part 18- sugar Coated

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I dragged myself out of bed and began to pack warm clothes, blankets, clothes for warm days and other hygiene essentials. Finally, I stormed into the kitchen to stuff bottles of water and food into it. I shoved my wallet in there too and put my shoes on. Through out this whole process, of course I ignored the eerie silence and empty stares that followed me around the room.

"Okay guys I get it I'm sorry for having a temper tantrum I'm fine now lets go" I said while letting out an empty laugh in hopes to get them to laugh too. Boy was thinking that would work a mistake.

"Its not that Cassie, you look...sick" Scott said softly, genuinely concerned.

"Well I'm not so its fine, i just havent slept much lately" i said sternly. Id have to tell them soon enough. But not yet.

I walked past the mirror and realised what they meant. I had large bags under my eyes and purple bruising. My face was pale and lifeless. I was looking a little bonier too which seemed to alarm them.

I shook myself out of it and slung my backpack over my shoulder. I walked out of the door and as soon as everyone else had followed i locked it behind me.

"Okay so whats the plan?" I asked in nothing above a whisper

"We decided it would be safer to visit Kira." Scott said

"Visit Kira?" I asked

"Well since youve been... out of it, Kira and her mom have been fighting for her freedom as the kitsune had begun to take control of her body. Before she left she informed me of a bunker thats not far from the end of the desert which the skinwalkers agreed we were welcome to take refuge in if the occasion arose. So we will take a bus to the edge of town first, then i will tell you the rest, okay?"  Scott said.

So it was settled, Stiles, scott, theo, liam Malia, Lydiacand Derek were leaving Beacon hills with me. Peter had done the only thing he was good at and ran a while ago.

Before long we were sat at the bus station waiting for the bus to arrive. Malia sat next to me and linked her arm through mine and stroked my arm. I smiled fondly at her as we stayed close to create some heat.

Soon the cold air and strong winds became too much for my body. I began to shiver more vigorously, my skin was cold to the touch and my face turned blue. I wasnt aware of this until Malia swallowed a shriek and becconed at Scott and Theo to check on me.

Before they could say anything and examine me further the bus arrived and i was first to barge my way to the back seats. The whole journey went by in a blur as i spent it staring out of the window and following the raindrops as they raced down the window. I smiled to myself appreciating the simple things.

By the time we arrived at the last stop on the bus' journey (the one furthest from Beacon hills) it was dark and cold. A short walk from the stop, was a small patch of grassy land where we were able to set up tents and start a fire. We warmed ourselves by the fire, it was useful to everyone but me as I was beginning to turn blue. It was just dark enough to go unnoticed until Theo came from his tent and brought a blanket to place around my shoulders. I smiled up at him gratefully and he sat an the log next to me.

After some food that Scott had hunted, and some boring small talk most of us became tired and slowly everyone went to sleep. Until it was just me, Stiles and Theo. I began to cough a little drawing both of their attention to me. They stared at me with wide eyes for a while when in that moment it became obvious that they had noticed.

"Jesus Cass what's happened to you, you look rough" Stiles said with a weak chuckle

"If you paid closer attention Stiles, you would be a bit more worried considering she's not healing and has only been getting worse since the other day" Theo stated dryly

"oh" he muttered in reply.

They both agreed to keep checking in on my health while they figured out what was wrong with me and if there was a cure. With that I went to sleep, well after threatening them aggressively enough that they promised not to alert the others. Tomorrow, we were to begin our journey it is estimated to take two days in total so I was sure I could make it till then.

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