part 8- bad news

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I open my eyes slowly with a throbbing pain in my head. My whole body ached but almost in a good way. I groaned as i got to my feet. After a few moments I finally thought to check out my surroundings. For miles in every direction trees towered over me, brown leaves covered any sign of a man-made pathway. In the midst of my searching, I began to hear a screeching noise coming towards me.

As i started to back away, i tripped up and fell back landing where i was lay when i first woke. I got up and turned around to see a large tree stump. Long, vein-like roots spread far into the opening. I gasped, and panicked as the shrieking noise got closer.

I felt a familiar pain in my eyes which meant they had changed colour, i felt the anger inside me rise. Quickly.

Just as i was ready to run, or attack, i felt strong arms wrap their way around my torso. I fought my way out of their grasp but of course, failed miserably. I continued to fight and kick until i heard him.
"Shh shh hey its me, its me"
"Theo?" I asked as i turned around and sure enough it was.

Immediately, I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in to his neck, sobbing violently. I collapsed into him, his strong arms reassuringly protecting me as i became vulnerable.
"I dont know whats happening to me, i feel strong but i feel dizzy, like im not real and keep blacking out, waking up in random places, Theo please help me!"

He stroked my hair and tucked a strand behind my ear. He grabbed my face with both hands and looked me in the eyes.
"I know its scary love, but im going to help you. I need you to do as i say okay? Can you do that for me?"

I nod.

"Its the only way" he said firmly

Before i could say anything, he was gone. I just sat beside the nemeton waiting for him to get back. I felt something when i was close to it, like i was getting stronger.


I ran quickly into Beacon hills, everyones scent was strongest in the hospital. Looks like Jordan hurt Stiles more than he planned to. I ran inside and smiled at Melissa who smiled back. I asked what room they were in and headed in.

There i saw everyone crowded around stiles in bed. He was awake and talking just recovering from a concusion which would mean he would be released once he had. Malia clutched Stiles' hand, scott did the same with the other. Kira half asleep in the chair with a fast asleep liam resting on her shoulder.

I coughed to gather their attention, plucking up the most sombre look i could muster.
"Guys, after me and Stiles arrived at Deatons yesterday and he suffered his injuries. Cass ran off. While you all followed after Stiles, i followed after Cass and i havent found her"

I managed to let a few tears escape before sighing.

Everyone in the room began to cry, Kira even ran outside for fresh air. I apologised for having to tell everyone the information and went to head out. Stiles asked me if i could tell him when i found her I shrugged and said
"I can try, but what if she doesnt want to be found"

I began to walk around Beacon hills for a while actually comprehending the chance that Cass could die from this training.

I began heading back towards Cass. I transitioned into my chimera self as i neared the edge of the forest that overlooked Beacon Hills. I ran quickly towards where she was. The sun was setting which was perfect.

As i neared the nemeton, her scent was distant and as i got there, i correctly presumed. She wasnt there. What the hell do i do now?

I transformed back, did she purposely disobey me? Or was she taken, is she hurt?

Sorry for the short part this time but i promise more is to come. Please recommend my story to your friends <3 - author

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