part 3- the picnic

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I ran home already feeling my transformation, as a new supernatural it's hard for me to control myself but I immediately head for the forest in order to protect myself and others. I chain myself up to a large tree. I grow frustrated. An incurable anger, hunger for blood and death bubbling in me. It was insatiable.

I growled and snarled, fighting to get out of the chains.
"how do I control this?" I say to myself becoming weaker and willing to give in.
"Find an anchor" i heard someone whisper.

There was no one there.

I close my eyes and think of Cass, the way she looked when I kissed her, how shocked she looked, how stupid I was to do it and eventually I calm down as I'm overwhelmed with guilt instead. I contemplate on whether i should talk to her, or rather ignore her and allow this all to die down. Either way i had to focus on getting through the full moon.


The following week, Cass walks into school and approaches her locker where the whole group is there
"Hey Cass, I have some gossip to tell you!" Stiles exclaims happily
"Yeah?" She replies failing to reciprocate the energy
"Me and malia went to a new level in our relationship, looks like them XXL condoms finally came in handy" he states with a wink
"Oh hunny if its extra anything itll be extra small" she smirked then walked off.
Stiles gasps shocked and rather insulted but laughs it off
"Someones in a bad mood" scott says to liam

Cass walks up to Theo and smiles, he quickly slams his locker shut and begins to walk off. Cass grabs his sleeve and pulls him back. Annoyed he goes to speak but Cass quickly places her lips on his to shut him up. They kiss in rhythm for a few seconds. Cass pulls away.
"That doesn't mean anything more than me telling you to stop being a dumbass"
Theo smiles
"I did that to show that what you did the other night wasn't something to avoid me over, its okay" she smiles back at him.

Theo wraps his arm around her shoulder as they walk to class. He was relieved it was cleared up, but he began to wonder what it would be like if they were dating, He had become increasingly stressed and depressed recently so was worried about becoming a burden to her.

During that class, Cass passed a note to Theo about meeting after school, to talk and sort out some things. He nods and smiles towards her before resting his head in his arms on the desk for the rest of the class.

At the end of the day, Cass ran off towards the park behind the school. She sat on the hill after picking up a few snacks for the both of them. She sat patiently awaiting his arrival.

I lay out a blanket and some snacks, I thought that perhaps a distraction and a show of appreciation to Theo would make our friendship a little better. My mixed signals certainly wouldnt be helping him. I do like him, I just struggle with allowing myself to open up. I doubt I'd open up to him either.

Some time passed, 2 hours exactly and Theo was no where to be seen so I leave all the nice things out and stand up to leave in Hopes that he'd arrive and see how nicely I'd made things, and he missed it.

I had walked a few metres away when I hear a voice shout my name followed by panting. I turn to see Theo, I roll my eyes a little peeved that he has taken so long but I sit anyway. He sits beside me and looks at me apologetically. I sigh and ask why hes so late.
"I- I'm sorry I just had a few things to deal with"
I sighed a little confused and turned away to offer him some food, by the time i had turned back his eyes were filled with tears. I froze in shock not knowing how to respond, tears began to flow now and I went to comfort him but he turned his face embarrassed.

I grab his chin and pull his face to look at me, he sobs and I wipe his tears, holding his hand allowing him to calm himself. He sniffles before turning to me.
"My parents found out that I had a boyfriend last year but he died and now I cant go home, they know I'm Bi Cass, im an abomination, they cant even look at me, my father hates me!"
"Oh God Theo I'm so sorry but I know he doesnt hate you, it's just a big thing to learn. You're safe with me, hey why dont you stay the night with me?"

He sniffles and nods
"I'd like that" he smiles and leans in to kiss me, I kiss him back. It becomes passionate quickly and ends sweetly. We pull away and he rests his head on my shoulder.
"Please forget about this Cass, I've never broken down like that to anyone before"

I smiled and stroked his hair, he looked tired and drained his emotions higher than ever. We stood up and walked home, he climbed through my window again and lay down in my bed while I changed. He looked around my room at the pictures of people in my life above my bed. I returned from the bathroom and saw his inquiring face. He pointed to my father, I looked down and replied with, " hes absent"

He nods apologetically. He points at some old friends and family members before my ex boyfriend. I sighed and looked down at my feet refusing to answer, I hadn't the confidence to take that down just yet, I reassured him I'd explain later. The subject was too delicate right now. I lay next to him and and watched over him as he drifted to sleep.

I appreciated his vulnerability and never thought id see him cry so soon into knowing him. I never imagined hed be bisexual either but knowing he was able to admit it despite his reputation, made me proud. I was falling for him.

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