part 15- Peace

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I slowly turn my head in the direction they are gesturing, horrified i gasped, my arm flew over my mouth as the sight in front of me grew more and more alarming.

I took a deep breath to compose myself then signalled to the others to follow. To my surprise Scott didnt bother. Liam was throwing up in the bushes, gagging and crouching down as what we saw had weakened him. The thick, acidic bile assualted his throat as he started to shake out of exhaustion. Malia was too, her hair thick with sweat and body laced with bruises. Scott seemed fine but we both knew hed prioritise their health over mine.

"Guess im going alone" i said sulkily

"Guess so" scott replied

He chuckled to himself at how easily i had accepted his answer, as though he didnt expect it. He then told me that he would head back to beacon hills to inform the police department of what we had found. That it was my job to support Cassie and convince her to come home.

I nodded.

"Before we go, if you need help, if youre in danger howl. I will recognise it" scott said in an demanding tone

"How" i asked. He knows i hate howling

"Because as much as we all hate to admit it, youre in our pack Theo. As much as we say we hate you instinct tells us that if we found you in danger we would try and save you no matter what. So swalllow your pride and howl. Please" he said in a softer tone

I smiled before i ran off into the light of the early hours of the morning. I turned to head towards where i smelt Cassie and thats when i saw the severity of it. Now i know why Liam reacted so badly. My heart jumped out of my chest.

I began to walk around the couple dozen corpses that lay carelessly disgarded into piles. Hearts ripped out of their chests, brain bashed out with a rock, blood pooling around them signifying which ones are fresh.

Some corpses even had a head or limb removed and tossed to lay with another random body. Half of beacon hills lay dead in a forest because of Cassie. Why would she do this? What made her do this?

All these question flooded my mind as i approached her. She hadnt noticed me. She was sat on the edge of the cliff crying. I saw that her eyes were a dark black reflecting the moonlight.

This was the first time i had seen her express emotion in what can only be described as weeks. When she noticed me she said "help.." in a soft voice clearly exhausted.

In the space of a second however, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as a pained expression swept across her face. Before long her eyes returned to the emotionless blank stare that i had unfortunately gotten used to. At that she immediately pounced back, hissing and snarling. She was making up her mind whether to back away or attack.

Without my knowledge, she had made up her mind. She began swiping through the air at me claws extended and covered in a thick layer of dried blood. She caught my chest and i growled in pain.

She cut me again and again, i swallowed the pain and refused to leave without Cassie and let Scott know that i couldnt handle it on my own. I had to prove to him that i could.

A while later, i collapsed against a rock clutching my side, healing incredibly slowly. I had had enough. I gathered the remaining droplets of energy i had and howled shaking the forest and the smaller habitants.

Cassie looked clearly startled and i took that moment of vulnerability to charge at her at full speed. I did just that and tackled her to the ground. She struggled and fought under my weight. I almost got too weak and let her escape but just in time Scott, liam, Derek and peter had arrived. Growling with glowing eyes. They hit cassie hard enough to knock her out and carried her into Stiles' jeep that they had taken.

"Why did you have to knock her out! That was a little aggressive dont you think?" I said angrily

"No because if i hadn't, you or your little girlfriend would be dead. Probably you as she was seconds away from ripping your throat apart" said Derek firmly

The rest of the car journey i spent every second gazing at Cassie as she looked ever so peaceful. For the first time, in a while i was able to have looked at her and seen her true beauty.

We finally arrived at her house, i used my old key that i was going to return, to open the front door. We placed Cassie down on her bed and placed a tower of blankets in order to keep her warm.

The clothes she left in were hanging around her skin in tatters so we left clean clothes, some decent food and water by her bed.

We took turns to watch her and unfortunately it was during my turn that she woke up.

With a gasp her eyes shot open and she sat upright. With heavy, uneven breaths she began to scan the room. Her eyes flickered from her human eyes to shades of orange. Then she looked me dead in the eyes as her eyes turned to her human brown. She whispered my name before screaming in agony. She screamed my name angrily and attempted to jump at me. Derek had chained her to the bed luckily.

I shouted for help as Cass screamed in both pain and fury, i felt weak. I had finally rescued her but at what cost?

The gang came running upstairs clearly shaken, this caused Cassie to get more defensive and aggressive due to her overwhelming fear. She hissed and snarled furiously

She was getting out of hand and we needed to do something.

"Kira just do it" Liam said
"I cant, i just cant she could die!" Kira said trying to appeal. She began to hyperventilate
"DO IT, NOW" i shouted as Cassie prepared to jump at me again.

Kira panicked and hesitated but as my words sunk in she knew it was the only option we had and swiftly jabbed her sword right into her leg. Her sword began to glow a shade of orange as Cassie fell unconscious. With her eyes closed, we thought it was all over. But of course it wasnt. Her body began to convulse, her back arched as a bright light sparked from her leg. Kiras sword finally shattered into the seperate parts. And the world was silent.

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