part 16- forgive and forget

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I gulp, my heart pounding in my chest, Cassie began to groan and cower against the light i breathed a sigh of relief. She attempted to sit up straight but struggled with her own strength so Scott and I rushed to her side and helped her up.

" ugh why cant i sit up on my own, why do i feel like i got hit by a bus" she groaned

No one responded.

As she continued to ramble on, one thing she said stuck out which made me realise there was a bigger problem.

"Also why am i in bed? I dont remember getting here, i was in the bathroom and i didn't go to sleep?"

Shit. She didnt remember anything. When i opened my mouth to speak, she fully digested my presence in the room and immediately looked disgusted.

"Get him out of my room right now before i scream and do something i regret" she said firmly

"Cassie he helped you, its time to forgive him Cass hes doing good" Scott said. He didnt mean most of it but if it kept the peace i wasnt going to argue

At that she growled and started swiping her claws at me

"Oh shit not again" i said under my breath as i tried to dodge her swings. I said it a bit too loud as cassie heard and in an instant my mind filled with regret. Scott shot me a look of daggers as i knew i had messed up.

"Again? Theo what do you mean" she stuttered

I pulled my shirt down to reveal scars across my collarbone which had just finished healing, they were before large and deep gashes.

Her eyes shot open in regret and guilt

"I-im so sorry Theo i had no idea that I did that?" she said confused

I nodded to her before looking down

"When? How?  it hurts my head make it stop" she whispered while shaking and clutching her head.

"Cass calm down it's okay i will explain just calm down for me okay?" I whispered gently

Her rapid breathing showed no sign of slowing down, her eyes darted across the room at all of the concerned faces. In an instant she had ran out of the room in tears.

I went to follow after her but Scott grabbed my arm with a firm grip.

"Dont" he said, "youll traumatize her more let her work it out on her own"

"No scott, I know her better than anyone, she will tear herself apart and fill in the gaps in her memory with whatever her brain decides which will be worse" i replied slightly aggressively

Scott nodded looking defeated.

"Im going to tell her that her mom left not that shes dead, if the cops find her mom's body she will learn of her death then, she will not know that she did it" i said

"Well i suppose thats the best plan that we have got" he sighed

Regardless of his reaction i was willing to try anything to save her.

I left her house in a frenzy of thoughts, do i shout her name? Or would that scare her off and anger her? Before i came to a conclusion i heard the sound of soft sobs echo through the greenary that sat behind her house.

A tranquil stream ran through the countryside beside where she was sat. She leant against a large, lone tree with her knees tucked into her chest.

I approach her and say her name delicately to which she responds with an equally as defeated "go away".

I dont respond verbally but rather sat beside her in silence for a while. I planned to speak but of course she beat me to it.

"Whats happening to me Theo?" She said as she looked on the verge of setting off her tears again.

I sat and began to explain everything. I then got to the part about her mother and described her disapperance as her giving up on her mom duties and running away with some guy. This seemed to hurt her the least as it was mostly predictable. For the first time in a while she sighed and smiled at me.

"Thanks for clearing that up Theo things finally make sense it feeks incredible" 

I simply smiled back before she carried on.

" I will never forget what you did, you know that but im willing to be civil with you, keep the peace, okay?" She said her smile slowly falling.

"Thanks Cass, i dont expect your forgiveness but just know that one day you will understand why, please keep that in mind"

She nodded, kissed my forehead and ran across the field back inside the house. I sat stunned for a while.

It was then that i saw it. They had finally caught up.

Love And War-Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now