part 6-revelation

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I open my eyes again after what felt like months of sleep

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I open my eyes again after what felt like months of sleep. Maybe it was? I felt terrible shivers being sent through my body. My head hurt, pounding over and over again, I was still very drowsy barely able to keep my eyes open and no longer on the bed which I could see now, but rather lay on the cold, hard floor with no energy to move nor any desire to. Who knows what was beyond this room.

As I focused a little more, I could see another victim being tortured on the same bed. Multiple needles stuck in his arms and neck. He screamed, cried, and kicked his legs wildly in an attempt to survive. Is that what happened to me?

After ten painful minutes he stopped moving, not dead but certainly out cold. As the doctors turned around to face the way I was, I closed my eyes. I heard shackles being unfastened and a thud. I open one eye slightly and the boy was thrown next to me. Blood streaming out of his wounds. His breathing was shallow and pained.

I shut my eye again as the sound of whirring and machinery returned much louder than before. I heard four sets of footsteps echoing towards me and the boy. Two of which came behind me, and gripped me tightly by each arm. Their strong hands weren't that of a reassuring kind but it was painful. They began dragging me, I allowed my feet to do the same.

A few moments of disorientating movement later, I feel myself being thrown down in to a corner. It was damp and cold, very cold. I open my eyes and its a cave. Water droplets fall down my body, and I feel my body temperature drop, I begin to shiver and bring my knees into my chest to preserve heat. My breathing became staggered and difficult yet still stable.

The cave is small, claustrophobic even. There is a cage, metal bars as a door that only the doctors can open. The only view through the bars is a seemingly never- ending corridor. The doors that come off of it are either broken or blood stained.

The silence was deafening for only a matter of minutes, god I wish I cherished that a little more as soon every moment was filled with the shrieks of the doctor's new victims or rather experiments.

Because the surrounding darkness was unfamiliar I began to sob into my body, scared of how many weak people were in the cave, maybe it was just me and that boy. Maybe there were almost a hundred bodies surrounding the area.

As that thought evaporated, I felt a weight fall onto my shoulder. I couldn't see much but i felt a head and their hair falling behind my back. I struggled to look at them and gave up until I saw a phone slide across the floor from an opposite corner with its torch on. I picked it up gratefully and shone it on the face of who gave it to me, and it was the boy from before. He quickly informs me that he had managed to sneak it into his back pocket.

He smiled up at me, his condition was much worse than mine, he had a silver substance pooling at his lips, black circles under his eyes and a stench so strong it made my eyes water. He smelt like death. The energy it took him to prop himself up on his elbow and smile at me was almost too much and he slumped back down exhausted.

I made my way back over to the corner of the room to help the person that had fallen on to me.

When I passed the metal bars  i saw a shadow. I saw their feet and I continued to look up, until my eyes reached their face and I gasped. It was Theo.
"Who's theo?" The boy asked
"He's right there-" I said turning back to face the gate. He was gone. It happened during the time I spent on the doctor's table and again now. I keep seeing Theo, why is this happening if it isn't real?

I sit in my seat in the corner again and shine the torch on the person, checking their condition. I grabbed their arm and checked for a pulse. There wasn't one. I shifted away slowly, as I was disturbed by being so close to a dead person. I brought the torch up their face. My heart skipped a beat as I realised it was Hayden.

The boy spoke again, explaining that the dead or the "failures" were kept to use their preserved parts to make more of them. I began to panic, my heart raced and my breathing grew staggered. I felt a strong energy pool in my stomach, It began to rise and the urge to release it grew stronger. I felt like I had to scream so i did. I screamed as loud as I could, it shook the cave and visible ripples cascaded down the corridor. I continued to shriek until blood flowed out of my nose, ears and mouth.

Seconds of silence passed before the familiar whirring of doctors appeared through the gaps in the gates and collected me before dragging me back to the room I started in. The green glow lit up the features of the doctors.

As I looked around I saw a book called 'The Dread Doctors' lay on the table adjacent to me with an image of the Doctors on it as I was slammed into a chair. Chains and ropes tied around my feet and torso.

One of the doctors began to speak, it was a voice so hoarse it sounded equal to a car radio.
"You don't know what you are do you?"
I shuffled in my seat uncomfortably and shook my head in response.
"The wailing women, you have more power than I thought, you will prove to be  useful"
As i began to be released once again, the sound of an engine rumbled outside.

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