. She continued to walk towards her destination and stopped just in front of it to compose herself. She wore black boots, a denim jacket, fishnets and a grey shirt. She also wore every type of jewellery imaginable on her first day. The most prominent feature, her gorgeous purple locks that fell perfectly down to her shoulders. She had stray pieces messily placed which completed her look.

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The most important accessory of course was her earphones

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The most important accessory of course was her earphones. Her lips were pursed to mumble the lyrics, her antisocial tendencies relied on music to avoid awkward interactions. She made sure to turn up the volume every time someone passed by. After a large sigh, she gathered enough courage to head inside of Beacon Hills high school.

As she entered through the doors her head was down and eyes were darting to follow the movements of her feet. Her earphones were intricately placed in her ears so that everyone could see that they were there so that they wouldnt talk to her. She picked at the skin around her thumb, destroying her nail bed as her anxiety crept up. Her mind was hazy with thoughts, she could barely focus on where she was going. This became evident as she bumped shoulders with an angry looking boy, small with crazy hair yet cute. He looked young but also worn and full of knowledge.

Before she could admire any further he spoke up.
"Oi watch it, you just creased my new shirt" he said as he was trying to calm down
"What a shame" she responded rolling her eyes.
"I like her already, can we keep her?" A taller, slender brown haired boy chimed in, he was cute, utterly adorable in fact. His smile was perfect.
She was trying not to smirk at that but failed , she was beautiful when she smiled, something that wasnt a frequent thing.

"And you are?" She said after a while sass creeping in.
"Stiles stilinski, this little one you creased is Liam, ignore him, and you are?"
"Cassie but my friends call me cass" she stared down liam then laughed as he got visibly spooked.
"Okay cass well-" stiles began
"Ah ah ah, I said my friends call me that, you're not my friend.... yet so stay in your lane"
Stiles laughed and introduced the surrounding group as Kira Scott's girlfriend, scott, malia his girlfriend, liam and theo.
"Now that we are acquaintances, see you at lunch"
He makes a goodbye gesture and walks off with his arm around Malia.

Cass giggled and turned to walk away, bumping into her older sister Lydia Martin.
"Okay who is that Theo guy?" Cass began
"Ah I see you have good taste girl, hes hot dont get me wrong but hes a player so be careful. Hes single before you ask"
She simply responded with a nod.


The bell rings and I wander around for a while before finally heading to class, head spinning with opinions on my new 'friends'. Theo interests me, he seems so mysterious and unreadable, I want to truly know him.

I relate to him in the sense that no one truly knows me, my deepest darkest secrets I refuse to share, I struggle a lot. I'm scared of commitment and relationships but Theo seems comfortably like home, like I'd settle in quickly. If he were interested in me, would he be able to deal with my mood changes?

That thought evaporates as I arrive at the doorway to Mr Yukimura's class, I'm immediately dragged to the front and introduced to the class as Cassie martin. The kids gasp and stare at me with wide eyes just like I expected. Even my new friends seem shocked. I'm the unheard of sibling of lydia Martin. She didnt want anyone to know we were related, I was her embarassing little sister who held all of her secrets. But she seems to have embraced it this year.

I'm pointed to an empty seat next to stiles... and Theo. Great. Stiles winks at me when a question is asked and hes the only one raising his hand knowing the answer. I roll my eyes and frantically search for a pen in my case. I fail and dramatically slam my head down on the desk. Moments later I feel a tap on my shoulder as Theo is handing me a pen with a smile.

I smile back and take it but all I can think of is how mad i am that i like him.

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